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dr|z3d orignal: yes.
orignal so, why is it different than duplictes?
dr|z3d same router, frequently cycling ip addresses.
dr|z3d not 100s of duplicate routers.
RN so, like someone on a laptop walking around Uni connecting to different accesspoints and thereforee getting different IP's?
dr|z3d like someone sitting behind a vpn or proxy rapidly cycling residential ip addresses in different countries. one minute they're in spain, the next minute they're in germany.
dr|z3d L class routers, requesting a large number of transit tunnels.
cumlord i don't like the sound of that
dr|z3d when they're spotted, they're banned. :)
dr|z3d if you're on a recent +, cumlord, you're good.
dr|z3d (dev build)
cumlord sounds sus though like they're testing
cumlord yes routers up to date on dev build :)
RN or they think jumping their ip around is a security measure and don't realize is is messing up their I2P
dr|z3d malicious or incompetent, probably the former.
dr|z3d given the residential ips.
dr|z3d (or both)
RN I'll keep some popcorn handy
orignal dr|z3d whay do you think it's the same router?
orignal one funcking idiot ccreated a docker image and run it in few places
orignal and the queistion
orignal why do you care if it's the same or few?
orignal you need to ban it anyway
uop23ip idk if it had anything to with it but eyedeekay mentioned this in #i2p to a docker anon: <eyedeekay> Well there is a soundness to be found in it. Picking a random port can be important, especially for Docker users, because they may have a config that always publishes on the same port for every docker user
uop23ip but i think it would only be same port, but not same routerid
dr|z3d routerid will be unique.
dr|z3d port should be random, too, unless you're talking about and i2pd docker image.
eyedeekay Port is random in Java I2P on the inside, but on the outside docker picks it's own random port or the one the user picks and if it doesn't match the one in the RI you get firewalled
eyedeekay So I have to make a standard way for the inside and the outside to agree on the random port with like an envar or something
eyedeekay There are some workarounds, after explicitly setting `-p localhost:port:port` for every tunnel, SAM, etc, docker users can set --publish-all safely to publish the randomly selected port
eyedeekay OR they can set --net=host to use the host's network
eyedeekay OR they can manually set for the externally-facing port
uop23ip Good to know thanks. btw is different ip but same router(copied) and at the same time running, a reason to ban?
eyedeekay I don't think we ban outright because of it but it's not a good thing
dr|z3d 2 routers with the same routerinfo is fail.
dr|z3d router.rebuildKeys=true in the router.config file of one of the dupe id routers, restart, fixed.
dr|z3d that option won't persist a restart, but it will assign a new router identity and port (?) when the router's restarted. easiest way to clone routers without having a duplicate router hash on the network, which you DO NO WANT.
eyedeekay Speaking of Docker, automatic resolution of conflicting internal/external firewall ports is checked in
uop23ip "I'm checkin' in" "He's checkin' in." "Checkin', checkin' in." lol