IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz eyedeekay, Failed to write to log, write /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log: no space left on device (((((((((((((
zzz remote: 500 Internal Server Error
dr|z3d yeah, seeing that same 500 error here.
zzz you all will be deprived of my brilliance until it's resolved :)
dr|z3d quickest way to release disk space (at the expense of journal logs) is journalctl --vacuum-files=4 or thereabouts. will give you some breathing space.
dr|z3d haha, zzz.. what you working on?
zzz just trying to get stuff off of my disk and onto yours
eyedeekay Should be back up
dr|z3d confirmed.
zzz thanks eyedeekay
eyedeekay no problem
dr|z3d for reference, to keep your journals pruned and not consuming gigs of storage, /etc/systemd/journald.conf is where you want to look to make permanent changes.
dr|z3d making not_bob happy, zzz? :)
zzz just a stub in case you want to take it further
dr|z3d on a totally different note, too early to really know what impact the changes have, but I'm trialing a change to the synthetic red queue WESTWOOD_RTT_MIN value.
dr|z3d there's reference to the values set in the linux kernel module in the source, but that value doesn't follow the spec.
dr|z3d kernel default is 50ms, i2p value is 500ms, so I've changed it to 50ms to see if that helps with throughput.
anonymousmaybe #May 26, 2022, 2:58:48 PM WARN [tarter Irc2P] eaming.I2PSocketManagerFactory: Unsupported sig type Ed25519-SHA-512, reverting to DSA_SHA1#
dr|z3d no negative consequences observed so far, possible increase in throughput/part tunnels.
anonymousmaybe i got this message in 1.8.0-0-1ubuntu1, whats happening?
anonymousmaybe "* - Welcome to irc.echelon.i2p!" this from my IRC logs
anonymousmaybe cc eche|on eche|off
anonymousmaybe you are using DSA-SHA1 in your server?
dr|z3d I keep pinging echelon about the fact that his server ip's exposed. No response.
anonymousmaybe thats why i hate backward compatbility because of this shit
anonymousmaybe if I2P doesnt ship stupid algorthims we wouldnt have to yell for these type of fixes
zzz Ed25519-SHA-512 is not a valid sigtype name
anonymousmaybe what do you mean?
zzz I mean the error is yours, or in a config for one of your tunnels
anonymousmaybe hmm? i configured irc2p tunnels to use Ed25519-SHA-512 (changing that easily from gui)
anonymousmaybe how or where to invistigate?
zzz that's whats shown in the gui but it's not a valid config string
zzz option.i2cp.destination.sigType=7 should be whats in the config file
zzz did you edit a config file manually?
anonymousmaybe option.i2cp.destination.sigType=7 i dont have this in /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/router.config
anonymousmaybe shall i add it?
zzz no, not router.config, look in i2ptunnel.config.d/* ... this is a tunnel thing
anonymousmaybe option.i2cp.destination.sigType=Ed25519-SHA-512
anonymousmaybe ok i will change it to 7
zzz you sure you didn't edit it manually before?
anonymousmaybe but on the same time i dont give 100% surity i never touched this, maybe before months if not years
anonymousmaybe but atm i cant remember
anonymousmaybe i will change and restart and come back
eche|on irc,echelon.i2p exposes a IPv4 and that will not change. EOD.
anonymousmaybe back now the message disappeared
anonymousmaybe thank you zzz
anonymousmaybe but we need 2 improvments here
zzz ok. either numbers or names work, but the correct name is EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519
zzz thats why we allow numbers so you don't need to look up the spelling
anonymousmaybe dont fall back to lowest signature instead go to default signature
zzz not a big deal but maybe take a deep breath next time before coming in hot and pointing fingers
anonymousmaybe message doesnt blame the user for his own router mistake
anonymousmaybe zzz i know sorry, but that message aint cool one, not in bractice nor in clearance
anonymousmaybe bractice= why fall to old sig?, clearance= not understandable (maybe only for devs)
zzz ok, I'll try to make it better
anonymousmaybe thank you <f>