IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
R4SAS zzz2: hi. I have question about problems with our irc server
R4SAS is this happens due to filters in irc client tunnel?
zzz R4SAS, what problems?
R4SAS zzz: clints can connect to channels, timed out or just disconnects because client didn't receive some protocol messages
zzz this is java clients connecting to ilita?
R4SAS but they will be published in next release
zzz yes, they need that fix
R4SAS so till next release they will keep flooding logs with disconnects? )))
zzz there may be other workarounds, like using a different IRC client, or maybe some configuration, I don't know
R4SAS like generic client tunnel?
zzz sure, that should work, but then you lose all the filter protection
R4SAS got it
zzz I posted about it on zzz.i2p/topics/3230 late December
R4SAS remember it :D
zzz R4SAS, of course, if you want to fix it now, you can disable v3 message tags on your server ))
R4SAS zzz: not sure if this possible