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Erza Hi eveyone, I have experimented with i2psnark on my linux machine and ran into the problem of i2psnark not being able to write to my nfs share. Can anyone point me to a possible fix for this? It seems to be a general permission problem where i2psnark cannot write, even to my home directory.
zzz are you running i2p as a service?
Erza I'm running the i2prouter script directly. I've also tried to use the openrc-initscript from the Arch User Repository
zzz hmm. so i2p is running fine, then you tried to change the data directory in i2psnark config, and got errors?
Erza I have input the data directory when adding the torrent in i2psnark. The error I currently get is "Data directory cannot be created:"
zzz ok, so you didn't change the config for all torrents, you just entered a data directory on the add form for one torrent
Erza Yes, correct.
dr|z3d does the nfs share have the correct permissions for the same user account running i2p?
Erza As far as I can see i2p is being run under the i2p user. I have set the server to map all users to root. I have also tried to create a directory in my home and give the i2p user rwx access to it using acl.
zzz can you mkdir the directory from the shell?
dr|z3d yeah, good point. if the directory doesn't exist, try creating it before specifying it in snark's config.
Erza I have now made a test directory and given the i2p user rwx for it. I can create files inside, but I cannot cd into it.
dr|z3d try enabling the "Files readable by all" option in the configs?
Erza where would I find this option?
dr|z3d config page.
Erza nvm, found it
Erza I still get the same error
dr|z3d does the account you're currently in have read permissions for the data dir you created?
zzz you say you're 'running the i2prouter script directly'. Are you doing that as the "i2p user" that you're setting all the permissions for?
Erza no, the script needs to be run as root, the processes it spawns are owned by the i2p user though
albat hey dr|z3d, i have a question for you
albat does BiglyBT use embed i2p or the java i2p?
dr|z3d can use either.
albat what is default?
dr|z3d by default I think it comes with its own java.
dr|z3d *own i2p install
albat hmmm ok
albat thank you
dr|z3d you can configure it to use your installed i2p.
Erza I think the most sensible thing to do is install from source and see what changes. I'll be back later to post results
Erza albat: there is an option in the plugin options to use a preexisting i2p install.
zzz Erza, you said you are on Arch linux?
albat i can't find it :/
Erza Yes zzz, I am and I am using the i2p from the AUR
albat where can i turn advanced mode on?
Erza albat, the settings have a search function
zzz ok then Erza I think you need to talk the AUR maintainer. Sounds like you're using a different or modified startup script if you're running it as root and it's switching to the i2p user
zzz that's not our standard setup
Erza zzz, I think I will try out the official i2p installer
zzz either that or you've just not setup the permissions correctly
zzz you should test by su to the i2p user and then try mkdir
dr|z3d zzz: could just be installed via the i2prouter install script, or it's got a custom systemd or equivalent startup script.
zzz if you're not testing your permissions as the i2p user you're not doing it right
zzz sudo su i2p; mkdir /path/to/where/you/want/it
Erza Hi everyone, I switched to the official installer version and now everything seems to work as expected. Thank you for all the input and sorry for bothering you with something that was so easily solved. I have no access to my nfs share currently, but at least it now works in my home directory!
zzz re: AUR flavor, if you missed it:
zzz either that or you've just not setup the permissions correctly
zzz you should test by su to the i2p user and then try mkdir
zzz if you're not testing your permissions as the i2p user you're not doing it right
zzz sudo su i2p; mkdir /path/to/where/you/want/it
Erza to my knowledge I have tested the permissions as the i2p user. The biggest problem was that it's shell is just sh and it gave me errors when CDing when bash wouldn't
dr|z3d install bash to that user account. best advice. sh is a pain to use in the console.
zzz sh knows how to cd, of course
Erza It does, but it's behaviour was different. Somehow I couldn't cd into the directory when still in sh but it worked when I ran bash. Anyway my problem is solved now by using the official install so you guys needn't worry about me
dr|z3d sh doesn't do things like tab complete and is fairly sparse when it comes to feedback.