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cumlord having some stuttering issues for trying to stream audio at 96k with a webapp
cumlord Something I could be doing to optimize it better for that sort of thing?
orignal mine wtih 320kbs
dr|z3d cumlord: you can increase the video cache in your browser. you may get intermittent pauses, but less stuttering.
dr|z3d oh, video, my bad.
orignal btw even newer windows supports unix sockets
dr|z3d serach for "buffer" in firefox/librewolf about:config .. probably things you can tweak there.
cumlord ah my bad I meant the other way around
orignal does mine work?
cumlord Can’t try it just yet
orignal your works fine for me
dr|z3d try setting a larger buffer in the server software.
orignal his server is fine
orignal I'm able to listen his without lags
dr|z3d he was asking about fixing stutters at the server end, or maybe I misunderstood? cumlord? is it resolved?
cumlord orignal seems like yours works
cumlord Yes that’s what I meant, I’ll try larger buffer
cumlord Handful of people have had a lot of pausing
RN might need more listeners to trigger the stutter/pause
RN oh you added new animation. neat. :)
RN but why is she staring at me so expectantly
RN ;)
RN cumlord, you sure users were getting stutter? Some of the songs in the human music have intentional stutters and cut off samples
RN ah there we go, I just had it stop
RN possible that was on my side
cumlord thanks :) skull was too chunky
cumlord Damn 😞 had it happen a couple times to myself now, more buffer maybe be…
dr|z3d you can also reduce hop count to put out a more performant stream, cumlord
dr|z3d increasing buffer in client also recommended.
RN *** refuses shorter tunnels out of principle ***
dr|z3d for web, not really an issue. for realtime, you can drop to 2 for some gains.
RN so do you see a count of listeners on your side, cumlord?
dr|z3d but that's up to cumlord.
RN for his side... sure
cumlord Ha with RN on that one but if all else fails I’ll try that
dr|z3d 1 less hop is 33% less chance tunnel fails.
dr|z3d really, though, the best fix is probably larger buffers at the client end.
cumlord RN nope I never thought to add that
cumlord pretty significant
RN would help debugging stutter
RN and load scaling
RN :)
cumlord I’ll add some info for setting that up for better playback :)
RN also, I'd immagine you'd get a little pleasure keeping track of your all time higest listeners number
RN for me, it isn't skipping a lot... a little lag between tracks... (and right after a track starts)
cumlord True…initially I thought it was a timeout issue bc the stream would just suddenly stop, maybe from tunnel failure idk
RN so far just pauses here, it resumes
cumlord I should add that I ripped out the stats feature to run without a db
RN do you do any ping of the listener, or other testing?
RN haha
RN 5 numbers do not a db need
RN ;)
cumlord Nice, that’s mostly what I’ve seen myself, at 64k it was a lot smoother
RN too bad I'm not set up to listen on my mobile, this playlist would make great "walking to the store" music
RN and a longer pause..
cumlord Literally no testing 🤣
RN Maelstrom_Slowed is a band? I used to love the Mac game Maelstrom!
RN back, and pause again
cumlord RN lmao true on the db, it was copy paste from other another project that does it that way
RN ah just switched tracks
cumlord this is what I get for downloading a bunch of random tracks from YouTube
RN need more testing? or you good for now?
cumlord good for now thank you 🙏
cumlord *** buffs the buffers ***
RN good, I'll save the reast of the playlist for later...
RN *** goes back to watching despicable me4 ***
not_bob Comment of the day: Anonymous: how the fuck is your website always up if you live in a van.
not_bob *** facepalms ***
RN *** falls off chair and rolls on the floormat laughing RN's arse off ***
T3s|4 Lols at not_bob_afk ^Comment of the day. My proposed response would have been: Hey, superb query, but SpongeBob had it much harder, living in a pineapple under the sea, no? :D
RN hehe
not_bob_afk T3s|4: I just pointed out that datacenters are a thing.
dr|z3d just tell them Elon sponsors you and you live on the front line in Ukraine, not_bob_afk
dr|z3d oh, wait, that won't work, aren't those morons threatening to disrupt satellite service?
orignal would you support deporation of hohols as Trump promises?
dr|z3d The only thing Trump's got right so far in his term is commuting Ross Ulbricht's sentence.
dr|z3d Nothing else.
orignal stopped DEI
dr|z3d And fired all his military top brass just because they promoted diversity. Great move.
dr|z3d This is the same moron that thinks Canada should be another US state, and that Denmark should sell Greenland. If he wasn't in power, he'd be considered a fringe moron.
dr|z3d And let's not forget the genius plan for resolving the Israel-Palestine issue. Kick the Palestinians out, and turn Palestine into a resort. Genius.
dr|z3d Supported by Netenhayu, obviously. Fine to ethnically cleanse Palestine, just don't make comparisons with the holocaust and you're good.
orignal I think too
orignal well Canada shouldn't be 51-th state
orignal but 15 more states
orignal about Palestinians. what do you know about them?