IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d zzz: I thought you'd fixed this, or something similar:
dr|z3d ERROR […iter 330764] …ConnectionRunner: Error sending I2CP message to client
dr|z3d Unable to write out the message, as the session ID has not been defined
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.client.ClientConnectionRunner.writeMessage(
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at java.base/
dr|z3d at
zzz dr|z3d, yes I did :(
zzz stand by for -13
dr|z3d picking up the pace, zzz..
zzz unfortunately the pace was backwards
eyedeekay Meeting in an hour in case anybody else has to look up daylight savings time every time
mesh eyedeekay: the meeting happens here?
eyedeekay I'm just doing my meeting prep, making some notes and such
eyedeekay Hi everyone welcome to the April dev meeting, agenda for today:
eyedeekay 2. Release Status (1.7.0 / 0.9.53)
eyedeekay 3. Development Status (1.8.0 / 0.9.54)
eyedeekay 4. JNA in easy-install bundles, what doors does it open?
eyedeekay Hi zlatinb, hi zzz
eyedeekay Anybody else here today?
eyedeekay 2. Release Status (1.7.0 / 0.9.53)
eyedeekay 1.7.0 has been out for about 6 weeks now, updates from last month for me are that all the Android packages are successfully deployed and the bug that was discovered at release time is now fixed
eyedeekay As usual, the packages in Debian's main repositories haven't seen an update, if you're still using them please switch to as soon as possible
zzz re: Debian, I did find a volunteer to get 0.9.48 fixed and reinstated into Sid. that's done
zzz whether it will automatically trickle back into bullseye and ubuntu, no idea
zzz still no luck finding a new maintainer
zzz eot
eyedeekay I have one more, this overlaps 2 and 3 and 4 actually but Easy-install bundles for Windows will still require one more manual update
zzz have you made progress since last meeting?
eyedeekay Considerable yes
zzz great. you have a target date for when you will propose transition out of beta?
eyedeekay As soon as users receive an automatic update I will consider it ready
zzz thanks
eyedeekay Anything else on 2?
eyedeekay 3. Development Status (1.8.0 / 0.9.54)
zzz (no, all good, haven't heard any complaints on 1.7.0)
eyedeekay Me either, people seem to be pretty happy with it so far
eyedeekay As for 3. Development Status (1.8.0 / 0.9.54) Unfortunately I've been a lot slower at some things than I expected, I'm stuck on UDP tunnels but almost ready for an MR on SAM authentication
eyedeekay Besides that I'm doing some revisions to the complicated bandwidth wizard pages to make the selection process more understandable and the notifications more noticable
eyedeekay We're about 6 weeks in with 7 weeks to go, right zzz?
zzz right
eyedeekay Do you want to update us on SSU2 or anything else you've been working on?
zzz 13 weeks would be a May 23 release
zzz yes, thanks
zzz enormous progress with i2pd on SSU 2
zzz live testing happening in the network now
zzz other things coming in the release: snark standalone improvements, router family fixes
zzz an SSU 1 performance fix
zzz things should slow down soon on SSU 2, and I'll be turning to some more bug fixes all over
zzz eot
eyedeekay Awesome, thanks for the updates zzz
eyedeekay zlatinb anything you want to talk about for this topic before we get to 4?
zlatinb I guess the reduction in tunnel build timeout should result in faster bootup
zlatinb or faster 0-to-Router.isRunning()
zlatinb that's all eot
eyedeekay Thanks zlatinb, that will make people happy :)
eyedeekay 4. JNA in easy-install bundles, what doors does it open?
eyedeekay zlatinb this was your topic but I have a lot of notes on it too, do you want to start?
zlatinb sure.
zlatinb Basically MR 6 adds the JNA libraries to the windows easy-install bundle
zlatinb which just today I learned wasn't necessary because of JEP 419 (which is built-in JNA replacement)
zlatinb but the overall point is the same: since we need to do some native things, what other native things do we want to do?
eyedeekay Sometimes we need to talk to power/batter management
eyedeekay *battery
zlatinb In MuWire I've implemented a "background priority" on windows, which according to the MSDN docs guarantees the process never interferes with foreground processes
zlatinb yes, battery power management is another such thing
eyedeekay I need to ask for admin rights in a conditional way, which isn't supported by NSIS itself
zlatinb so yeah that's from me, just invitation to think native :)
eyedeekay So yeah we definitely have a few cases in mind where it might be useful to have something JNA-like
zlatinb ok.. then the question is do we add any/all such functionality in the easy-install bundle and keep it outside of the core router package
zzz sorry to be the party-pooper, but at last month's meeting, JNA was a possible solution to a single problem (privilege) on Windows only
zzz and today we're at "it's definitely the solution for many problems, what other fun stuff can we do with it" ?
zlatinb yeah that's the party theme lol
zzz which is both a leap and typical solution-looking-for-a-problem
zlatinb that's one way to look at it, I think it (JNA / JEP 419) can make I2P better in many ways
zlatinb on many platforms
zlatinb I've just scratched the surface on windows tbh
zzz so JNA has not been decided on?
zlatinb JNA has the benefit of being backwards compatible down to java 1.4, JEP 419 is only in JDK 18
zlatinb I would say both are on the table, with JNA having some headstart
zzz 419 is "incubator" status meaning it could vanish, don't count on it
eyedeekay I'm pro-JNA because being able to control installer privs solves at least 2 problems for me and gives me the power to install to/run entirely from flash drives
eyedeekay I don't want to lose that to a project being unready or abandoned
eyedeekay So I guess pro-JNA, hesitant on 419 from me
zlatinb well 419 with a slightly different api is already in JDK 17 which is LTS, but I won't have a strong opinion until it's out of incubation
zzz we should continue to keep an eye out for the best tools to solve the problems we have now... daydreaming what else we could do with it isn't so important
zzz going out of the JVM is always going to be messy and less maintainable, to be used only if really necessary, no matter what mechanism is used
zlatinb Nobody disagrees with that, but I think we shouldn't stop ourselves from dreaming big
zlatinb integrating with the windows shell or power management on laptops sounds awfully nice to me
zlatinb that should be possible on linux laptops as well btw
eyedeekay I'm still dreaming small TBH, flash-drive-portables were just a by-product of supporting adminless installs
eyedeekay But if there's a non-JNA way of doing something then yeah we should probably try that first
eyedeekay Anything else on 4?
zlatinb not from me, eot
eyedeekay Anything else for the meeting? timeout 1m
eyedeekay All right thanks everybody for coming, looks like next month meeting will be May 3rd