IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Quaddle Howdy
dr|z3d what up Q.
Quaddle Nm. Just wanted to make sure, im not just on, when in trouble
dr|z3d fix up znc. you can be on all the time, even when you're not :)
Quaddle Yes, i have to dig into znc
Quaddle But i have other things to do atm
dr|z3d easy enough to set up, you get a webui to do it. but no rush.
Quaddle I think, i can set it up within 2 month or so
Quaddle *pokes dr|z3d in nose lol
dr|z3d haven't you got a website to design, Quaddle?
Quaddle unf not
Quaddle im not that important
dr|z3d put a site up, share your knowledge, do something useful :)
Quaddle i do. im watching the padres !!!
Quaddle And i don´t have knowledge in programming sites
dr|z3d good skill to learn. Anomaly is also learning, and putting a reference site up as he goes: anomaly.i2p
mareki2p Is somewhere in the i2pinternet any website / hosting that allows me host GitHub pages-like service? I know there are many git repo hosting sites, does any also hosts pages?
dr|z3d not that I'm aware of, mareki2p
dr|z3d why not use your built-in webserver to host?
mareki2p And of course this would be somebody's else computer running this sutff, so the cost would be on them.
mareki2p Oh yeah, I forgot there is eeepsite option, will investigate this in greater detail later.
mareki2p I asked because I was worried writing my own HTTP server in C. I already have some prototype running on Windows.
mareki2p (Running in Inernet network, not in I2P network.)
mareki2p My mindset is affected by always being behind NAT.
dr|z3d there's a whole section devoted to hosting in your + /help/ section in the console.
dr|z3d NAT shouldn't affect hosting services on the network.
mareki2p Is this Java only? If I want to host via the C++ implementation, do I need to use SAM / I2CP?
dr|z3d you don't need to use SAM or I2CP to use an alternative webserver, if that's what you're asking.
dr|z3d all you need to do is map the webserver port to an http tunnel port.
dr|z3d and let's keep the terminology sane. if you mean i2pd, say i2pd, not c++ implementation :)
mareki2p Oh yeah, makes sense. Still, I **want** to learn I2CP...someday. I already sorta kinda know SAM 3.0 and SAM 3.1, it was easy.
dr|z3d as a general rule, most servers don't need to communicate with the router.
Quaddle bookmarked#
dr|z3d all they require is for traffic to be forwarded from your tunnel to their port.
cumlord if it's just like a simple md file type things i could probably do it, vern had shell accounts iirc
dr|z3d sure, or for simple pages you can map the external website to a local service with the http tunnel.
dr|z3d instead of specfying localhost:port, specify using SSL.
mareki2p Now when I realized I could use the built-in eeepsite server or redirect a port to classic web server, then it should be easy and exactly what I wnat.
dr|z3d couldn't be much easier. if you want to run a ton of sites on i2p via a single backend server with vhosts, easy.
dr|z3d just create an http server tunnel for each vhost.
mareki2p And prefferably different address/destination for each server I guess.
dr|z3d each hostname will require a separate dest.
dr|z3d or rather, each vhost.
dr|z3d unless you map vhosts to paths and serve a single site that way.
dr|z3d foo.i2p/site1 etc.
dr|z3d or if you prefer.
dr|z3d remember, ports are dests in i2p land. so you can't really serve foo.i2p:1222 and foo.i2p:1223
dr|z3d foo.i2p == foo.i2p:{0-65535}
mareki2p The b32 alphabet/encoding contains all 26 letters of english lowercase alphabet. So with enough patience I could generate vanity address such as marekxxxxx.b32.
dr|z3d you could. there's even software to help.
dr|z3d i2pd has a vanity address generator somewhere on their repo.
cumlord is it a bad idea to serve more than one port on a dest?
dr|z3d not so much a bad idea, as mostly not possible.
dr|z3d with the exception of http/https, which is a bit of a dickabout to get working.
dr|z3d one dest normally means every port.
dr|z3d so if you access skank.i2p:553 you'll get exactly the same as skank.i2p:2343
cumlord was trying to see best way to do a web front end for and irc destination
dr|z3d use subs.
dr|z3d foo.i2p
dr|z3d or using nginx, map a vhost to a location / path.
dr|z3d foo.i2p/irc
cumlord i have irc.simp.i2p which seems to work, points to 80 and 6667
dr|z3d with proxy_pass
dr|z3d seems to work?
dr|z3d you're hosting 2 separate services on a single dest?
dr|z3d or perhaps the server itself presents a web frontend when accessed via http, or an irc service when accessed via irc
cumlord i think so, i haven't done a lot of testing on it but as far as i can tell
cumlord b32 since it's only reg yesterday edg3okvdbjcsbeqrwsakn6jog4mw27i3ri4ychl7kdn3u4xhtf3a.b32.i2p
dr|z3d I'm not the tester you're looking for right now.
