IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d ok, zzz, noted.
dr|z3d tunnel.rejectHostile, zzz, what's the stat measuring?
dr|z3d OK, got it, I think. A bunch of different events.
dr|z3d It appears there are a bunch of hostile requests at the same time as the b/w spikes.
mesh I have to wonder, has anybody else noticed spontaneous reboots with i2p?
dr|z3d check for the presence of the line "wrapper.check.deadlock.action=DUMP,RESTART" in your wrapper.config file, assuming you're running via wrapper.
mesh dr|z3d: I don't see anything like that
dr|z3d also, check your wrapper.log file(s) .. java can sometimes explode.
mesh but when I go to localhost:{port}/events?from=7776000 it tells me that the router crashed
mesh and then I have to wonder is it windows crashing that brings dow i2p or is it i2p crashing that brings down windows
dr|z3d speculate all you like, but if you want something more indicative, wrapper.log
mesh dr|z3d: nothing in the logs that really points to anything strange except for the "Router crashed" in the events log
dr|z3d are you running via the wrapper?
mesh wrapper.log shows that there was a Graceful Restart not too long ago. For some reason those messages show up as "CRIT"
mesh everything else looks normal
mesh but I dunno, this is officially weird. It seems to me that something goes wrong with i2p when I leave my router up for a long time.
dr|z3d if you spontaneously crashed, then the wrapper.log will indicate why. if you're set to auto-update, your router will spontaneously restart. not really isn't an answer. either you are, and your wrapper.log is up to date, or you're not and it's stale.
mesh before this most recent crash I had the router running for 4 days. Before that the router exploded after 11 days. Of course on my linux floodfill server i2p was running fine for 275 days
mesh wrapper.log doesn't even contain messages from today, december 14. Instead it just shows the router doing a "Graceful restart" on 12/09
dr|z3d you may have several wrapper.log files, check the timestamps for the most recent.
mesh nothing in wrapper.log that might explain why i2p and then windows would crash and restart
mesh when I look aat the Windows logs in "Event Viewer" it's full of errors about the Alienware Command Center
dr|z3d if windows crashed, that's something entirely different.
dr|z3d and not something we troubleshoot here.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah, but like I said before, the pattern seems to be: (1) run i2p for long periods of time (4-11 days) (2) eventually i2p and windows blows up
mesh I mean I can't say for sure the problem is i2p but this doesn't happen when I don't run i2p. Ugh. Who knows. Maybe the problem is all the torrents
dr|z3d too many variables to provide any kind of support. I can only suggest making sure your java is up to date, not 1.8 Oracle but whatever MS is offering OpenJDK-wise.
dr|z3d and if your Alienware Command Center is causing issues, disable or uninstall it.
dr|z3d increase maxmem if you think that's problematic.
mesh yeah I'm using Jdk18 which is the latest stable. I probably should upgrade the AWCC. The "My Dell" program keeps telling me to upgrade it but frankly I'm scared
mesh (I wouldn't be surprised if the real underlying problem is Dell. It's fucking awful. Very clear that no real effort was made to really work out the bugs. Dell just stuffs the latest components into a box and hopes it work. I'm afraid to upgrade the box once I have things working)
mesh very likely I will go back to asus or samsung next year. I feel like those were a lot more reliable than Dell. I had a samsung laptop that was bulletproof for ~5 years. According to samsung is actually almost as reliable as apple
dr|z3d just do yourself a favor, get a live xubuntu install on usb, partition the disk so windows can still run, and then install xubuntu on the newly created partition. it'll feel like a new laptop.
mesh I might seriously consider it. At this point, if Amazon music and amazon kindle work on linux, the only app keeping windows around is steam
mesh though steam is more like a virus these days. the other day I ran into this problem: steam webhelper consumed all available memory. 32gb of ram down the drain and then windows became completely unstable. no warning whatsoever
mesh frankly I'm disappointed how bad dell is. it seems to me dell made the leap to amd ryzen/radeon and released a bunch of products that werenot well tested at all
mesh at lease this year they managed to fix the dell-ryzen stuttering problem:
mesh apparently vim doesn't do real periodical savings unless auto-backup is turned on?
