IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
anonymousmaybe where can i find Reseed configs? (path to it)
dr|z3d in the source code or in router configs?
anonymousmaybe router configs
anonymousmaybe running I2P as a service
anonymousmaybe cant find it in /var
anonymousmaybe all other configs i found like tunnels, console..etc but reseed i didnt found it
dr|z3d wherever your router.config file is, that's where the reseed configs are.
anonymousmaybe default where?
anonymousmaybe here right? /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/router.config ?
dr|z3d apt install mlocate && locate router.config .. probably there, I don't mess too much with the repo install.
anonymousmaybe ah yeah found it, thanks
dr|z3d you won't see the default reseed hosts there unless you've modified the defaults, then it should display all the hosts, I think.
anonymousmaybe i thought it has its own /reseed.config file
anonymousmaybe i see, thank you <3
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d do you know a good search engine eepsites?
anonymousmaybe for eepsites/i2p services*
dr|z3d i2psearch.i2p seems pretty good.
RN anonymousmaybe, have you seen planeta.i2p yet? (no typo - diff from planet.i2p)
anonymousmaybe nope now gonna check it
RN not a search, but a lot there I hadn't seen or forgot
RN someone has done a nice job
anonymousmaybe im improving I2P over Tor inside whonix docs atm
RN oh, please link when ready.
dr|z3d be sure to also have a look at notbob.i2p and/or scanner.linuxfarm.i2p anonymousmaybe .. also useful if you're linking sites.
RN and if you want a lighter interface compared to those two beautifully done sites, good ol' inr.i2p is still quick and informative
dr|z3d inr is largely deprecated in favor of reg.i2p
RN are they run by same entity? I notice reg doesn't show when it was added in the quick results.
dr|z3d both run by R4SAS afaik
RN mkay... well I like both
RN results were quite different
dr|z3d don't forget whonix.i2p anonymousmaybe, are you hosting that site?
anonymousmaybe all added eepsites added to the wiki thank you guys
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d oh there is whonix? damn for sure no
dr|z3d there are a few distro sites on i2p, off the top of my head.. whonix, tails.i2p, qubes.i2p, hardenedbsd.i2p
anonymousmaybe omg wtf these are none official ones
anonymousmaybe what strange is that these eepsites are 100% updated to latest what the official websites doing
anonymousmaybe seems like a mirror of clearnet to I2P more than a bad/hacky clone
dr|z3d maybe they are official?
anonymousmaybe whonix side for sure no
anonymousmaybe qubes also no
anonymousmaybe torproject and tails i dunno but there are no official announcement made from them about it
dr|z3d they look like bona fide mirrors, in any event, so no harm having them on the network.
dr|z3d in fact, it's a good thing I think. more exposure for the projects, more content on i2p. everyone wins.
anonymousmaybe yes but first time i know about it
dr|z3d crawl out from under that rock :)
anonymousmaybe but what is scary if these eepsites gonna just clone the original website and make malicious changes to the images
anonymousmaybe yeah this going to be a mess up
dr|z3d doesn't look like that's the case, afaict the actual images are hosted elsewhere.
dr|z3d ie hosted at the original locations.
anonymousmaybe yeah wonder if these eepsites maintainers would have just contacted us before using and spreading their eepsite
anonymousmaybe so we can be aware of the situation, but yeah lets ee
anonymousmaybe maybe a social media announcement that these eepsites are not official or so
dr|z3d identify issues first, best advice.
dr|z3d if there are issues, like isos not hosted on an official server, or donation addresses that are wrong, then's the time to be concerned. otherwise, bask in the free mirroring :)
anonymousmaybe yeah good advise
anonymousmaybe gonna check once i finish wiki improvements
anonymousmaybe <3 appreciated
anonymousmaybe isnt freenode gone and most shifted to librachat?
anonymousmaybe i think if there is a shift on clearnet better to be done to oftc as it support Tor and doesnt complain about having accounts or not in their servers
anonymousmaybe cc eyedeekay zzz eche|on (not sure whos handling IRC side)
RN and postman...
RN so are you proposing relay bots?
RN to clarify, add postman to that list anonymousmaybe, and asking anonymousmaybe if they are proposing bots like we used to have
anonymousmaybe no i dont propse relay bots, i propose to update their website where they have I2P over IRC in clearnet side
anonymousmaybe freenode most if not all projects left it
anonymousmaybe and shifted to either librachat or OFTC
RN ah
RN do we have folks over there? i haven't been on that server in a long time
RN we used to have relaying to from #i2p on there some years ago
anonymousmaybe same for me i dunno if there are people there or not
anonymousmaybe important thing is that I2P project has an outdated reference
anonymousmaybe one should update that
anonymousmaybe @eyedeekay
anonymousmaybe changing network.proxy.http value in TB will corrupt onion services connection from Tor but it will allow eepsites to work
anonymousmaybe if i change it to with port 4444 eepsites going to connect
anonymousmaybe but onion connection going to break
anonymousmaybe do you have an idea how to solve this from with TorBrowser?
anonymousmaybe onion connection i mean by it connection to onion hidden services URLs
anonymousmaybe or within I2P if its possible
anonymousmaybe like some I2P configs to change or so
anonymousmaybe i made everything work except stucking in this issue
dr|z3d anonymousmaybe: both purokishi and stormycloud outproxies support .onion addresses.
dr|z3d as an alternative, you could try foxyproxy and send all .i2p requests to I2P, everything else to Tor.
eyedeekay anonymousmaybe dr|zed is right but there's another way I'll post about on the forum later today
RN eche|off, str4d, zzz, one of our translators NarratorZ is requesting voice please.