cumlord gotcha, i'll look into it more
dr|z3d if you also register your hostname on reg.i2p it'll be instantly available.
dr|z3d (fwiw)
cumlord oh yeah, that's only place it's on atm
dr|z3d then it's available, either via subs or jump link.
mareki2p What can you see if you click this link?
dr|z3d mareki2p, meet cumlord, cumlord, meet mareki2p. mutual testing :)
cumlord found this useful zzz.i2p/topics/1501 ended up running static with jetty and 2 tunnels in i2pd using same destination
cumlord links working marek ;)
dr|z3d zzzmirror.i2p/topics/1501 if you want a more amusing experience.
dr|z3d (and less chance of being throttled)
dr|z3d zzzmirror.i2p/topics/3445-multi-dest-eepsite-scraper-out-there-be-careful we have now in +, the proposal, in case anyone didn't notice.
dr|z3d well, an implementation that covers some of the proposed features, anyways.
dr|z3d instant blocking for specified strings or paths, optionally permabanned via filtering.
dr|z3d to test, create a file named http_blocklist.txt in ~/.i2p/
dr|z3d add a blacklist string to test, eg /noentry
dr|z3d then browse to yoursite.i2p/noentry and then review http_blocklist_clients.txt file.
dr|z3d using a tunnel filter filter, you can deny /path/to/.i2p/http_blocklist_clients.txt to globally ban the client from all local http server tunnels.
dr|z3d the list of urls zzz posted also makes a good starting point for a blocklist.
dr|z3d (edit to taste)
dr|z3d the vuln scanner spider is still active on the network.
RN awww, you got the baby hippo on the zzzmirror banner
RN whasists name? LOL
dr|z3d RN: baby hippo's name is moo deng.
dr|z3d which translates into spicy pork or something, I forget exactly what.
StormyCloud That hippo is pretty cute
dr|z3d cute while they're babies.
StormyCloud We got an adult hippo at our zoo still pretty cute, abit more dangerous. He had his birthday a few months ago and they gave him a whole ass cake.
dr|z3d ass cakes. he's welcome to them.
StormyCloud You dont wish to partake in some local ass cakes?
dr|z3d I'll (p)ass. Thanks all the same.
StormyCloud Oh btw hello from the sky
StormyCloud Fancy all these planes got wifi now
dr|z3d You're up in the air eh? Nice.
StormyCloud livestreams apparently do not work in the air
dr|z3d youtube should have a live stream, search for moo deng.
cumlord lol the mirror is amazing 🤩
cumlord Also ty for the description I had blocklist in not /i2p and not .i2p so that’s working now
dr|z3d good stuff *2, cumlord :)
dr|z3d welcome back, zzz
zzz more or less
dr|z3d no limbs lost in transit I hope :)
zzz is the update going well? any complaints? I haven't tweeted it yet
dr|z3d seems to be fine, desktop-wise. no issues reported. eyedeekay took some time off for medical issues, we haven't heard from him recently.
zzz I heard from him, he's fine but may need to take it easy
dr|z3d ok, good
dr|z3d not sure where we are with ppa and android.
zzz I just checked ppa, not there yet, not in queue yet either
zzz no android yet
zzz looks like in-net, website, and bundle are done
dr|z3d sounds about right
zzz ok thx I'll give that a tweetaroo
dr|z3d eyedeekay mentioned something about more onerous play store requirements on the horizon, not sure if that's related to the delay on android.
zzz I think he said that was mostly for next time
zzz I'll see if he wants me to do the ppa and deb, I could probably get to it tomorrow
eyedeekay Re: the PPA I'm working on it, shouldn't be too much longer until we're in the queue, re: Android more onerous requirements they've actually been getting more onerous basically once per cycle but this round is going pretty bad and the next one happens on the 19th and it's going to be worse
eyedeekay 19th of November
eyedeekay Friggin hit parade I spent the day in the hospital followed by my cable going out at my office for about 12 hours
eyedeekay I have one report of an issue with it on Windows Server 2019 running in a KVM on an Ubuntu Host but I can't reproduce it on Windows 10 or 11
eyedeekay So that's a worry about it in a few days IMO
zzz ok if you need to hand anything off to me (except android) holler
eyedeekay Will do, thanks
cumlord eyedeekay health comes first rest up
zzz +++
eyedeekay Thanks guys, I'm taking it real slow as you can see :)
eyedeekay Well the debian package mirrors are making damn sure I take it slow today, I have to rebuild my i2p.www container, taken an hour so far
eyedeekay downloading a bunch of old python2 crap
eyedeekay Wild thing is that it's actually downloading them. I see it sit there on a specific package for 4 or 5 minutes and I think "it must be stalled" then it changes
RN don't ya just love inadequate progress indicators?
eyedeekay Yeah they're my favorite
RN *** adds some to RN's eepsite ***
eyedeekay Android's hit the website at last
dr|z3d *** showers eyedeekay in confetti ***
RN \o/