IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Upload to the mirror is taking a really long time, but you can get it from github: if you would rather get it fast
zzz ok, will do that. Add it to the checklist to tell me if it's not in there ))
zzz got it, I'm ready, flippa da switch when you are
eyedeekay ETA about 20 minutes for the rest of the upload and signing all the feeds
zzz and I'm back to 2.6.0, time for an MR
eyedeekay Awesome :)
zzz dont let me distract you, do your thing
eyedeekay Files are there, now for the news and the website
zzz eyedeekay, I don't know if it's used for anything, but the date in releases.json was not updated
eyedeekay Ack, fixing it
zzz first report I've had of any issues with keepalive, but I'm not surprised there's a bug in there somewhere, it's pretty complex
maggotbrain zzz, I just enabled that custom option and what I reported isn't a problem any more on that service. I'll revert it back to defaults though.
maggotbrain When you dig into it after putting out any other fires that may be more urgent, I'll be happy to apply any patches you come up with in order to test.
maggotbrain (since I've got an easily reproducible "test case")
zzz ok thanks for testing
orignal we will make "point release" next week
maggotbrain No problems with testing. As mentioned, I cannot reproduce it with vanilla I2P using Chrome. I don't know when it might have started to be a problem with Firefox, I haven't gotten that far with testing.