IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob zzz: All I'm asking for is a basic search of filename or infohash. Nothing more.
not_bob Err, torrent name, not filename.
not_bob Partial infohash would also be awesome.
not_bob I have routers with quite a few pages of torrents. I've tried to just show them all in one list so I can use the find feature in the browser, but that's tedious and slow.
not_bob zzz: Anyway, thank you for considering this.
not_bob A query param based filter mechanism similar to how I2P+ does filtering with javascript would be useful.
zzz dr|z3d, why do you need a page size CGI param?
dr|z3d for things like ajax inline instant search, zzz. or for filtering via js/ajax. that sort of thing. then you can pipe the entire torrent collection instead of being limited to what's currently displayed.
zzz isn't that kinda ugly to be searching through rendered html rather than in the backend, if I'm understanding correctly?
dr|z3d for some definition of ugly, yeah, probably.
dr|z3d but the results are instant, as you type. so there are merits, too.
zzz a cgi param should be well within your talents
dr|z3d I looked a while back, couldn't figure it out.
zzz here you go, on me:
zzz @@ -494,7 +495,13 @@ public class I2PSnarkServlet extends BasicServlet {
zzz start = Math.max(0, Math.min(total - 1, Integer.parseInt(stParam)));
zzz } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
zzz - int pageSize = Math.max(_manager.getPageSize(), 5);
zzz + int pageSize = _manager.getPageSize();
zzz + String ps = req.getParameter("ps");
zzz + if (ps != null) {
zzz + try { pageSize = Integer.parseInt(ps); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
zzz + }
zzz + if (pageSize < 5)
zzz + pageSize = 5;
zzz String currentSort = req.getParameter("sort");
zzz boolean showSort = total > 1;
dr|z3d oh, great, thanks. so you have it working in your source tree already then? :)
zzz yeah just was playing around, but I don't think there's an actual use case for it over here
dr|z3d there may be one, I need more coffee before the brain gets up to speed. maybe leave it in but commented out for now? :)
zzz not checked in and don't plan to atm
dr|z3d thanks for the code, anyways. appreciated.
eyedeekay dr|zed in case you didn't on the forum, my yacy is down and won't be coming back anytime soon
dr|z3d I did a cleanup of the search engines featuring on I2P+'s homepage, noticed yours was down and removed it, and then noticed the forum post, eyedeekay. but thanks for the notification!
dr|z3d you might want to update your proposal on that basic, zzz. a few engines removed, a couple added.
dr|z3d legwork and ransack aren't reliable enough, so removed, for example.
zzz dr|z3d, you have them classified as to scrapers vs. site-specific?
dr|z3d when you say scrapers?
dr|z3d the only scraper was ransack afaik.
dr|z3d I did think about some separators, notwithstanding. not enough to implement yet. Search engine / Site-specific.
dr|z3d re inline snark search, zzz, susidns's search could use a couple of things. search by b32/b64, and case-insensitive matching for hostnames.
dr|z3d might be worth just poking around susidns's search to prep for snark.
zzz I'll stand by for a patch/PR :)
dr|z3d don't hold your breath, that's another thing I couldn't figure out, though it was a while back.
zzz I'm sure susimail could use a search box also
dr|z3d yeah, for sure, you threatened to do that a long time ago :)
dr|z3d anyways, I'm balls deep into making the router aware of cpu and system load, and modifying various potential contributing factors/parameters accordingly right now.
zzz re: scrapers, I just meant for my info as to who maybe to exclude
dr|z3d no scrapers in the current list.
zzz thx
dr|z3d probably 4 classes of search there, if you want categories: i2p-native search, i2p -> tor search, i2p -> clearnet search, and i2p site specific.
zzz was only trying to identify any problematic scrapers, thats all
dr|z3d not sure what you mean by problematic, but yeah, ransack was the only scraper and that's gone.
zzz asked you since you just went through them all
dr|z3d mojeek will optionally provide results from bing, brave et al iirc.
dr|z3d but I wouldn't call it a scraper.
dr|z3d noticed another typo: http:/ahmia..
dr|z3d if you want to take a look at the realtime search for susidns, I can cake the script, zzz. realtime is often preferable to form submissions when you want results fast.
dr|z3d a javascript search with a form fallback might be worth considering for snark.
zzz any effort here would start w/o js
Opicaak Hello, just checking in, anything important I need to know?
Opicaak zzz, is there any official i2p dominant color? IIRC the header on the website was blue? Would be ideal if we could synchronize colors across i2p and Prestium, it would promote cooperation or working together and possibly trust. Just like Tor and Tails are both purple.
zzz I'm not the design guy for i2p and definitely won't be for you, sorry. We've been around 20 years. Besides, you should be talking to i2pd, not me
Opicaak I didn't ask you to be anyone's designer. Just asking if there is any color i2p is identified by.
zzz I have no idea
Opicaak Alright
zzz I write code
Opicaak Who do I ask then?
zzz I have no idea
zzz happy to refer you to a designer if you're willing to pay
Opicaak I don't want a designer.
eyedeekay for i2pd, orignal or r4s4s usually know what to do
eyedeekay I suppose I have at least a little background on I2P styles, there have been several proposed style guides, but there's never been much consensus on one, and several were fatally flawed(one that tried to get us to use Ubisoft's symbol, I don't think the guy realized)
eyedeekay my opinion is that the most recognizable colors are the "stoplight" colors
Opicaak Oh, so there isn't actually a single dominant color that identifies i2p?
Opicaak For example, everyone knows purple means/identifies Tor/Tails.
eyedeekay yeah I've even heard it referred to as "Privacy Purple" in the past
eyedeekay There isn't one such color in any official, dominant, or single sense as far as I know
Opicaak That's unfortunate, maybe there should be?
Opicaak I feel like blue would be perfectly fitting.
eyedeekay maybe there should be, but I don't know what all it would entail to implement such a thing or who would know what it would entail
eyedeekay I doubt we can pick some hex, call it "Invisible Blue" and move on
Opicaak You are right, it could be difficult to do, would be lovely to have synchronized colors across websites, but it's fine, thank you, though.
eyedeekay I'm not against attempting it, but it's akin to like, making a flag or something, "this color is a symbol of our community" so it should probably be open to the community IMO
Opicaak Yeah, I see your point, but if there was a color, it could be better for promoting the network and apps using i2p network, maybe? It could be a complete disaster, though.
zzz maybe, just maybe, we just popped out of congestion
zzz two days before my prediction
dr|z3d Opicaak: my advice would be to forge your own color path.
dr|z3d if you want some alignment to upstream projects, there are logos.
dr|z3d zzz: re invalid ports, 8080 should probably be in there. it's widely used as an alternative to 80.
zzz 33% drop in tunnel count in three hours, lowest since 12/24
dr|z3d someone's packed away their toys and gone home :)
dr|z3d either that or enough people have upgraded their java i2p to push most of that traffic over to i2pd.
zzz its the M/N/O routers where you really see it
zzz part. tunnels by class chart
dr|z3d if you want so see some insane numbers, have a look at the daily traffic chart on linuxfarm.i2p/stats.html - just after the new year.
zzz the faster routers have a lot higher variance among them, so the sampling makes for a jaggy graph
zzz median would make for a prettier graph than average