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tennis2 Hmm. I don't see any html in that i2psnark.war file. I'll need to come back to this.
dr|z3d it's a bit more complex than html, tennis2. you'll be dealing with java.
dr|z3d if you're running I2P+, you can override the css with your own css file to hide elements of the UI you don't want to see, but a toggle is going to take some coding.
tennis2 I'm not too scared of Java, does java handle the HTML if you want to export your program for a browser!
tennis2 I didn't know that but I suppose it makes sense.
dr|z3d that's where all the html happens.
dr|z3d torrent deletion is a 2 stage process, in any event, so you shouldn't need to hide the buttons as long as you have javascript enabled for i2psnark.
dr|z3d and no, checkbox toggle alone won't help you hide all the buttons.
dr|z3d you'll need to use javascript.
tennis2 dr|z3d, its a special hack you can effectively hide anything, entire menus etc. My thinking is have only one eject button at the far right side, user clicks it, a div appears over he entire row. Says the name of the torrent and asks "How to remove?" Two buttons for 1) Remove torrent file (and metadata), and 2) "Remove torrent file, metadata and the actual content"
dr|z3d if you look at the panels in snark, you'll see that "special hack" in play, tennis2 :)
dr|z3d the thing is, in order for it to work without javascript, the elements you want to hide be immediately adjacent to the checkbox, which in the case of multiple td elements, isn't the case.
dr|z3d *must be
tennis2 Nice! There are variations on it, I have been able to do some pretty fancy stuff but yeah I can't remember if relative placement above everything works as easily. Absolute placement is probably not going to work. (...)
tennis2 It might actually, 'absolute' will work if you just have a modal that is centered on the screen for each torrent on the page.
tennis2 It can be fiddly but I'm pretty sure its possible
tennis2 Fiddly to setup,
dr|z3d there's already a modal for each torrent when you attempt to delete the torrent or the data.
dr|z3d it's called a native javascript error.
dr|z3d error/notification
dr|z3d you'd be coding for yourself, in any event, I can't see it being adopted.
tennis2 > you'd be coding for yourself(...)
tennis2 yeah, that's the foss way
tennis2 I was thinking about it an my memory is the solution would be 'relative' not 'absolute' positioning. Absoute only works with javascript whereas with 'relative' you say, make the model appear to the left of the button etc.
tennis2 I can't remember seeing the javascript modal. Maybe I had javascript off that day. Pretty much always have it off.
tennis2 The priority for me personally right now is to setup a cute little management system that basically tries to sync the contents of the metadata in i2psnark.config.d to the presence of the torrent file in the i2psnark folder.
dr|z3d enable javascript, attempt to delete a torrent, you'll be prompted.
tennis2 At this stage, I think I'll need to quit and restart i2psnark to do it properly.
tennis2 That's good. However I'm basically saying we can do it with relative positioning without javascript. The modal would cover the row, ie. we make the row red.
dr|z3d the metadata retention idea has got zzz's attention, so you just need to be a bit more specific in your requirements and he may just decide to code something up.
dr|z3d the console and webapps, while they do run ok without javascript, run best with it enabled.
tennis2 It was above as "need to re-read". There's not much more to add. If knowledge of the "Unavailable torrent data" is obvious to the user, they can Clear All, or specific data. No timeout needed, but an option to delete 'Unavailable torrent data' after 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, or never might help.
tennis2 USB drives are not all tight and external drives popout, various aspects might not be shared for months, people might stop torrenting from the big external disk while they are away. When they can torrent again, they should be able to hit the ground running.
tennis2 Default *could* be six weeks, though. Even though I would switch to never.
tennis2 My ultimate goal is to have 'aspects' or 'identities' that can come alive autonomously and very randomly based, on LOCATION of the connection eg. proximate IP address, and various proximate directive of when a person consider it a good time to share. The person would be able to look at the many 'aspects' and see which ones are most in demand for them etc. I think this will make sharing even more easy and fun.
tennis2 Also if you break your torrents into interests or identities then the identities of a certain interest will start to look more similar to each other. Also it never activates all the torrents in an identity but a sizeable subset. I believe this is called 'farbling'.
Opicaak Hi, any updates on the deb repo?
zzz it will be done when it's done, and it's not needed until our next release. Please stop bugging us
Opicaak What do you mean it's not needed until next release? What about those who are installing it for the first time?
Opicaak Dumb argument.
Opicaak Alright, thank you for your time.
