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zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
zzz ok that's 1)
zzz 2) is I owe you an answer on NTCP2 clock skew
orignal and 3. frequent disconnects here
zzz ping zlatinb
eyedeekay Oh it all just showed up at once for me. Hi
zzz ok disconnects is 3) but I think we may want to postpone that to a separate meeting
zzz 1) SSU2
zlatinb I'm here
orignal no problem we don't need to discuss 3
zzz I haven't done anything on SSU2, been working on other things. I promised to do the header protection keys KDF
zzz hopefully will get to that soon
orignal I start coding handshakes
zzz nice
zzz anybody have anything else to report about SSU2?
eyedeekay Nothing here
orignal not too much
zzz ok. apologies for not getting to the header keys, will let you know when I do
orignal no problem. I'm not at that stage yet anyway
zzz yeah, I just want to keep things moving forward
zzz 2) NTCP2 clock skew
zzz our code is a mess and confusing
zzz took me a while
orignal how do I handle it properly?
zzz but I think as Bob we usually just disconnect
zzz after message 1
orignal e.g. I receive SessionRequest with wrong timestamp
orignal yes that's the problem
zzz but there's two tests, one after msg 1 and one after msg 3.
orignal say I'm Alice with clock skew
zzz the msg 3 test is a little tighter.
orignal but Bob just disconnects me and I don't know about my clock skew
orignal please tell me
zzz So sometimes, msg 1 passes, and then after msg 3, bob will send a destroy message with reason code 7
orignal what Bib should do after 1 and after 3?
zzz but that's usually only if the skew is 60 or 61 seconds
zzz and as alice, will always disconnect after msg 2
orignal what's the threshold for 1 and for 3?
zzz +/- 60 seconds
orignal then what's a difference?
zzz or maybe 61 seconds for msg 1, 60 seconds for msg 3
zzz there's some rounding
orignal what just 1 second?
zzz looks like a bug to me
zzz like I was in the middle of deciding what to do, and I left both sets of code in
orignal then why do you even need to check after 3?
zzz also, I didn't find any guidance in proposal 111 on what we should do
orignal what is 111?
zzz NTCP2
zzz so, if you want to be nice, you go through the whole handshake and then send a destroy
zzz if you don't want to be nice, just disconnect after message 1
orignal send msg 2 and discoonect
orignal it will let Alice know about troubles
zzz it looks like I couldn't decide and I left both parts of the code in
zzz but there's no place to put a reason code in msg 2.
orignal you don;t need a reason
orignal you send your own ts in 2
zzz then how does alice know?
orignal alice receives SessionCreated
orignal find clock skew
orignal in it
zzz oh, the timestamp, yes
orignal and since connectiin is closed she knows the reason is clock skew
zzz you're +/- 30 or 60 right now?
orignal let me check
orignal const int NTCP2_CLOCK_SKEW = 60; // in seconds
zzz I'm still not 100% sure I even understand what my code is doing
orignal mine just closes connection
zzz may have to do some testing
zzz either way I also ban the peer for a while, so even if alice fixes the clock, she won't be able to connect
zzz I think
orignal that's not right
zzz maybe not
zzz that's all the info I have right now, I'll do some experiments and logging
orignal so back to original question
orignal how can we detect own closk skew
zzz if we send back msg 2, that would do it. There's also SSU
orignal so should we?
zzz we feed all the times from all the peers into our clock calculation
zzz and we will set our clock from the first peer we connect to
orignal if we can
orignal and we can't in case of NTCP2 now
zzz we always prefer SSU at startup
zzz so we can do reachability tests
orignal me too
zzz and get introducers if we need it
orignal well I detect clock skew
orignal but don't adjust time
zzz so I don't think it's a big problem
orignal will try to fix
zzz but sure, message 2 would be good, and I need to make sure I understand my own code (((
orignal so I change Bob's code
orignal always send msg 2 if clock skew
orignal and then close connection
zzz yeah, although if the same alice keeps trying, you'll need to ban anyway to not spend all your time doing DH
zzz let's put it on the agenda for next week, hopefully I'll be smarter
zzz anything else on 2) ?
orignal DH in NTCP2 is nothing
orignal about 3. looks it started happening after postman got his services back
Irc2PGuest47872 meeting over
R4SAS we was netspltted
eyedeekay Yeah that was inopportune
R4SAS 19:58:27 <~zzz> anything else on 2) ?
R4SAS 19:58:59 <+orignal> DH in NTCP2 is nothing
eyedeekay I don't think I have anything to add, but if one has to block based on skew how long does that have to last? It doesn't seem like it would necessarily need to be that long
R4SAS 19:59:04 <+orignal> no
R4SAS 20:03:17 <+orignal> about 3. looks it started happening after postman got his services back
R4SAS at same time I asked on ilita:
R4SAS 20:02:07 <~R4SAS> zzz: I didn't see 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 tag on GH
eyedeekay Tags are there now
R4SAS huh, t/o-ed me
eyedeekay The if the sync script ever encounters an error it pushes branches before it pushes the tags, so every once in a while they get out of sync, if that happens I just rerun that step
eyedeekay Or wait for the cron job to do it
eyedeekay Script seems to be working when I run it myself, weird that it would be broken that long when running in the background...
zzz eyedeekay, that's why docker never updated, which I noticed but never bothered to mention to anybody :(
zzz oh well, 8 weeks later...
eyedeekay That's my bad, I run the sync script, I'll get it going on a second machine and make it do some retrying, maybe log where it fails for a change...
zzz might also trigger some of the other downstreams like *BSD, who know
eyedeekay Right now all I get is a flood of pretty non-descriptive cron mail
eyedeekay Which is my fault, I wrote the script
zzz lol