IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz working on the PPA
zzz dr|z3d, nice job on tracker2
dr|z3d hey, thanks, zzz
dr|z3d props to postman also, he put a lot of work in
dr|z3d for an optimal viewing experience, installing fonts-open-sans is recommended.
zzz yup, still putting in the work after 15 years or so. I still miss brittanyworld.i2p though :)
dr|z3d I think that one passed me by unnoticed. :)
zzz ca. '05
dr|z3d yeah, a bit before my time on the network.
zzz PPA done
zzz deb repo done
dr|z3d got a deadlock stacktrace for you, zzz..
zzz bad timing...
dr|z3d I know, sorry.
zzz thx
zzz another deadlock at startup, should be pretty easy to copy over the fix from the previous one
dr|z3d ok, that's positive. not much work required
zzz fix pushed
dr|z3d great, thanks
eyedeekay Maven's on it's way out, Android will be out freestanding first, selfhosted f-droid second, Gplay last starting soon
dr|z3d zzz: you want to remove the bob xml check in tests/scripts/
eche|on ok, news updated
zzz eche|on, take a look, the metadata is right but the latest news entry is from 2015 about I2PCon ???
eche|on hm, I did got 1.7.0 news entry in a test
eche|on I just did git pull,
zzz did you pull translations?
eche|on and yeah, you are right, version 1.7.0 but latest news toronto news
zzz eyedeekay, help
eche|on no, as git wanted to update those..
eche|on lets see
zzz translations shouldn't affect anything, but you should really pull those too
zzz *shouldn't affect english news
eche|on json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 10 column 9 (char 306)
eche|on ./build/mac/stable/news.atom.xml (No such file or directory)
zlatinb check your environment variables
zlatinb it shouldn't be pulling from there
eche|on it should not change the env on every git pull, hmofgh
zlatinb maybe something stale from an old build?
zlatinb I got the mac news correctly
zzz I got the news from eyedeekay server correctly
eche|on the first (and online) build news did show a error but did go on (error was gone to fast from cli)
eche|on I did remove build/* and tx pull, and run again, error above
eche|on every time on news build these errors, not really effective
eche|on ok, still the old news entrie
eche|on no idea why
eche|on did something change in atom settings???
eche|on and as I cannot see into a build .su3, I need to put them online and check what happens afterwards
eche|on ok, still json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 10 column 9 (char 306)
eche|on ./build/mac/stable/news.atom.xml (No such file or directory)
zlatinb hold on let me check
eche|on <i2p:version>1.6.1</i2p:version>
eche|on still in news_de.atom.xml....
zlatinb eche|on: edit data/mac/stable/releases.json and add a , at the end of the torrent line
eche|on but same file: 9289-0391
eche|on <updated>2022-02-22T20:39:49.304376+00:00</updated>
zlatinb I can't believe this worked for eyedeekay
zzz you three need to fix the software and/or your processes so this pumps out the news and translations every time
zzz we can't keep having these issues, or be skipping translations because it's too hard
eyedeekay What the hell? Did I pull it before the Mac one changed or something, I didn't have a decode error...
zlatinb no, I messed up
zlatinb the json is invalid
eche|on ok, the , added and build runs through, but still only the i2pcon news entry
eche|on <i2p:version>1.7.0</i2p:version>
eche|on the 1.7.0 release news entry is in data releases file, but in news.atom.xml all entries until toronot con are gone
zlatinb umm, clean checkout maybe?
eyedeekay Did you tx pull -a?
eche|on tx pull -f IMHO
eche|on translations are recent
eche|on even with a fresh git checkout
eche|on oh, wait....
eche|on I smell something
eyedeekay I'm re-doing it on my side to see if I can gain any insight, it's been working for me, trying to figure out what's different
zlatinb eyedeekay: how could it have worked with the broken json?
zzz why is it even looking at the mac json ?
