IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d zzz: re stormycloud, what about implementing a whitelist for router families to exclude them from sybil analysis?
dr|z3d assuming stormycloud's happy to put all his routers in the same family, a whitelist would fix the issue re sybils bans.
zzz that's one solution, yes
dr|z3d could a whitelist be made to function the same way as the blacklist does over the news feed? if so, then you've got a dynamic solution that wouldn't require router updates, once implemented.
zzz perhaps
dr|z3d whitelist could potentially allow for families, ip addresses, router hashes, not that different from the way the blacklist functions, with something in the console to view/manage existing entries.
zzz release tagged and pushed