IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz playing with phone-style notification bubbles
dr|z3d has potential, zzz, though you don't really want to count all e-mails in the local cache.
dr|z3d what you do want to do is identify *unread* e-mails and count those.
zzz yup
zzz I could have 999 unread, you don't know ))
dr|z3d I don't know, but I've got a pretty good idea :)
dr|z3d badge counter could also work with snark.
zzz it's neither, it's stubbed for testing
dr|z3d I guessed
dr|z3d in fact, if you look at the default apps, they all have the potential to display a counter badge.
zzz I have an optional tooltip on the bubble too
dr|z3d for the addressbook, a count of new hosts in the last period (24h?)k, and for the tunnel manager, active server/client count.
dr|z3d for snark, various options.. current peer connections, active torrents, downloading torrents..
zzz count of active things much easier than count of new things; the 'new' property probably isn't persisted across restarts, when do you reset it, etc
dr|z3d depends
dr|z3d new hosts in addressbook is just a question of parsing logs.
dr|z3d so new hosts = now - 24h.
dr|z3d (for example)
zzz but to follow the phone analogy it probably should be 'count of new things'
zzz there's no way to see new entries only in susidns or to sort by added-date
dr|z3d yeah there is, just look at the logs.
zzz i mean in a real UI
dr|z3d I'm half way there, I already present the new hosts from the logs in the susidns UI.
zzz hmm
zzz developing my bubble theory
zzz seems like if you have a '3' bubble you need to be able to go see those 3 things, and doing so will clear the bubble when you've gone back
dr|z3d not sure what you mean
zzz if I'm notified about 3 new somethings, there has to be a way to see them, and when you see them then the notification goes away
dr|z3d you'd click on the bubble.
dr|z3d which would then filter whatever content it's indicating based on the new state.
zzz maybe? but what if you just click on the icon? what if you have it open in another window?
dr|z3d if you click the parent icon, you just get the standard application, either iframed or new window, however you've got it configured.
dr|z3d and maybe the standard application view can be adapated to display a p.infohelp to indicate new content?
zzz but say in susimail, new mail stays new until you open the mail (not just look at the folder), thunderbird-style
zzz but in susidns maybe just looking at the list of new ones is sufficient
zzz snark could be newly completed torrents maybe
zzz bubbles are great but if they don't go away as expected its just annoying
dr|z3d for susimail, you'd want to actually open the new mails to reduce the count.
dr|z3d so not so much a new counter as an unread counter.
dr|z3d which obviously requires keeping track of unread e-mails, which we don't do now.
zzz we do, almost
zzz it's not persisted though
dr|z3d could always just create a counter in the user's mail dir and modify that?
zzz susimail does tell DTG to do a popup when we get new mail
dr|z3d nothing fancy, just a text file with unread=999 or whatever.
zzz hey eyedeekay 3 years ago I added notifications API to DTG, it was for you IIRC, don't remember what for, did you ever use it?
eyedeekay Yeah I use it in i2p.plugins.firefox and easy-install iirc
eyedeekay I'll look for where I use it specifically today I am adjusting i2p.plugins.firefox stuff today, I think it's just used for "starting up" notification
zzz wasn't asking for research, was just curious ))
zzz have any plugins that could use bubbles?
eyedeekay Yeah I think so, varying degrees of difficulty, brb would be most interesting but super difficult, rss aggregator(unreleased but works) would be easy but... unreleased, probably a few in between, i2p.plugins.firefox could use it for download and plugin update notifications but it would be hard to make Firefox talk to our API I think
eyedeekay brb would probably use it for incoming messages but brb is Go with a C binding with a Java binding wrapped into an aar and *then* implementing ClientApp, so making the Java part talk to the Go part might be wierd
dr|z3d you've been playing with crayon ai again, RN..
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
RN :)
orignal any news about "switch tunnels" flag?
dr|z3d zzz's waiting for your proposal, no?
orignal why mine?
orignal he needs for I2CP
orignal i2pd mostly doesn't use I2CP
dr|z3d i2psnark.
orignal no a big deal
orignal I mean zzz should be interested more than me
dr|z3d well it sounds like you and zzz need to work out how you're going to advance this.
orignal I told RN few days ago that she will keep reconnecting to Ilita until zzz implements this feature
zzz must be nice to have all the answers for everything
orignal I'm going to make ack request interval configurable
orignal like 30 sec for streams and 5 secs for datagrams
orignal not sure about I2CP