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orignal two question
orignal even if your dest is server but you establish outgoing connectuin what's the reason to not bundle LS?
orignal if LS comes after SYN block can I assume it's in the same msg?
orignal didn't not get about outgoing SYN
orignal I create an outgong streaming one when I get remote LS
orignal what;s your limit for pending lookups? It's not in params
dr|z3d bundling LS adds overhead.
dr|z3d which is why it's normally only enabled for multihomed servers.
dr|z3d or maybe you mean bundling the LS on connection, not continually?
orignal I bundles LeaseSet whenever I have it updated
orignal and stop it when receive confirmation
orignal what? are you saying that Java server doesn't send LS to client when updated?
orignal Now I see why I keep disconnecting from here and never from Ilita
orignal rebuild
orignal LeaseSet is cheap
dr|z3d no, I was thinking about multi-homing where the LS? is bundled.
dr|z3d maybe I got that wrong, details are fuzzy.
orignal if a clients always need to re-request server's leaseset it's dumb
dr|z3d true.
dr|z3d every 10m should be sufficient.
orignal tunnels might die earlie, etc.
orignal we need clarification from zzz
dr|z3d I say 10m, if you want to make sure you don't have stale leases (for example if a multihome you're using goes down), then every 5m is probably fine.
orignal I rerequest only if it expired
orignal and expect to receive it with data
zzz yes we send LS when updated
zzz those were just brainstorming examples of mine of things that are legal
zzz drz is right, for the p2p example it might save a little bandwidth to not send the LS, at the cost of latency, but yes LS is cheap
zzz correction, we do not have a limit on pending lookups, I was thinking of something else
orignal if you don't have such limit you can be attacked this way
zzz yeah I'll think about it, but our streaming new connection limits provide a lot of mitigation
dr|z3d welcome to #saltr, Over1
dr|z3d we throttle lookups per client dest, zzz, perhaps that was what you were thinking about?
dr|z3d or rather, per peer.
orignal it's oppoosite
orignal you trottle what you receive
orignal but in the scenario you need to trottle what you send
zzz yeah it's per peer, not total
zzz our streaming new conn throttle is pretty strict by default so there's no way we're getting anywhere close to ddos levels of lookups because the syn acks or resets will start getting dropped pretty quickly
hk zzz: I've heard that the nature of i2p makes it resistant to DDoS (compared to tor at least) what mechanisms exactly enable that?
zzz hk, the general philosophy is that everything has limits, so the mechanisms are max size queues, max latencies before dropping (anti-buffer-bloat), max size for all tables, max connections, max peers, etc., and to apply those mechanisms everywhere necessary
hk oohhh nice nice okay
zzz I don't think that i2p's "nature" makes it ddos-resistant; in fact, it makes it more vulnerable in a lot of ways, because you often don't know who is generating the traffic
hk right I guess we've seen that quite a lot lately
orignal what's your limit for pending incoming connection?
zzz at the streaming layer?
orignal for a streaming dest say per port
zzz it's not a pending limit, but a limit on new connections per minute and hour, both per-peer and total, and it's configurable
zzz defaults are pretty low, to protect users running small sites. If you have a big site, you have to change the limits
orignal will implemen this param too
zzz we have 6 params
zzz Per Minute Per Hour Per Day
zzz per client 30 80 200
zzz total 50 0 0
orignal do you have limit for number of NS per minute?
zzz those look like the defaults for http server tunnels, but I think defaults are different for different tunnel types
orignal NS messages can also exceed all CPU quickly
orignal x25519+elligator
zzz looking...
zzz we don't have an explicit limit but all garlic message handling goes on a job queue and we start taking various actions if the job queue falls behind
orignal got it
orignal implemting soething similar
orignal if queue is long drop new messages
zzz our design was done by jrandom on 2004 computers and ElGamal, so 2024 computers with x25519 is probably 100x faster; anything can be overloaded in theory but I haven't gotten any reports in a long time
zzz but I'm pretty sure all our asymmetric crypto for all protocols is done in threads + queues dedicated for that, more or less
hk dr|z3d: Have you considered getting a wikipedia article written for I2PSnark?
hk you might get more users through articles like
dr|z3d Never considered it, hk. Feel free to update the page at your leisure.
hk understood :)
orignal we saw that the tread was busy with x25518
orignal for lookups
uop23ip dr|z3d, i got port open for both udp/tcp. Looking in /peers i see 0 inbound ssu2 and 100++ outbound. ntcp ok with higher numbers in/out. In /info i see ssu2 with assigned port. No errors in logs. deactivated inbound ipv6, ipv4 open. Something wrong with my config? 0 inbound ssu2, ok and normal?
dr|z3d Should be normal, uop23ip, peers prefer NTCP when available.