IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz china/0.9.58 botnet vanished a few hours ago, java expl. build success now highest since late 2022
orignal yes, same here
orignal even of floodfills
orignal Routers: 12279
orignal zzz could you remind what you do with publishing and lookups around UTC midnight?
zzz I don't think we do anything special on lookups, but just before midnight we publish to both old and new closest ff.
orignal what's the threshold?
zzz the time threshold?
zzz stand by, looking...
orignal e.g. "before midnight"
zzz correction, the publishers don't do anything special. It's the floodfill, it _floods_ to both old and new
orignal at what time?
zzz threshold: 45 minutes before midnight for RI, 10 minutes for LS
zzz and we flood to 3 old closest (as usual) and 2 new closest
orignal so you flood to 6 routers in 45 minuntes before minight
orignal got it
zzz I'm the first one, I flood to 5 more, yes
orignal thanks
orignal will do the same
orignal so it's only on floodfilld. no publishing no requests on regular routers?
zzz I don't remember doing a lot of testing of it, looks like I did it 10 years ago
zzz correct, nothing special on regular routers. The floodfill does it, just flooding to both old and new
zzz are you seeing problems at midnight?
orignal Vort notices connection spikes near UTC midnight
orignal we are trying to anaylyze what causes it
zzz ok, let us know if you find out more
orignal at least it explains
zzz maybe
zzz are the spikes just before, or just after midnight? makes a difference...
orignal flood connection doubled
orignal not sure
zzz ++Vort, doing good work as usual
zzz we knew about China, but somebody had mentioned maybe it was in Iran also?
zzz I hadn't realized that the botnet was 2/3 of the global 0.9.58 fleet, but stats overnight make it clear
zzz we should consider increasing our tunnel/ff minimums to 0.9.59 in case it comes back
dr|z3d yeah, Iran was huge at one point.
dr|z3d It's still pretty large in the scheme of things.
dr|z3d only US has more routers from the pov of one of my routers right now.
zzz never saw "huge", currently about 4% of net for me, didn't vanish with the Chinese overnight
zzz may just be a reaction to ISP fuckery I've seen reported on twitter
zzz eyedeekay, about time for you to followup on the Monero CCS MR? suggested points to make:
dr|z3d almost exclusively P tier, with a spread of versions.
zzz 1) yes it's really us, for proof see @i2p on twitter or zzz.i2p post
zzz 2) we're not experts in your CCS process, the CCS was suggested to us by Paul Janowitz on twitter, who projected it would be rapidly approved and funded
dr|z3d (and very few floodfills, single figure, all of which appear to be XU)
zzz 3) we've been pushing SAMv3 at your kons and meetups for several years, without success, this is our last and final attempt
zzz EOT
zzz dr|z3d, looking at caps distribution in strict countries is always tricky because you're only seeing i2pd since java is hidden, and i2pd doesn't publish all the tiers java does
dr|z3d yeah, this smells funny. 99% PR, versions from 0.9.53 - 0.9.62.
zzz so the caps distribution always looks weird to us
dr|z3d out of ~500 routers, I counted 3 non-U ffs, all P tier.
dr|z3d and yeah, it all looks pretty weird.
orignal implemented
orignal but what's the model of the attack?
orignal still not clear