dr|z3d it's at this point I should remind you that this is a dev channel, not a dell support channel :)
mesh yeah, it's just very difficult to diagnose the issues. On the one hand it seems like the system is much less stable when i2p+i2psnark are running. On the other hand there are def issues not related to i2p with this machine.
mesh another variable here is ZGC. I've been using ZGC because it definitely gives the best performance with i2p. Much better than the default g1. But ZGC has caused issues in the past, even crashing eclipse
mesh can't believe vim didn't autosave anything. Lost a good 30 minutes of work. Will need to investigate vim autosave and possibly vim autobackup
eyedeekay Hello everyone, welcome to the rescheduled dev meeting
eyedeekay 2. 2.0.0 Release Status, 2.0.0 Mac Release Status
eyedeekay 3. 2.1.0 Development Status
eyedeekay 4. Stickers for Translators
zzz ping eche|on eche|sleep
eyedeekay Doesn't seem like he's here? going to move along for now.
eyedeekay 2. 2.0.0 release status: *most* targets of 2.0.0 were released about 3 weeks ago now, including i2p.i2p, Android, Debian and Easy-Install Windows, with Easy-Install for Mac delayed by zlatinb's departure
eyedeekay Ech and I have been working on a plan to replace him in terms of maintenance, signing, and notarization of the OSX bundle, that is still expected for close to the end of this month
eyedeekay Everybody knows how to build everything, has a good idea of the signing requirements, the last remaining thing to do is notarization in practice, and we don't know everything we should expect here but I think we have a good idea
eyedeekay Android needed a point release due to a bug related to compatibility with a new API on newer devices, so Android users should make sure they've upgraded to 2.0.1
eyedeekay eot for me on 2, anything to add zzz
zzz lots
zzz I had to release a 2.0.0-2ubunutu1 debian/ubuntu build to fix an embarrassing but ultimately harmless bunch of stray symlinks in root
zzz root cause was a typo, deb lint didn't catch it, not sure what the post mortem lesson is other than be more careful, we're root on install...
zzz as far as the network, after 3 weeks, half of it has updated and is using ssu2
zzz exploratory build success has been trending straight down since the release
zzz we're concerned, and monitoring closely
zzz at this point we think it's some combination of ssu-to-ssu2 migration, ssu2 bugs on both our side and in i2pd, and a couple of routers that are spamming the network with tunnel builds
zzz i2pd is considering a mid-cycle january point release to get their fixes out
zzz for now I don't think that's necessary on our side but it's always an option should we choose to
zzz I think that's EOT but I'll have more info in a moment as a part of 3)
eyedeekay Thank you zzz
eyedeekay 3. 2.1.0 Development Status
eyedeekay We're 3 weeks in to this cycle, in this time I've been working on getting Android migrated fully over to the modern gradle plugin, I stopped short of migrating from maven to maven-push before release, after that, what's on the list for Android is orbot-style split tunneling for configuring apps without a proxy(Sort of the Android version of torsocks)
eyedeekay For desktop I've been working on getting our integration into Whonix fixed and have been work related to getting the Easy-Install for Windows out of beta
eyedeekay That's what I'm working on, zzz would you like to continue with your information or 3)?
dr|z3d Blinded message
eyedeekay I feel like I should tell a joke or something lol
zzz back
zzz is it my turn yet? :)
dr|z3d you need to put on an apron and wheel the confectionery tray around the theater :)
dr|z3d did you go out to get us all ice cream? :)
dr|z3d recap:
dr|z3d <eyedeekay> We're 3 weeks in to this cycle, in this time I've been working on getting Android migrated fully over to the modern gradle plugin, I stopped short of migrating from maven to maven-push before release, after that, what's on the list for Android is orbot-style split tunneling for configuring apps without a proxy(Sort of the Android version of torsocks)
dr|z3d <eyedeekay> For desktop I've been working on getting our integration into Whonix fixed and have been work related to getting the Easy-Install for Windows out of beta
dr|z3d <eyedeekay> That's what I'm working on, zzz would you like to continue with your information or 3)?
