IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz orignal, have you resolved all your issues with receiving retransmitted session confirmed? I had a failure 3 hours ago with xZ9n, please check
zzz orignal, saw a i2pd with an introducer, failed:
zzz Router: bfP5GO2sib9XFAEesFOl8nVnlLbl2aAmROZjSd2Xl9Q=
zzz Published:5 min ago
zzz Addresses:NTCP2: cost: 3 host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf i: ueSzdnbc-dvjQ4TV9ghIVw== port: 12706 s: 2nfD3qQ5fjchVjKkm1ASV76Xm2P1QWDcuzJoJrAZ7Wk= v: 2
zzz SSU: cost: 9 caps: BC host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf key: 8tMU6x5ONEXUTn0In84aXqTHBO10aZj3z8qgnIukIZo= mtu: 1488 port: 12706
zzz SSU2: cost: 8 caps: BC host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf i: AQWSvgfv6Cq1xYNZAWMbNDqvUm-fCAkcSCf4yL8YbVs= iexp0: 1658794523 ih0: PeGQYGMUrVKd2-mutjrXYTgTaNmWIydLvrMzCgx0NCk= itag0: 265761063 mtu: 1488 port: 12707 s: 6G92bbxHwxQj3eQJdXouDrd~v66~e4ZCL2rbp10uVB0= v: 2 Router: bfP5GO2sib9XFAEesFOl8nVnlLbl2aAmROZjSd2Xl9Q=
zzz Addresses:NTCP2: cost: 3 host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf i: ueSzdnbc-dvjQ4TV9ghIVw== port: 12706 s: 2nfD3qQ5fjchVjKkm1ASV76Xm2P1QWDcuzJoJrAZ7Wk= v: 2
zzz SSU: cost: 9 caps: BC host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf key: 8tMU6x5ONEXUTn0In84aXqTHBO10aZj3z8qgnIukIZo= mtu: 1488 port: 12706
zzz SSU2: cost: 8 caps: BC host: 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf i: AQWSvgfv6Cq1xYNZAWMbNDqvUm-fCAkcSCf4yL8YbVs= iexp0: 1658794523 ih0: PeGQYGMUrVKd2-mutjrXYTgTaNmWIydLvrMzCgx0NCk= itag0: 265761063 mtu: 1488 port: 12707 s: 6G92bbxHwxQj3eQJdXouDrd~v66~e4ZCL2rbp10uVB0= v: 2
zzz > date --date='@1658794523'
zzz Mon Jul 25 08:15:23 PM EDT 2022
zzz > date
zzz Tue Jul 26 09:54:51 AM EDT 2022
zzz the RI was published 5 minutes ago, but the introducer expired 25 hours ago
orignal what's an issue?
orignal so iExp is wrong?
zzz orignal, issue 1: had a failure after retransmitting session confirmed to xZ9n. Do you still have problems with getting data messages before session confirmed?
orignal it should be resolved
zzz issue 2: iEXP is 25 hours old even though RI was published 5 minutes ago
orignal I just drop them
zzz re: issue 1, please check logs on xZ9n from about 5 1/2 hours ago
orignal doing now
orignal what time approximately?
zzz 6:29:56 AM today our time
orignal 06:29:35@220/error - SSU2: No SSU2 address with static key found in SessionConfirmed
orignal can you check your static key?
orignal I will add RI where it comes from
orignal but I have tonns of such messages now
zzz [s] = [O7EzKQpOIQffYq5jX4ZmeyYXncw2Zou3ad60Kgx1cD4=]
zzz shouldn't have changed
zzz and that was 20 seconds before I sent the session request, probably wasn't me
zzz and you said xZ9n is 1500 MTU, right?
zzz all I see from here is same old story, retransmitted session confirmed 3x, retransmitted data 3x, gave up
orignal the problem is that I don't see any errors in the log
orignal simply means that I send messages back but you don't reeive it
orignal but this static key error
orignal any idea why is it?
zzz maybe very old java routers, but if you get tons, probably not that
zzz I don't have any of those errors
orignal almost every minute
zzz so I suggest you print out the full RI and static key in the logs... if it's every minute it won't be hard to figure out :)
orignal yes, I'm going to
orignal start seeing it recently
zzz once-a-minute problems are easy :)
orignal also about xZ9n
orignal if you try to open from clearner
orignal you can see how slow it is
orignal it seems overall badnwidth or network issue there
orignal fix that iExp issue
obscuratus zzz: On my testing network (running 1.8.0-13, SSU2 enabled), I've got several hundred warnings like this:
obscuratus packet too short 35 on [fd40:39b0:31ab:0:0:0:0:115]:28115 PCTZF9 IB2 recvAge: 6m sendAge: 6m sendAttemptAge: 6m sendACKAge: 132s lifetime: 6m RTT: 150 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1488 cwin: 4902 acwin: 4902 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 6 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 17/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
obscuratus Oops, I cut off the top.
obscuratus Jul 26, 2022, 6:27:24 PM WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Inbound packet too short 35 on [fd40:39b0:31ab:0:0:0:0:115]:28115 PCTZF9 IB2 recvAge: 6m sendAge: 6m sendAttemptAge: 6m sendACKAge: 132s lifetime: 6m RTT: 150 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1488 cwin: 4902 acwin: 4902 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 6 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 17/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0
obscuratus I get them both on IPv4 and IPv6
orignal 2RRY ipv4 publishes introducers now
orignal and ih0 is you
orignal btw, ipv4 introducer through ipv6 connection