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uop23ip weird, had done i2prouter stop/start 2x times and it hadn't any effect
dr|z3d where are you getting the value from, the sidebar mem bar?
uop23ip "x/700 M
dr|z3d what about the value of in wrapper.config ?
dr|z3d uncomment that and change it to 192
dr|z3d what OS?
uop23ip Raspbian arm64
dr|z3d and it's definitely running with the wrapper? try: i2prouter status
uop23ip Wrapper:STARTED, Java:STARTED
dr|z3d these are the + defaults:
uop23ip can get the max ram value anywhere else in console? router info didn't have it.
dr|z3d where's the wrapper.config file located that you're editing?
uop23ip in my i2plus folder
dr|z3d ok, in the app folder. and you updated by providing an file?
uop23ip yes by set update link, check updates and then i2prouter stop and start
dr|z3d dunno, then. maxmemory should set the higher limit, and that should be what you see in the console.
uop23ip but wait a sec. i copied my canon i2p folder, renamed it to i2pplus and then did the update. Maybe it got something confused here.
dr|z3d well, the service is running from wherever you installed i2p originally.
dr|z3d this is why I recommended doing an install from the installer.
dr|z3d alternatively, move your original i2p install folder to i2p_backup, mv i2pplus to i2p
dr|z3d then wrapper.config should work.
dr|z3d if you dive a bit deeper into wrapper.config you'll see classpaths and the like defined which are probably pointing at i2p/
uop23ip just install over it?
dr|z3d delete i2pplus folder.
dr|z3d then install to i2pplus if that's the foldername you want.
dr|z3d while you still have .i2p/ it will use your existing configuration.
dr|z3d one sec, I'll get you a link to the best installer for you.
dr|z3d so, stop i2p+, delete i2pplus, make a folder called i2pplus, copy the install.jar file there, cd to i2pplus and then run the jar file.
dr|z3d if you want a brand new install with default configs, move .i2p to .i2p_backup before you start + post-install.
dr|z3d that installer will give you a robust implmentation of i2np.blockMyCountry
dr|z3d a + install will also give you an uncommented wrapper.config file which you may find easier to tweak, though it sounds like the defaults are probably what you want.
dr|z3d you'll also get git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/src/branch/master/installer/resources/wrapper.config.commented just in case you need a reference copy with comments.
uop23ip do you have a i2p link for the install.jar?
dr|z3d that link is recommended, you get the latest build that way with the i2np.blockMyCOuntry optimizations.
dr|z3d the link on skank is old in comparison.
dr|z3d that will download that installer via the i2p outproxy.
uop23ip thanks
uop23ip damn why i didn't used the installer in the first place, memmax respected and snark problems gone :)
uop23ip bad info: mycountry pals are now 4x in netdb
dr|z3d did you move .i2p or you kept that?
dr|z3d they might be listed on /netdb, but if you click the flag they should be banned.
uop23ip 9 in sum and 7 banlisted
dr|z3d geoip now updates every 75s, so keep an eye on /netdb
orignal and how many U?
uop23ip none, all R
dr|z3d orignal: have you got an install to sort out? :)
dr|z3d what's the russian for slug?
orignal depeding on context
orignal for U you don't know country
orignal because no IP
dr|z3d not necessarily.
orignal unless they connect directly
dr|z3d that's it, you can grab their ip then from a transport.
dr|z3d which we do in + so we can display it if known.
dr|z3d did you use the github installer, or the one on skank, uop23ip?
uop23ip github
dr|z3d ok, good. how's your blocked country looking now?
uop23ip still the same in numbers
dr|z3d what about on /netdbmap ?
uop23ip i remember that i read here something about a map, but did not know that it would be implemented :)
uop23ip and the number is the same there
uop23ip flying packets would be something :)
dr|z3d talk to zzz, that's his mini-project.
dr|z3d is your country correctly indicated by flag on /info ?
uop23ip positive
dr|z3d ok, I think you should be mostly good, then. you can check /tunnels and /tunnelpeercount to make sure you're not directly connected to any routers in your country.
uop23ip i have never seen that those 2 not banlisted had a "first heard.." they only have "published..."
uop23ip will do and all seems "clean". no problem with the router in general, all good performance/reliability. Good feature thanks. And 1 down in numbers now.
uop23ip maybe it is the new "view" of netdb, but there more iranians now as i remember
dr|z3d ok, good, good. I'm adding some additional checks for same country routers so we attack them from more angles.
dr|z3d Iran is big of late.
uop23ip maybe there is a wedding :)
StormyCloud choo choo choooooooooo!
dr|z3d who let the kids in?