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d yeah thats mean instead of Tor inside TB its going to be Tor in outproxy of I2P
anonymousmaybe thats sorta bad for connection speed so as security
anonymousmaybe if it was firefox thats good idea but within TB or Whonix not the best option
anonymousmaybe foxyproxy which is an external (non-default) extenstion in TB will make new fingerprint issues also add extra headache to end user
anonymousmaybe what im searching is for something either in TB or I2P
anonymousmaybe last resort is privoxy but i dont have good instructions for it to make it work
anonymousmaybe eyedeekay awesome! will wait for it
anonymousmaybe RN this is the latest instructions of I2P within whonix over tor
RN that's my privoxy config
anonymousmaybe RN "forward-socks4a" isnt it socks5 supposed to be? or privoxy gonna forward anyway and doesnt matter which one?
RN yeah, need to update that
RN that is an older clip
anonymousmaybe great gonna test now
anonymousmaybe E: Failed to fetch Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate chain uses expired certificate. Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification. [IP: 9050]
anonymousmaybe E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
anonymousmaybe cc @eyedeekay zzz eche|on
anonymousmaybe if you visit the URL
anonymousmaybe Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for expired on 10/25/2022.
anonymousmaybe Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
anonymousmaybe wonder why there is no auto-renewal already been made
anonymousmaybe i believe its already supported by certbot and similar tools
RN updated. I seem to be using socks5t
anonymousmaybe RN i delete all /etc/privoxy/config and replace it with this forwarding and its gonna work?
anonymousmaybe or this is only for forward section and everything else need to be kept as is?
anonymousmaybe in /config i mean
anonymousmaybe not sure, not working with me..
RN only the forwarding section
RN so you adjust the default config to your needs, and have that part in your forwarding section. Remember in privoxy the last match wins.
RN so the first rule sends all to tor, unless a later rule matches and does something else
RN the default config is very well commented for most of the options
RN now that I think of it, I have a fresh virgin config I haven't looked at yet...
anonymousmaybe yeah can you make a page with /config
anonymousmaybe thats easier to copy/paste and test
dr|z3d privoxy used to be the go to intermediate proxy for Tor. used to be. then polipo took over. both are now a bit long in the tooth. tinyproxy's a much better fit these days for handling multiple proxies.
RN Is it? I'll take a look.
dr|z3d there's a substantial amount of largely obsolete code in provoxy for filtering and ad-blocking which only works on http sites.
dr|z3d *privoxy
RN yeah, usually skip most of that. Mostly use my DNS to block adds. Makes it fun when not at home and I forget why so many apps have ads I didn't remember seeing.
RN (I mean on my phone cus home network has ad blocking dns - just to clarify)
dr|z3d configuring multiple upstream proxies in tinyproxy is as simple as setting a couple of lines in the config file. upstream http ".i2p" etc.
RN is it featurefull, or minimalistic?
dr|z3d does what's required. don't expect privoxy-level web UI.
RN gotcha
dr|z3d default config file is well commented, you can learn what you need from that alone.
RN I'd say same for privoxy's config file. (oh, I already did! lol)
RN that is something that makes a really nice config file
dr|z3d privoxy is bloated in comparison, the config file that is.
dr|z3d privoxy also has multiple config files for various aspects of the software.
RN well, back when... it was a very useful tool. today is is still very functional for what I use it for. Have actually been reconsidering other options for a new system I'm gradually setting up.
dr|z3d time marches on :)
RN hey, where can I find detailed specs for what the irc tunnel filters, or tunnel filtering in general?
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d yeah exactly thats i left dealing with privoxy myself just left all together to the level i forgot how to deal with it
dr|z3d anonymousmaybe: tinyproxy has you covered. coming to it fresh you can have it functional within 10 minutes, if that.
anonymousmaybe ah i never crossed on tinyproxy to be used with i2p and tor
anonymousmaybe ok let me try one second
dr|z3d RN: apps/i2ptunnel/java/src/net/i2p/i2ptunnel/irc/
RN do I need to pull a local copy of the source to see that?
RN I was looking for something along the lines of the old viewmtn
RN not quite ready to start building my own updater files with javadoc enabled again yet
RN didn't find what I was looking for on git.idk not sure I'm navigating that site well yet...
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d can you walk me through the needed changes in /tinyproxy.conf to make it work with i2p and tor?
R4SAS RN: reg has API for such information. Read homepage.
R4SAS hm, about registration on search results: I can add this
R4SAS but jump shows adding date. example: reg.i2p/jump/reg.i2p
R4SAS dr|z3d: nope, inr hosted by "slow"
RN R4SAS, Thanks for the info and for the service your site provides the rest of us. :) [RTFM indeed! LOL]
dr|z3d R4SAS: my bad
dr|z3d anonymousmaybe: I just did, mostly. add the lines: upstream socks5 -and- upstream http ".i2p" below it in the relevant section. then point your browser at the port you have tinyproxy listening on. you probably only want it listening on that's it. but read the config help to check you understand what you're doing.