eyedeekay Welcome back
eyedeekay What was the last thing you got?
zzz thanks
zzz drz gave it to me
zzz ok, my turn!
zzz about a week and a half after the release, when a lot of the net had updated, I started chasing SSU2 problems
zzz and found a whole lot
zzz both ours and helped i2pd find some of theirs
zzz so it's been quite busy
zzz as a result, we're at almost 7000 lines of diff, more than the whole 2.0.0 release
zzz and whatever else I had planned for 2.1.0 I haven't gotten to yet, including promised peer selection improvements
zzz I plan to bump to -7 after the meeting
zzz while the "big changes in" deadline is early January, let's stay flexible, as we don't want a bunch of WIP in there if we're going to do a 2.0.1 release
zzz so let's try not to break things with "big changes" if possible. Big changes are fine, as long as they're isolated
zzz but things are going well and we're working closely with i2pd to track down and fix issues
zzz including one-in-a-million ones that are now popping up
zzz and one-in-a-zillion ones that dr|z3d is finding on his high speed routers
zzz that's it! EOT, any questions?
eyedeekay I'm slightly curious how often a "Million" of some things happens in in the real world but possibly a question for another time
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
eyedeekay It seems like once you get a whole bunch of routers doing a thing the odds of a rare event happening somewhere would go up very fast
zzz yeah. perhaps we should have been more cautious, and not go from 2% to 100% in one release. But we'll get through it
eyedeekay 4. Stickers for Translators
eyedeekay Only real news here is that I now have stickers for mailing, I've got a ton of them so if you're in the Americas then I am prepared to mail them
zzz would you please post something on my forum, saying who is eligible and how to request
zzz then I will copy paste over to transifex announcement
zzz what's the status of the euro side?
eyedeekay Don't know if he has his yet, will request an update from him tonight
zzz ok, guess I need to wait for that part of it before transifex
zzz please whack him with your baffer for making us reschedule and then not showing :)
eyedeekay Well it was my fault too but I'll make sure to let him know :)
zzz I mean yesterday to today. you're not off the hook for last week :)
eyedeekay That's all I've got for 4 and/or today, anything else for the meeting?
zzz nope
zzz are we on or off for Jan. 3?
eyedeekay All right then thanks zzz for coming, I was going to say "On" for Jan 3 but we could do the 10th instead since IIRC LS2 will be the 9th
zzz doesn't matter, your call
eyedeekay Let's have it on the 9th in January and return to first-Tuesday in February
zzz you mean 10th?
eyedeekay Yes the 10th
zzz meeting over?
zzz ok one more thing not for the logs
zzz I think I gotta add the two routers to our news feed list
zzz I need to try to separate out the effects from any ssu2 issues
zzz so dr|z3d obscuratus eyedeekay you agree? and eyedeekay you around tomorrow to push buttons?
dr|z3d already added those to the blocklist here, if we're talking about tweedle spam a + b.
zzz yup
eyedeekay Yeah I can push buttons tomorrow
eyedeekay Might need to do it in the evening but you check them in and I'll make sure the news gets updated
dr|z3d so, yeah, sure. anything that looks like it's an ongoing exercise in network tomfoolery will always get my vote.
zzz ok unless I change my mind I'll do it tomorrow and let you know
eyedeekay OK I'll be ready
dr|z3d one of them was LU, so I don't think we'll be missing it :)
zzz eyedeekay, did you ever test tx push like we talked about the other day?
obscuratus Sure, but they might just re-key their router later. Long term, I'm counting on the throttler.
zzz right
eyedeekay I tried but did not manage to get it to work
zzz ok so would you like me to push your last three years of changes? :)
eyedeekay Yes please
zzz will do, no use waiting until I get my MR in for the stats section
dr|z3d speaking of push, your .7 commits large or small, zzz?
zzz most of it went in just before the meeting, not much left
dr|z3d ah, ok, never noticed, thanks.