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
StormyCloud sigh I might be autistic idk why I choo'ed
uop23ip dr|z3d, my update url should point now the dev branch right?
dr|z3d uop23ip: if you want the latest builds, sure. there's a new one that will land in the next 15m or so with more country checks.
dr|z3d you can always downgrade to the latest "release" version by grabbing whatever's at skank.i2p/ if it all goes to shit (unlikely).
StormyCloud You would never push out shit ;)
dr|z3d thanks for your vote of confidence, thomas the tank engine :)
StormyCloud Anything for you captain!
orignal excluded N routers from client tunnels and guess what?
dr|z3d you got a visit from the setznatz, orignal?
orignal tunnel build rate is 79% now
dr|z3d *spetznaz.
orignal what's that?
dr|z3d oh. wrong guess.
dr|z3d because you removed N.
dr|z3d I was being ridiculous.
orignal consider them as low bbadwidth now
dr|z3d not a huge fan of N, either.
orignal especially since N is always Java ))
dr|z3d KLMNU, orignal.
dr|z3d excluded from client tunnels in + by default. and yeah, it improves build success.
orignal we like U
not_bob_afk And I like you too!
dr|z3d U for client tunnels just introduces lag.
orignal we laso think to alloow U for IBGW
orignal ofc if they publish intriducers
orignal and we check no 2 Us in row
orignal because they both might be symmetric nat
dr|z3d use them for exploratory if you must, not for clients.
dr|z3d we don't use them at all.
orignal we use them for client too
orignal works fine
orignal with two rules
orignal now two U in row
orignal no U for IBGW
orignal but can be OBEP
orignal if we use for IBGW of server
orignal wouldn't be too much load to introducer?
orignal because relay request must be sent for every client
dr|z3d yeah, not a fan of U at all. if you're going to run a useful router on the network, make sure it's not U.
orignal you care only when you build a tunnel
orignal if it's not IBGW
orignal once a tunnel was built doesn't matter if U or R
orignal since you have established session
dr|z3d if I can't talk to you direct, then I'm not going to use you for traffic.
dr|z3d it's the introducers that kill it for me, you're adding an extra hop when communicating with that router.
dr|z3d in other news, don't forget to git pull your + repo and rebuild snark before you mess about with getting it working again.
dr|z3d as mentioned before, easiest way to get it running correctly is to extract over the top of your existing canon install.
orignal no I don't extra hop
orignal once a session is established no difference
orignal maybe you don't understand how intrioducer works
orignal it's not a proxy
dr|z3d assuming you can talk directly to the router.
dr|z3d introducer just handles the initial connection, then, assuming you can talk to the introduced router directly, you do. right?
dr|z3d but if you can't talk directly to the introduced router, then the introducer is the extra hop, no?
orignal if I use introducer
orignal you send me relay intro and I send you hole pubch
orignal then you connect to me as usual
orignal if you can't talk to introduced router directly you can't connect at all
orignal introducer will not help you
dr|z3d ok, I thought the introducer in that case acted as the proxy. guess I was wrong.
orignal introducer is just for hole punch nothing else
orignal the problem is
orignal that if one of two U router is behind symmetric NAT they can't talk each others
orignal that why we don't put U - U links for tunnels
dr|z3d understood.
orignal and another problem is U is IBGW introducer can be flooded with relay requests
dr|z3d maybe that's something to consider throttling.
dr|z3d not sure if we do that. we might.
dr|z3d new dev build up with more ourCountry interception, uop23ip
dr|z3d now we don't bother accepting the RouterInfo at all. should be the end of those changes.
RN ¿ do you still count the country hits for the rejected router infos, dr|z3d?
