IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
acetone Hey, zzz. I came with bug report or feature request for i2psnark standalone. It forget torrent files dir after restart and starts downloading to default path
acetone Make i2psnark smarter for permanent memory of torrents path is possible?
zzz acetone, sounds like a bug to me
zzz acetone, which is forgotten? the all-torrents directory (set on the configration page) or the per-torrent directory (set on the add torrent form) ?
acetone zzz: global path is ok. Forgotten custom non-default path for my created by me torrents or for downloaded. After i2psnark restart all path rejected to default dir
acetone And if torrent seeding from custom dir, i2psnark cant find this files in default path after restart and starting downloading it
zzz ok, will take a look
acetone Thanks! <3
acetone Also a message from community about some similar bug: major.i2p/ilita/acetonevideo/2022/11/12#msg123
RN zzz, has anything changed in the IRC tunnel lately? I notice many users no longer have custom 'username' and 'realname' including you.
zzz I don't think so RN, last IRC change was December, you could ask in #irc2p if there's been any server-side changes... but I don't have a realname on ilita either
RN ok, thanks for the reply. Asked in #irc2p so now I wait for a reply there.
zzz you know where in the protocol that's set?
RN no. It comes from the client (or bouncer)
zzz there's a chance we broke it in the december change... dunno
RN I tried looking at 'RAW' but failed to spot anything of interest.
RN thing is , it still works for some, ech, postman, wodencafe...
zzz RAW isn't going to tell you what the tunnel did to it
zzz for outbound
RN right, I was trying to see if my bouncer was mangling something.
RN but I have bounced and direct connections. both same result.
zzz this looks fishy:
zzz if (cidx < 0)
zzz return "USER user hostname localhost :realname";
zzz yeah I;m thinking I broke it in december
RN Hmmm. So how do I make my 'cidx' greater than zero? ;)
zzz heh
zzz see the december change was handling "v3 message tags" for ilita
zzz so all the indexes changed
RN ah.
zzz because of the stupid tags
zzz ok got my logs on, let's reconnect
zzz WARN [Runner 43601] tunnel.socks.I2PSOCKSIRCTunnel: outbound FILTERED: USER user hostname localhost :realname
zzz WARN [Runner 43601] tunnel.socks.I2PSOCKSIRCTunnel: - outbound was: USER zzz 0 * :realname
zzz ok so the client sent "realname" but we changed zzz to "user"
zzz so cidx < 0
zzz RN, thanks for the rabbit hole, you can tell the #irc2p folks it's definitely a client tunnel bug, working on it
RN :D Thanks!
zzz RN pls try -15-rc, thx for the report
dr|z3d * [zzz] (zzz@gawyqdcm2sa7ixrqfrywzji73sirbkoxoqqfaln6rcix7a5ahtoa.b32.i2p): realname
dr|z3d * [zzz] is identified for this nick
dr|z3d are you running with the patch, zzz?
zzz atm yes
dr|z3d then "realname" should be "zzz" no?
zzz my realname was realname which isn't a good test, changed it, let's reconnect
zzz there
dr|z3d * [zzz] (zzz@gawyqdcm2sa7ixrqfrywzji73sirbkoxoqqfaln6rcix7a5ahtoa.b32.i2p): zzz realname
dr|z3d is "realname" part your string, or is that the tunnel doing that?
zzz part of string
zzz testing spaces
zzz please give it a try
dr|z3d yeah, realname is confusing because that's the default. "zzz I2P Developer" or something would have given more conclusive results.
RN do we have a guide for building? I haven't built a dev build since monotone days.
dr|z3d check the git project homepage, I think there are pretty good instructions there.
dr|z3d either I2P or I2P+. whatever suits.
RN got both.
RN will be trying cannon I2P first.
dr|z3d there will be an I2P+ dev update uploaded within the next 20 mins.
zzz ant updater, same as always
zzz only change is how you get the source
RN is building with javadoc still supported?
zzz sure
RN nice...
zzz happy to be canon, would rather not be cannon
RN s/nno/no/
zzz we can let drz be the cannon
dr|z3d where do you want firing to, RN? :)
dr|z3d oh, sorry. my bad. you want firing somewhere, zzz? :)
dr|z3d before you embark, don't forget the clown suit and tinsel. I hear it helps with the streamlining.
obscuratus Huh, had to look up the difference between cannon and canon. I never realized they were spelled differently. :)
obscuratus So base java I2P is canon, I2P+ is cannon. Makes sense.
dr|z3d one shiny irc-filter-fixed I2P+ update built and uploaded to /dev/ on skank.
RN \o/ Found my old script for monotone updates! It does contain the ant commands...
RN ant -quiet pkg updater200WithJavadoc
RN is pack200 still used?
zzz we don't use it for releases because recent javas removed it, and it's pretty pointless for local installs, but it will still work for older javas
dr|z3d except it could be re-implemented with apache's variant :)
dr|z3d pack200 won't work on java 14 or above, RN. otherwise, you're good.
dr|z3d pack200 updates are around 35% of the size of the non-pack200 updates.
RN ok, I think I just have to do "ant" in the right directory to see the 'build targets' if I recall correctly
dr|z3d root dir for project.
RN yep
RN just looking for how to make git talk to i2p, browser crashed before I could find
RN stubborn as always I want to do the pull/clone part inside network
dr|z3d ant <tab> will also show you all possible targets.
RN nice tip!
dr|z3d if you've got the i2p source tree there you should also have a tunnel definition for the git repo.
