IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d zero hop connection to outproxy spiked at 40Mb/s on
RN *** is scared of zero hops ***
dr|z3d trust the service operator, no issue.
dr|z3d I have better things to do with my time than sniff packets on the outproxies.
RN heheh
RN hey we have that 'create reseed file' thing... is there a way to make a reseed file with all of a routers known, not just 100?
itsjustme i2p+trust seems a little odd to me
RN to clarify, I want to harvest all the know from one of my routers, and kickstart a new one with the file
dr|z3d just copy ~/.i2p/netDb/ over.
RN what is this i2p+trust you speak of?
RN that won't copy the donor router's info?
dr|z3d doesn't matter, it's just another routerid.
dr|z3d if you're asking will it change the router id of the recipient router, the answer is no.
dr|z3d you can also do a search for all *.dat files in that dir, zip them up without the associated dirs, and then extract to ~/.i2p/
RN ok
RN thanks
RN *** makes a note ***
dr|z3d either way, don't use the resident reseed zip feature in the console, that will limit the number of RIs you can import.
dr|z3d you can also add to your list of reseed hosts if you want another source.
dr|z3d reset the list first, then add.
dr|z3d coconut and banana reseed hosts are a bit special. you get 100 RI's instead of the usual 77, and the RIs you receive are higher quality than normal. recent versions only, nothing less than N class.
dr|z3d it's a side effect of the way I2P+ stores router infos. we don't bother writing the crud to disk.
Anomaly mother fucker
Anomaly i dont have +v in i2p-dev
Anomaly *** formally requests +v from zzz in query ***
RN_ did you have it before and it is now gone?
Anomaly i have to identify myself with my nick pajamas to get +v as anomaly
RN_ yep
Anomaly but doing that is a major pain in the ass
Anomaly for me
RN_ did you group anomoly and pajamas
Anomaly nothing makes me want to choke people out harder than having to identify myself as pajamas
RN_ hahah
Anomaly yea i did group
Anomaly its just doesnt work for me
RN_ hmmm
RN_ not sure why
RN_ are you trying to get away from the old nick?
Anomaly maybe i want to go with a nick that sounds more formal
Anomaly i just like anomaly better than pajamas
Anomaly no special required reason why im going away from pajamas
Reinhilde Anomaly: try ns set accountname i think?
RN well, my nick that is regstered is ReturningNovice, but I actually log into the server with RN which is grouped with it, and nickserv works fine.
Anomaly how do i do ns ?
RN you are currently authed with nickserv right?
Anomaly its not working
Anomaly you mean /msg nickserv ?
RN it is better if it works without msg
Anomaly i guess im not authorized with nickserv
Anomaly yea i did it without nickserv and it didnt work
RN just
RN /nickserv pajamas $PAJAMAPASS
RN your irc client doesn't handle nickserv for you?
Anomaly it says Error: unknown command "/nickserv" (type /help for help)
Anomaly yea im on weechat
RN mm.
RN mummer, then use /msg nickserv …
RN but that isn't the source of your difficulties with nickserv
Anomaly yea msg unfortunately doesnt work
Anomaly lol now your starting to understand my frustration
RN what about /querry nickserv …
Anomaly no that doesnt work
RN hmmm
RN well I don't know weechat.
RN I like a little more gui usually
Anomaly yea thats fine
Anomaly everyone has their own preference
RN and my nickserv is actually handled by my bouncer
Anomaly right
RN been rediscovering the fun of all that configuration the last few days
not_bob I use 0 hop tunnels. But, on my own services.
not_bob I see some of us survived the irc crash
RN yeah I might use 0hp if I was making an I2P tunnel from my laptop to my lair when away
not_bob I use them to ssh into places.
RN like an ssh wrapped in I2P garlic
RN nom nom nom
not_bob Yep, exactly.
RN ding ding
Anomaly ssh wrapped in i2p garlic ?
Reinhilde You know you're in trouble when you find the secret Linux kernel
not_bob Anomaly: You can ssh through i2p
Anomaly your funny rn
Reinhilde /nickserv IDENTIFY pajamas pajamas
Anomaly not_bob: i never knew that
Anomaly thats insane
RN yes, I used to do that
not_bob Pretty much any service really.
Reinhilde (second pajamas would be the p/w)
Anomaly so like ssh encryption inside i2p encryptoin ?
Anomaly what does p/w mean lol ?
RN I used to do that from my android mobile
not_bob Anomaly: Ehh, the ssh part isn't really needed at that point. But, yeah.
RN when at work
Reinhilde p/w = password
not_bob I do it when mobile.
Reinhilde sure, why would you use telnet over i2p for shell?
not_bob Reinhilde: Then it would be easy for someone to brute force in.
RN the ssh brought port forwards all set up with eep, irc, etc tunnels ssh-forwarded
not_bob ssh + key based auth only.
Anomaly doesnt telnet have 0 security ?
