IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
mesh so sometimes it rains and my laptop goes nuts
mesh can't be good, can it
RN put a bumbershoot over your laptop mesh
mesh Is there a portable installer for i2p 2?
eyedeekay Which platform?
mesh eyedeekay: I'm looking for i2p.tar.bz2
mesh I used to be able to grab i2p.tar.bz2 from i2p+, but now I wonder if there's a better option. I remember idk saying something about a new portable build. My main interest is still running i2p from usb drives and also running it from computers that don't have admin access
eyedeekay I don't know about I2P+ and/or their version of a portable
eyedeekay I've got a jpackage-based portable build I can generate from i2p.firefox for Windows and Linux which will run from a flash drive
mesh eyedeekay: Is there a standard portable package? Maybe something that just bundles up the router directory?
mesh eyedeekay: jpackage as in a native .exe?
eyedeekay `` will generate the Linux version, and for Windows, the install directory is portable/relocatable, so if you copy `%LocalAppData%/I2P` to a flash drive you end up with a portable
mesh eyedeekay: hmm, interesting. link? I'll check it out. Though I tend to run i2p with separate config and workspace directories.
eyedeekay It's all in the `http://git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.firefox repository
RN mesh, you are aware idk == eyedeekay ?
RN ;)
mesh RN: that would explain a lot
RN oops, I just exposed your sekrit identity eyedeekay, sorry.
RN ;)
eyedeekay Yeah I use idk when I want to be hard to google, eyedeekay when I want to be easy to google
RN oh. a method to the madness. Σ:Đ
RN so then, I would appear to be using hard-to-google mode
RN ;)
eyedeekay Exactly :)
RN and mentioning me in bugfixes as "RN" keeps me somewhat hidden as two or three char searches are fruitless
RN so many layers just pealed off this clove of garlic
mesh eyedeekay: hmm, this does a bit much. I still wonder if there's a place where I can just download the "core router": the directory containing 'lib/', 'wrapper.config' etc.
eyedeekay I don't think there's one from I2P, not sure if dr|zed is still doing the other style of package with i2p+ though
mesh eyedeekay: how hard might it be to produce such an artifact, do you think?
eyedeekay Not hard I think, we might have an ant target for it but don't hold me to that
mesh I actually remember there being an ant target but forget where I saw such a thing
mesh Is it just a matter of running 'ant pkg' on the root build.xml?
RN just run 'ant'
mesh maybe ant pkg, will produce the i2p.tar.bz2 (along with and install.jar)
eyedeekay Maybe, about to try it
RN that tells you the targest
RN not sure if they are all working. The pack200 versions for example are not currently supported in canon I2P
mesh RN: if you just type ant?
RN and I had a local issue with the 'withJavadoc' ones
RN in the i2p.i2p dir, yes
RN but like I said, not all targets may work.
mesh RN: yeah, I think 'ant pkg' is what I want. I'll give it a go later.
RN my issue with javadoc is related to my JDK version and was a minor tweak to fix it
mesh alright let's see if this works
eyedeekay ant tarball
RN ant goofball
RN hehehe
mesh well that didn't work
eyedeekay It requires you to be using Java 8 with a Java 8 classpth, if you're on a Debian-based system `update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64` and `export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which javac))))` just in case
mesh eyedeekay: hold that thought, brb
RN eyedeekay, to build I2P updater? or the portable flavor?
eyedeekay Portable flavor, the `ant tarball` target
RN ah
mesh eyedeekay: you're saying to run 'ant pkg' requires java8?
RN no: ant tarball
mesh RN: what is ant tarball?
mesh oh nice
mesh ant tarball, tar the full install into i2p.tar.bz2 (extracts to build a new clean install)
RN tarball is the build target he thinks does what you want or close to it
mesh that's exactly what I want
mesh a clean router install... (though the terminology is confusing hehe, I would call that a distribution)
mesh RN: any ideas why it requires java8?
RN something probably changed in later version that breaks things, or maybe just not tested beyond 8
RN I can say I've done : ant updater
RN successfully on jdk 18
RN but ant updaterwithjavadoc needed some tinkering
eyedeekay I couldn't get ant tarball to go successfully with JDK 19, don't know for sure why yet
mesh well it's worth investigating
RN lol. he will. eyedeekay has a hard time ignoring such puzzles.
mesh eyedeekay: but it def worked with java18?
mesh err java8?
eyedeekay Yes it worked with java8
RN eyedeekay, thanks for all you do!
eyedeekay No problem
mesh i2p 2.0 took a little while to get going but... feels more responsive?
eyedeekay I did notice that bootstrap times are 30-60 seconds shorter on Android usually now
eyedeekay Used to average about 2, 2.5 minutes and is now down to 1.5 minutes usually
mesh it took a good 10mins for my recent upgrade to work
mesh what I notice is a significant reduction in peers?
mesh I'm surprised that when I go to /peers I still see "All Transports", "NTCP" and "SSU" but nothing about SSU2?
RN ssu2 is listed on the ssu tab
RN look at the version number
eyedeekay SSU2 and SSU are both available on the same port in I2P Java now and differentiated by version number, the particulars
eyedeekay are in zzz's forum post about the release
mesh eyedeekay: I do see "Version 2"s on the SSU tab
mesh it's pretty exciting
zzz PPA and our deb repo updated to fix dumb symlink issue. R4SAS please pull
obscuratus Is anyone else having trouble with router CyLg6w8lypk1gnAX-CdG8O4NCR86hq8ifge6QKXAoJg= creating a ton of tunnels. The behavior is similar to QPUV, who was banned a few months ago.