RN the route has a tunnel. Dooh!
dr|z3d git grep "git.idk" would surface it in the source tree.
RN haven't done the pull yet.
RN looking at configured tunnels, I have a gitssh.idp.i2p
RN s/idp/idk/
RN don't think that's what I want is it?
zzz unless you want to wait hours and hours, clone once from github, then switch the config to idk for updates
dr|z3d git has 2 modes of access, ssh and http.
zzz I think idk has some pre-packaged bundles to bootstrap faster but I never tried it
dr|z3d github, or git.idk.i2p
dr|z3d doh. sorry.
zzz but yeah, you can't use http for git.idk afik, you have to sign up for an acct
dr|z3d http works fine for
dr|z3d run that over Tor via torify and you're good.
zzz good to know
dr|z3d protip: always 'curl' before using a torified shell
RN new developers page lists the I2P dest, but not how to tell get to use I2P tunnel
RN also whatever I do I am being prompted for a password
dr|z3d password is probably a requirement for ssh access.
RN I'll get it
RN pun intended
RN really wanted to dogfood it. but settling for Tor
RN dr, are warnings about unsupported syscalls normal from torsocks?
RN the % of received objects is going up, so I hope it is working, but these warning messages are continuing
dr|z3d normal.
dr|z3d shouldn't affect the download.
zzz does torsocks work with our socks tunnel?
dr|z3d haven't tried it, but it would require some mods to the script.
dr|z3d would be handy, though, to be able to issue an i2pwrap <process> and have it route over i2p.
zzz what mods other than port # ?
zzz which is a command line arg
zzz oh, we'd need a socks outproxy too
dr|z3d nano /usr/bin/torsocks for some insight into what it's doing.
zzz doesn't tell me anything the man page didnt
dr|z3d could it be made to work over an http proxy? not sure, but that would also be useful.
zzz no, just use wget with proxy args
zzz imho in theory torsocks should just work, just need an outproxy
dr|z3d for simple retrieval, sure, wget is fine, but not for an interactive shell or for wrapping apps.
RN if clone fails does it start back at 0% ?
zzz yeah but that's not http
dr|z3d if fail then yeah, I think you're back to the start of the process.
zzz in the absence of a socks outproxy, hack socks tunnel to support a CONNECT outproxy
dr|z3d if it's viable, great. a wrapper script for apps/terminal over i2p would I'm sure be well received.
zzz no script req'd, just use torsocks
dr|z3d of all the tunnel types, socks is right up there with the least used, probably only outdone by streamr and bi-directional http.
zzz you know what happened to stormy's 75 ffs?
dr|z3d I know he had some hardware issues or something and was planning on redeployment. sounds like he hasn't got around to it yet?
zzz I only see 3 stormy family. I assume the ffs are gone, but I guess there's a chance they got caught by sybil, but they shouldn't have.
dr|z3d doesn't look like it, all I see in my netdb is the 3 outproxies.
dr|z3d I'll nudge him, see what the gameplan is.
zzz thanks
dr|z3d np. which reminds me, I need to nudge you again about eepget not handling query strings :)
zzz doesnt ring a bell
RN where did the result go?
RN hmmm...
dr|z3d I raised the issue in here a couple of weeks ago, maybe you missed it.
zzz you know about our bug tracker git.idk.i2p where things don't get missed? :)
dr|z3d no. what's that? :)
zzz anyway, whats the problem?
dr|z3d eepget will fail if you feed it an url with a query string.
dr|z3d don't remember if it requires an & to fail, or just a ?
dr|z3d wrapping the url in quotes doesn't help, either.
dr|z3d yeah, it's the & that's problematic.
dr|z3d if it's just of the form url?query then it appears ok.
dr|z3d it'll just drop the & and anything after it when processing the url.
dr|z3d there's a readymade url to test with on tracker2's homepage.
zzz you quoting the & so the shell doesn't eat it?
dr|z3d I tried that, yeah.
zzz or quoting the whole url
dr|z3d the whole url.
zzz works for me:
zzz eepget 'http://zzz.i2p/?foo=bar&baz=blat'
zzz xe4n2sefw33lzi63xawium3chju2a3e2nkqva5wnx43qdctbch7q.b32.i2p - - [12/Nov/2022:22:48:04 +0000] "GET /?foo=bar&baz=blat HTTP/1.1" 200 35206 "-" "MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON)" "-" "-"
dr|z3d ok, that's odd.
zzz try something on zzz.i2p using the query from tracker2
zzz 3owcrht3fi3b6b5ywqwq56ridznety63lrztlcs6wgegldw2v3iq.b32.i2p - - [12/Nov/2022:22:54:51 +0000] "GET /index.html?hello=zzz HTTP/1.1" 404 1001 "-" "MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON)" "-" "-"
dr|z3d that's the one. it dropped the &.
dr|z3d eepget 'http://zzz.i2p/index.html?hello=zzz&test=fail'
zzz let me try
dr|z3d it's possible I've borked something in +
zzz xe4n2sefw33lzi63xawium3chju2a3e2nkqva5wnx43qdctbch7q.b32.i2p - - [12/Nov/2022:22:56:26 +0000] "GET /index.html?hello=zzz&test=fail HTTP/1.1" 404 1001 "-" "MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON)" "-" "-"
dr|z3d ok, thanks, I guess your version's working as intended, so I need to compare it with mine. Didn't think I'd done anything to mess with the url processing.