Opicaak One more thing. Don't offer something that isn't even available (dl page), only causing trouble for new users when, after following all steps to install it, they realize they can't even download it. Either take it down completely (from the DL page) or replace it.
zzz I'll update the d/l page, thanks
zzz I'll update the d/l page, thanks
robin In the NetDB console page, is there a way to see which nodes are i2pd? All I see is router version numbers
Opicaak Got the message the first time. Needless to say, I'm rather disappointed in your initial response and your decision to take it down instead of replace it, especially since it's rather trivial to setup new repo. But who cares about the Debian users, right? Fuck them.
zzz all things have a priority.
zzz this one is lower than some others
Opicaak This should be high priority, people are complaining all over the internet, it's not coming from me, but others.
Opicaak It's easy to setup, and doesn't take much time.
zzz and you're talking to the wrong guy, it's not my responsibility, so I don't need the venom
Opicaak Neither do I need your "venom." Clearly the bugging is needed if it takes 15+ days to setup a repo.
zzz so set one up yourself?
Opicaak I was the only one who offered help... about 2 weeks ago. It was declined.
zzz ok, like I said, it's not my issue to fix
zzz robin, no
Opicaak 1) why did you reply? 2) I was politely asking if there was any update regarding the repo. If there wasn't, just say no, nothing yet. And then at the end, you had to add "stop bugging us." Cool, I will, but if you communicate like this with other contributors, then I'm not surprised nobody is making any apps on top of i2p.
zzz thanks for the feedback
zzz I replied because I know what the status is
Opicaak YOU know what the status is, OTHERS don't. You, seemingly, don't know what's happening on the internet, nor do you look at places other than this 54-person echo chamber. You don't care if others have issues with I2P or if they can even download it, as you said yourself, it's not needed. :-)
Opicaak If others knew what the status was/is, nobody would be asking.
zzz which is why I told you
zzz as this was rather unpleasant, next time I'll leave it to the people responsible
Opicaak Settled.
robin @zzz SAM spec says there can be multiple STREAM ACCEPTs pending on a single session ID starting in v3.2. But no mention of whether STREAM CONNECT can also do this.
robin I assume that all STREAMs under a SESSION have to be either CONNECT or ACCEPT, not a blend
zzz no, you can have a two-way session, of course
zzz and yes multiple connects are fine, you can talk to multiple places at once
robin I dont mean data flow each way, I mean outgoing connection vs incoming connection
zzz right
robin STREAM CONNECT has PORT parameters but ACCEPT does not...
zzz right because you listen on a port so you have to set it up first
zzz for connect, the port is per-connection
robin So ACCEPT uses the FROM_PORT on the SESSION, but CONNECT can choose each time
robin Maybe using LISTEN_PORT is clearer about what it is for.
zzz right. connect is like telnet, but if you're setting up a webserver you have to pick the port first
zzz I added a section on ports to the sam spec, take a look
robin So it is legal to start a SESSION wiht a LISTEN_PORT that all ACCEPTs will ingerit, but also have outgoing CONNECTs under that same session, with their own TO_PORTs?
robin I am not clear what FROM_PORT does on a STREAM CONNECT
zzz yes that's legal
zzz FROM_PORT on a connect is the port on your side of the i2p socket, which 99% of the time you don't care about (just like you don't for telnet)
robin So ACCEPT uses LISTEN_PORT form the SESSION. CONNECT does not care about LISTEN, but can have various TO_PORTs depending on what it wants ot connect to.
zzz yup
robin got it
robin SESSION ADD TO_PORT becomes the default TO_PORT for any subsequent STREAM CONNECTs, just as its FROM_PORT becomes the *only* port that any STREAM ACCEPTs listen for?
zzz yeah, but generally you don't want to do that, you just want to reply to the port the connection came in on
robin So only if I want to ACCEPT connections for *different* purposes within a single program?
robin Hmm. Guess I can't do that
robin All ACCEPTs listen on the same port in versions < 3.3
robin But in 3.3+ I can have two sub-sessions with different LISTEN ports
zzz actually I think I gave you the wrong answer, TO_PORT does make sense for subsequent connects
zzz at this point you know as much as I do
robin Would it be reasonable to have multiple SESSIONs (not subsessions) on the same socket connection to the router?
robin with different IDs of course
zzz not legal on the same socket afaik
robin But different sockets ok
robin Yes, it says "SAM Sessions live and die with the socket"
RN mesh@j6.i2p you seem to be the only one with trouble connecting to postman's tracker. Every time you complain there seems to be a chorus of 'loading for me' in response
RN maybe try removing the entry in your netdb and let the jump services re-add it for you?