eyedeekay By default it looks for all the json update files it can find and generates a news feed for each one, you can make it do one by running it like ` win stable` etc
eche|on I did git checkout and run news wihtout pulling translations, thats the old i2pcon entries
eche|on now, even after I did tx pull, and all translations are recent, it still builds with old news entries
eche|on so, it does cache somehwere something
eche|on yeah, even with NO files in data/translations, it uses the i2pcon entries from "somewhere I do not know"
eyedeekay Does `git status -u` show any untracked files? Sometimes it's a lot in newsxml after tx pull, because each translation is untracked
eche|on wait a sec
eche|on the news.atom file has the 1.7.0 on end of the file, not on top
eyedeekay OK I know how to fix that
zlatinb I'll fix the json
zzz order shouldn't matter, console sorts
eyedeekay Oh that's good to know
zzz oh it is in there on the bottom, so the whole thing was a false alarm?
eche|on in the atom, yes
eyedeekay But in the XML file right now it's backward and now that we see it I know exactly where it's happening. I've got a property flipped the wrong way there in the python sort
eche|on and in cli putput on it shows news #1 is 1.7.0
zzz btw, tx pull looks at local timestamps, so if you've been messing with the files then definitely use tx pull -f
eyedeekay Also good to know
eyedeekay Re the feed generator, combines the "main" feed which is used for the .jar and the .exe and all the other packages with individual feeds for each version, so everybody gets the main newsfeed and then per-platform notes can be added as needed
eyedeekay The last step should have been that these get reordered but I got the order backward
zzz ok so ech is all good now including translations?
eyedeekay Should be yes
eche|on just did update with latest news build
eche|on no idea whats in the online su3, but we will see
eche|on buit all my routers show now 1.7.0 in news
eche|on after manually checking for news
eche|on ok, good
eyedeekay OMG. line 57, literally says `reversed(sorted(`. Not at all sure why I thought that was right.
eyedeekay Glad it doesn't technically matter but I'm going to fix it anyway.
eche|on still iron out bugs each new reelease, good ;-)
zzz lastly, while we're on process improvement, eche|on did you forget to tell us you wouldn't be available yesterday or did you not know the release was yesterday?
eche|on I did not check on the date as I did expect it to happen while I am at hoem
eche|on but as my ssh tunnel did die while I way away, I did not wanted to fiddle with a unstable remote system while riding a train
zzz ok, we set the date at the meeting Feb. 8, also posted on my forum
eche|on I guess I did read but did miss to note in my calenda
eche|on and while I was just 24h off froim my place, I did postpone it to today
eche|on else I would have been fiddlked with remote system
eche|on which is my job the next day to get a workable system reachable from everywhere
zzz sure, don't blame you for not doing it on the train
eche|on btw, dates: I am off from july, 22th til september, 8th
zzz eyedeekay, latest to earliest would be a reverse sort
zzz australia finally?
eche|on looks like finally australia :-)
zzz wooo
eche|on with limited network reachability
zzz happy for you
eche|on still hope nothing else will come in between, but I look happy into this
zzz two releases from now would be late august, so good to have a heads up
eche|on (and another sidenote, I grow old. do not remember everything and typing gets lousy...)
zzz tell me about it
zzz finally going from TANKIA to TAKIA
eche|on loooong flights
eche|on one idea of flights were to go to LA and hop over to sydney... WTH...
zlatinb news looks good on my router
zzz no don't go against the wind, got he other way
zzz thru LA on the way back
eche|on great, zlatinb
eche|on na, do go through bangkok on way back. wiht no real stay^^ not enough holiday left
zzz anyway, apologies for the news false alarm, but I guess we found some other issues anyway
eche|on yeah, no harm done
eche|on just bug hunting
eche|on and now off to bed over here
zzz later
zzz looks like the numbers are going up on tracker2; hard to tell from my seed because there were already 400+ in the swarm
zzz a lot of fetches went to the fallback in the last day