IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d sounds like it may be fixable with a kludge if nothing else, uop23ip
uop23ip possible as router config which overrides the choice of native lib and runs with software if fails?
uop23ip what is a kludge? :)
dr|z3d a kludge is an improvised fix, one grade up from a bodge.
uop23ip bodge didn't work? Or is kludging first and then bodging?
dr|z3d a bodge is less impressive.
dr|z3d (and more likely to fail)
uop23ip how is impressive measured? lines of code (see only 1 line!)? Or creativity(never thought that this would work!)?
dr|z3d impressive in this context is measured by the predicated robustness of the provided fix.
uop23ip cool, great that is fixable. Kind of excited to they what difference it will make. Hope for better congestion for router related to transit requests.
uop23ip and thanks ofc :)
dr|z3d don't thank me for something I haven't done yet :)
dr|z3d I'm deferring to zzz for now, since it affects both of us.
uop23ip btw. about your blockMyCountry feature. like it, it is default now. :) np with connections/traffic. Very low 1 digit number still in netdb, i can't get rid of all it seems, but i can live with it.
dr|z3d I've tweaked that a bit more, might help, might not.
dr|z3d new build landing in eta 5m.
dr|z3d unlike other bans, it's not nuking the routerinfo entirely, that should hang around but indicate that the router is banned where that info's exposed.
uop23ip so it will still have some in netdb like now, but those will indicate that they are blockedbycountry, correct?
dr|z3d in the netdb listings, they should indicate banned.
orignal ok guys. Implemented i2p.streaming.profile
orignal is 2 then tunnel can go through any routers
RN oh nice, streaming
dolphinandcat dr|z3d did you merge my pr?
dr|z3d didn't notice it yet, dolphinandcat, did you update it?
dolphinandcat you said you were going to manual merge
dr|z3d right. and you said you were going to update it, so I'm waiting... :)
dr|z3d is there anything specific that you think is now required to make it work (if it isn't) ?
dolphinandcat ohh ok I'll finish the, update everything and we can merge then
dolphinandcat no just some docs work
dolphinandcat and maybe change the font I changed by mistale
dr|z3d ok, to verify that everything is as expected, can you take a look at git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/src/branch/master/Dockerfile ?
dr|z3d did you confirm that openjdk works fine? if so, I'll change 17 to 21.
dr|z3d you mentioned something abut the HOME env, not sure what you think's broken there.
dolphinandcat wait I'll be right back in a bit
dr|z3d maybe better still, specify default-jdk-headless or default-jre-headless
dr|z3d (and leave it up to the OS to determine the best version of java to install)
orignal RN it's called this way
orignal but it's actually now
orignal this param was suggested by zzz to differentiate high/low bandwidth
RN yes. the parameter should make for better performance overall. ¿ yes ?
orignal StormyCloud I have notice that PR about outproxy in specs was yours. lol
orignal I though that was someone else
orignal may I ask you the reson?