RN shit
RN yes I forgot the identify
not_bob Important!
Anomaly yea like telnet is really old technology
Reinhilde not_bob: That's what i mean lol
not_bob telnet is still useful.
not_bob But, only for testing.
Anomaly i mean now if your doing telnet+i2p, thats another story
Reinhilde Anomaly: Telnet has only transport security. On plain ethernet/Internet, that means nothing.
not_bob Anomaly: No, telnet is still insecure. Brute force.
Reinhilde like it has the inherent security of the underlying transport
Reinhilde and by security i mean data privacy
not_bob wireshark!
Anomaly yea i know wireshark
Anomaly ive used it but not really
not_bob *** loves him some wireshark. ***
Anomaly i played with it, but never really studied it hard
not_bob Super useful.
not_bob I use it often for fun.,
RN with the soon to be deprictaed BOB you could telnet into the BOB api and make tunnels and stuff
not_bob That makes me sad.
Anomaly im a good boy, i dont sniff other peoples packets
Anomaly im srs
not_bob serious?
Anomaly yea serious
not_bob I'm not a good boy :)
Anomaly srs/serious
not_bob But, I'm not evil either.
RN are you serial?
not_bob Killer?
Anomaly serial
Anomaly ceral
Anomaly r u fucking ceraal
Anomaly cereal
Anomaly yea serial killers
not_bob I am not a serial killer.
RN cereal killers
RN nom nom nom
Anomaly im not a serial killer either
RN *** seems to be hungry ***
not_bob I'm glad we have that cleared up.
not_bob I am a jump site though!
not_bob My jump site got about half the hits that the main one did in the last year.
not_bob This router seems to be running very slowly.
RN if only I could remember the piece I am missing making SAM listen for LAN machines so I can run biglybit on this new router
RN aloha Reinhilde
Reinhilde the jet engine test succeeded, anyway
Reinhilde is umbrellix down4u rn?
RN it was, let me check
RN may take a bit to connect, if it does
RN you were involved in a jet engine test?
RN_ still no umbrellix connection
parabo itsjustme, dr|z3d RN Reinhilde not_bob_afk
dr|z3d hi parabo
parabo what's up dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d oh, you know, the usual. you?
itsjustme Hey parabo
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
dr|z3d hi itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d, dealing with Marcus
dr|z3d Marcus? one of your birds?
parabo yeah dr|z3d
parabo Marcus is a Moluccan Cockatoo\
dr|z3d sounds like a handful
parabo haha, yep
parabo More like an ear full
dr|z3d get those ear muffs on.
parabo also he ate the couch and TV stand... and yesterday he learned the baseboards and cabinets are wood and he can chew the fuck out of them
parabo I'm not sure anyone makes noise protection that is graded for a cockatoo
parabo 130-145dB
dr|z3d sure it is.
parabo louder than a jet engine. lousdest animals on earth
parabo Bob has Bumblefoot
parabo $3600 vet bill
Reinhilde my new server is only 68db
parabo Every 10dB is an order of magnitude larger than the previous 10
dr|z3d sure. sound levels are exponential, not linear.
parabo My conures are out of control
parabo The pearly conures... The sun conures are in the nest box with eggs
parabo These beasts
parabo dr|z3d, buy parrots
parabo they are so appealing don't you think?
parabo Reinhilde, what specs is server?
dr|z3d sure, if your aim in life is deafness.
parabo Have you seen Cobra Kai dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d I've got a good recommendation for you. Finch.
parabo It's a TV series continuing the Karate Kid movies. Started on YouTube, got bought by NetFlox
Reinhilde lenovo X3550 M5 type 8869 with a dented lid. xeon e5v4-2609 1.7 8c8t (soon changing to dual e5v3-2640), 8gb ram (soon to upgrade to 16 per node), pcie risers missing (so no wifi or graphics for WS use), 8 drive sata/sas raid controller (of which 4 ports are available (other 4 aren't broken out)
parabo I am busy watching bullshit Karate on NetFlix
parabo What is Finch about?
Reinhilde the ram is ddr4, but also registered and does ecc.
dr|z3d Tom Hanks in a post-apocalyptic world with a dog and a robot for travelling companions. very good.
parabo No parrot?
parabo Marcus comes with me all over the place now
parabo I need a robot though. But robots need power... and COTA with Boston Dynamic enhancements only does 30m radius at full power
dr|z3d well, you'll enjoy that movie fo' sure.
parabo I refuse
itsjustme parabo: how many birds do you have now?
parabo um...
parabo I don't even fucking know
parabo Let me think
parabo More than 100... I dunno man
parabo I mean, birds birds birds birds
itsjustme That's a lot
parabo Lol, sure
parabo itsjustme, want a cockatoo?
itsjustme I can't lol
itsjustme I can't take care of a bird like that
parabo Why not?
parabo Why not?
itsjustme To much responsibility
parabo it's no more responsibility than having a special needs kid that never grows up