IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d got a deadlock for you, zzz. twice today..
dr|z3d Found one Java-level deadlock:
dr|z3d =============================
dr|z3d "SimpleTimer2 1/4":
dr|z3d waiting for ownable synchronizer 0x00000000fff05310, (a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$NonfairSync),
dr|z3d which is held by "SimpleTimer2 3/4"
dr|z3d "SimpleTimer2 3/4":
dr|z3d waiting to lock monitor 0x00007fa2a8139350 (object 0x00000000fbbfbda0, a java.lang.Object),
dr|z3d which is held by "UDPPktHandler 1/4"
dr|z3d "UDPPktHandler 1/4":
dr|z3d waiting for ownable synchronizer 0x00000000fff05310, (a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$NonfairSync),
dr|z3d which is held by "SimpleTimer2 3/4"
zzz sigh...
dr|z3d > Invalid DbStore attempt - RouterInfo [8Igqrr] was published 4y in the future
dr|z3d clock skew? :)
zzz dr|z3d, I'm a little stumped on that deadlock because the first two threads aren't holding any locks at all
zzz 2 is waiting for 3. 1 and 3 are waiting for somebody not listed
dr|z3d didn't we have a similar SimpleTimer2 deadlock before that you fixed? but yeah, beats me.
dr|z3d there was some tangential information about GC, but I doubt that's relevant.
zzz ok, must be a logging glitch. thread 2 has the write lock in locked_rebuildRouterInfo
zzz maybe a quirk of ReadWriteLocks
dr|z3d ok, this is getting a bit surreal: > Invalid DbStore attempt - RouterInfo [MGpD1~] was published 12y in the futur
zzz eyedeekay, thanks for fixing my butchery of the blog post
zzz for some reason the undraft didn't 'take' though
zzz launchpad and our deb repo updated
zzz eyedeekay, also, up until last year, month and day directories were always two digits e.g. 06; you started the one digit trend this year
zzz so the links are a little messy. but I don't think that's the problem
eyedeekay Yeah I noticed that yesterday when I was doing the reddit post, going to make sure changing it doesn't break anything then git mv them because of that effect
eyedeekay Also still got Android to finish up, probably another couple hours there
zzz git move or rename the directories? noooooooo it will break all the links
zzz I already tested. you can't do /08/ if the directory is /8/
eyedeekay That is what I was worried about
zzz unless you add some rewrite rules
zzz it's messy because there's both month and day single digits
zzz all this year plus one last year
eyedeekay Maybe I'll do rewrite rules to fix it up later then, right now I'm pretty focused on making sure Android is ready
zzz so why wasn't the post undrafted? it is live at the link
zzz oh wait. it is in there
zzz it's just not sorted right
zzz it's the 3rd entry
eyedeekay Yeah that's why I noticed it and was going to try and move it
zzz oh, because 4 > 3 > 22
eyedeekay But until I can rewrite the links I can't do that
zzz I guess it's not sorting numerically
zzz ok, all makes sense now
zzz the first problematic one is 2021/11/2/, then everything this year
eyedeekay I'll get them fixed, either by changing how it sorts or rewriting the URL's and moving the misplaced ones
zzz I was doing fine with two digits but then just blindly followed what you were doing :(
zzz blog readme updated to specify two digits