IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal so, what do you think about second attempt to the same FF?
zzz if you have no result data how do you know it's faster?
orignal visaully
orignal 10 secs vs. like a minute
zzz FYI I don't have a stat for it but eyeballing it, it looks like the avg response time is ~300-400 on a decently fast box
orignal why? what if request or reponse was dropped
zzz sure, it could happen, I don't know how likely though
zzz you could try it and collect data
orignal onon says often
dr|z3d you got me interested in that stat, zzz. Having made some tweaks, looks like I'm down to around 20% failure, will know more soon.
zzz but you're likely to get the answer from the next peer anyway, so I don't know what it buys you
orignal second attempt might also fail
zzz jrandom implemented parallel lookups but not sure if it was ever enabled, it isn't now
orignal you can flood the network this way
zzz yeah it's a tradeoff, there's no right answer
dr|z3d Lifetime average: 0.227 (444 events)
dr|z3d we do parallel lookups.
dr|z3d private static final int MAX_CONCURRENT = SystemVersion.isSlow() ? 2 : 4;
zzz the stat will drive a lot lower if you're high-bw, you're more likely to have direct conns to the ffs
zzz hard to do apples/apples
dr|z3d I was seeing around 40% pre-tweak, so it looks like there's an improvement, for some definition of improvement.
zzz orignal, I do recommend that whatever timeout you have for LS lookups you do it for RI also, I don't know why it would be different
zzz shortening it will make tunnel builds and OBEP->IBGW data messages faster
orignal because LS lookup is through a tunnel
orignal while RI lookup is usually direct
orignal there 1200 min + up to 400 more variace
orignal goint to reduce depending if direct or through exploatory
dr|z3d private static final long SINGLE_SEARCH_TIME = 5*1000;
orignal too long
orignal no reason
dr|z3d private static final long MIN_SINGLE_SEARCH_TIME = 1000;
dr|z3d unlikely to hit that limit, but a single search could query up to 32 peers.
zzz I'm beyond trying to bring you back to sanity drz, but the flood redundancy is only 3, so querying 32 peers is bananas
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
dr|z3d private static final int MAX_NON_FF = SystemVersion.isSlow() ? 6 : 8; ?
dr|z3d let's drop that back down to 16 then.
dr|z3d it was 24 previously.
dr|z3d (or 16 if slow)
zzz and it's not unlikely if you're looking for a LS that's not up
dr|z3d true. I'm working on the maybe incorrect assumption that no all ffs are reliable.
dr|z3d I'd also like to see the lookup fail average at around or under 20%.
dr|z3d it's not far off right now.
zzz sure. I don't know how to do the math, but the imputed transient fail rate that would tell you the 32nd lookup (well beyond the normal keyspace window) would be successful is staggeringly high
dr|z3d see above, dropped the max to 16 :)
dr|z3d 60 sec rate: Average: 0.166 • Highest average: 0.309 • Average event count: 251.698
dr|z3d Events in peak period: 237 • Events in this period (ended 88 sec ago): 391
orignal zzz, what's you aveage number of lookup attempt?
zzz 1.877 after the change, I don't have data for before the change
orignal so, I can start re-requesting floodfill after second attaempt
orignal e.g. tried first than second
orignal and request third and first again
zzz you can do whatever you want, I can't predict what's going to be useful or make tradeoffs for you
orignal just thinking if it's usually after second attempt
dr|z3d Lifetime average: 0.192 (248,752 events)
dr|z3d + sidebar new hosts refinements, more robust implementation: cake.i2p/file/M2Md77S18d_2axVQS2qX36mloXd7MqDq4lOCxg99m_j5GuFHdn9m/newhosts.webp
dr|z3d afaik, not_bob_afk, kytv still runs plugins.i2p