RN maybe a stat something like rejected_due-to_SameCountry
dr|z3d not currently, no, RN.
RN something to ponder
RN but requires storing something again
dr|z3d yeah, not sure it's worth the effort. as long as the feature works, you're probably not *that* interested about stats.
RN if the point was to not store anything connected to that country
RN would be interesting though to have a rolling average or such counter... how many times it hits a 'in my country' because the user set the flag for it
RN how likely would a rejected one be to get re-evaluted, like an hourly thing? or longer?
dr|z3d bans are until restart.
RN or is it added to blocklist with exipiration
RN ah
RN and the banlist doesn't have any hit counter?
RN prety sure it doesn't from what I remember understanding in the guts of it
RN noted... will look when I have a bigger screen than my mobile
dr|z3d top and bottom of page, respectively. you get totals.
dr|z3d and that's likely all you're going to get. :)
dr|z3d a moree general bans/hr stat might be something to think about, however.
RN glad I could inspire
RN ;)
dr|z3d inspire us by updating your ai gallery...
RN thanks for the reminder... I do have a few pics I could add
dr|z3d not_bob's put you on the map.. don't disappoint!
dr|z3d if you update your ai portfolio, you might even persuade not_bob to link to it in that post. time is of the essence!
RN he posted the lemons already
RN *** goes to look for worthy images and the import scripts ***
dr|z3d I know, but that post will still be fairly fresh for a day or two and likely attract visitors before it disappears in the deluge. He's been known to update posts now and again :)
dr|z3d snex: fix for the screenlog borked links in snark up on gitlab now. let me know if it fixes it for you.
dr|z3d if you're grabbing the CI build, you'll need to wait for a few minutes.
dr|z3d dev build soon.
not_bob_afk -/buffer 9
RN ≈ 9 has been buffed
not_bob_afk Whelp, now you all know I was switching buffers.
RN not_bob_afk, if you hit ctrl-z real quick you might restore the unbuffed state
snex i wonder whats on buffer 9
RN deep space 9?
not_bob_afk How about I hit ctrl+b, 2, ctrl+a, 3
RN babylon 9?
RN movin 9 up
RN archie 9
T3s|4 9 lives for the hunter/killers :)
RN we are talking about not_bob here... I wanna know what's in the buffer when turned up to 11
not_bob_afk That's someone I rarely talk to.
RN hmmm
RN cryptic and portable
RN ;)
not_bob_afk The way I like it!
dr|z3d a fail, but a vaguely amusing fail, that one.
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: lol
RN you and your trumpellina fettish
not_bob_afk He is best ignored.
dr|z3d he is best lampooned.
RN ( ¿ trumpbellina ?
not_bob_afk I mean, you do you.
not_bob_afk I don't like him either, but I don't often give voice to that.
RN *** <3 lampooned ***
T3s|4 dr|z3d: melded the changes from 8 new *.pacnew system configs today...what a refreshing breeze! :D
storm88 hi all :)
T3s|4 storm88: are you going to delight us with some new lemon drops?
T3s|4 reboot
T3s|4 yep, need a reboot ;p
dr|z3d happy days, T3s|4!
dr|z3d sup storm88
storm88 hey :) nothing much
uop23ip dr|z3d, yesterday's 9 gone down to 4, installed latest dev, gone down to 2 and now 3. with 1 banlisted and the 2 not. both java, 1 first heard 120sec
dr|z3d keep an eye on /netdb, uop23ip, maybe it'll clear up in time.
dr|z3d presumably that's significantly lower that what you'd expect to see without the config enabled?
uop23ip do you expect them to be complete out of netdb?
uop23ip seems pretty dynamic for me. the number stays almost constant, but the routers in it change all the time
dr|z3d there might be a slight lag before they're removed if they're just routers you know about, but in theory if they attempt a direction connection they should be shot down pretty quick.
dr|z3d on a router I'm testing the config on, I generally don't see any routers in the same country after a while.
dr|z3d at least, not indicated on /netdb
uop23ip maybe my old netdb. So far it does what it should do.
dr|z3d ok, great. keep an eye on it, let me know if it seems to be doing less than expected.
uop23ip will do. great that it worked.