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RN so, kislista is popular, the reply was a mont late, so lots of smarter people decided a month ago no response was needed. This late comer was trying to find some post to make noise about accurate or not.
RN smess like fud to me
RN *smells
RN that didn't end up looking like a math theorem. in my head it was one: assumptions,facts ━━▶ conclusion ━━▶ my opinion they are a troll or suspicious at least
orignal not like this
orignal people read today's discussion on dev
orignal and created the post at kislitsa
orignal it's new one
orignal ths topic was created
orignal today
RN I respectfully retract my comments
dr|z3d they could have read the blog post a month earlier and reacted then.
dr|z3d this is another make a lot of noise issue about nothing.
orignal they read dev instead))
dr|z3d they don't care until someone tells them to care.
orignal yes, that's what I told you
orignal but since the issue was raised at dev it will appear everywhere else
dr|z3d it's mob psychology. blow whistle, get reaction.
orignal was that blog post in Russian?))
dr|z3d I suspect it may have been translated into Russian, but I didn't check.
orignal kislitsa people read Russian only
dr|z3d well, guess what, if they were running I2P or I2P+ they'd have seen the announcement *in Russian* a month ago in their console.
orignal but they are all running i2pd ))
dr|z3d exactly.
dr|z3d so wtf do they care about what we're doing?
dr|z3d it's just faux rage.
orignal they are conspiracy theorists ))
dr|z3d well, respectfully they can, in the words of the pirate bay, go pleasure themselves with a retractable baton.
dr|z3d why you have to bring that crap here and waste zzz's time debating it is beyond me.
orignal crap from wehere?
orignal the "crap" was from dev
dr|z3d and they all run i2pd too, no doubt?
dr|z3d same crap, different flavor.
orignal they all run i2pd
dr|z3d see above.
orignal because with this change
orignal you can't run i2pd on your tor exit node
dr|z3d sure you can.
orignal because Java routers will ban you
orignal you can but will have troubles
dr|z3d does i2pd block exit nodes? no it doesn't. you won't be able to talk to java routers, but hey. you want to run Tor and i2pd on the same ip, go for it.
orignal ofc I can implement mode to connect to i2pd nodes only but I'm trying to avoid it
orignal we don't make a difference between Java and i2pd nodes so far
orignal hence such router will have limited connectivity
dr|z3d if you run i2pd with only a ygg ip, you can't talk to java routers directly either. are they moaning about that?
orignal e.g. will work bad
orignal ygg only only no
orignal but because it's clear who I can talk with
orignal e.g. I see ygg address
orignal and connect to router with ygg address in it
orignal while I see a router with regular ipv4 and don't know if I can connect to it or not
darius thistle throstle, toil and tossle
dr|z3d send those complaining about Tor exist here:
dr|z3d that's an interesting article that might challenge their view of Tor.
dr|z3d *Tor exits
darius why must tor nodes jostle and lossle
orignal nothing to do wth Tor
orignal the problem that I can't run i2p node if IP address is that list
orignal for example I got a new VPS with IP that previusly was Tor exit node
orignal how aboput this scenario?
dr|z3d depends how recently Tor was being run on it.
dr|z3d for the + dev builds, I update the list every other day, give or take.
orignal zzz menationed that list is updated and distributed manually
dr|z3d it's distributed with every release.
dr|z3d at a minimum.
orignal so I get a new VPS and have to wait for 3 months?
StormyCloud Unlikely you would be given an IP that has recently run a tor exit node, there are only 1200 as of today.
dr|z3d in the unlikely event you get a new VPS at the beginning of the dev cycle and it was a Tor exit that's listed in the current blocklist, then yes.
dr|z3d but as StormyCloud says, unlikely.
orignal StormyCloud what if someone tried to run an exit node
orignal then given up
orignal and that IP was transffered to a new user
dr|z3d I already answered your question, orignal, don't flog it to death :)
StormyCloud Again unlikely but almost all VPS providers have an awesome change IP option
darius ask for a refund if u do, anyway this is more lofty vps/n garbage mostly, but i think its interesting that we think no one can be negatively affected by this, as if no one runs a tor exit from their home.
StormyCloud If you run a tor exit node from your home then you are in fact very dumb
StormyCloud Your ISP would cut you off extremely quickly
darius really?!
orignal I mean if someone tried on VPS
darius i assumed youd just be monitors
darius monitored
StormyCloud darius, at our peak we ran 6% of tor exit traffic and would get hundreds of abuse emails a day. No home ISP would put up with that for a customer
darius anyway maybe we can distinguish between household ip addresses and datacenter ip addresses
orignal one moron run Tor exit node at home in Russia and got prosecuted
orignal for anti-Putin statement sent from his IP
darius oh wow, seriously fuck the legacy web
orignal google for Bogatov's case
orignal he got asylum in USA finnally
darius i just checked the site and they use akamai to serve images that can track you while you read the page, so if you visit that site u should block image downloads (about:config permissions.default.image 1 -> 2)
dr|z3d if you care about that sort of thing, darius, use uMatrix.
darius on the topic of being a tor exit from home, MAYBE a good policy is to never connect to ip addresses in your country, or a country that has a lax extradition treaty with ur gov
orignal don't be so naive
orignal Russian FSB for example has plenty of servers outside Russia
uop23ip tor exit with vpn any better?
darius yeah orignal... are FSB servers easy to identify, ie are the whois simple
orignal no. you never know
orignal I have read some research that their domains are always registered at namecheap
darius at any rate, dunnno if we can identify datacenters in any way? how many tor exits are amazon, goog, muskrat, m$, akamai and oracle, maybe if we only block those tor exits???
darius tor exits hosted by corporations with lucrative gov contracts
darius i think that would be a good thing for EVERYONE to do, probably, lol
darius tencent? alibaba? im not a china expert but they might be an issue too
StormyCloud I think the issue becomes how many people are really running i2p on tor exit nodes? Why come up with a system of whitelist or whatever for what maybe a handful of users?
orignal I think nobody
orignal people don't like the approach itself
orignal considering it as another form of censorship
darius if all its doing is censoring abuse on the i2p network then this is very academic, i find it hard to believe that everyone running tor exit is an isp, but it would surprise me i guess, i think whitelisting is fine if it can be shown that the isp is an independent one. but it seems liek it might be too much work for too little gain, negative gain.
darius *wouldnt* surprise me
StormyCloud deems is facts mr.darius
Anomaly hello
Anomaly how r u
darius cookd well so im happy, u
Anomaly yea im ok
Anomaly i am advancing in my css/html skills :)
darius good to hear its a big world out there though, i think i may have found a bug in the engine that firefox uses but itsprobably my ignoing of proper html somewhere that is coming back to bite me.
darius thankfully theres a workaround so i dont have to worry about it
Anomaly thats nice
darius i found the workaround by accident, i just dont use proper <p> tags for paragraphs with the inline rss buttons, lol
darius and then the eerror goes away
darius if i use p tags, OR i add an href="whatever" to the links, then the bug goes crazy
darius duplicates content in a really weird way, unexplainable
darius to better phrase...
darius i'm currently directing readers to instructions for setting up an eppsite
darius the router "console" page has some unique content that is not in the jetty stub help page.
darius i suggest either putting that content on the help stub page or give an id (anchor) to the <h3>"Self-Host An I2P Site" on the console page, so I can direct folk to it directly.
darius If you need any help with the former solution in terms of 'copy'writing i will do that.
darius i recommend the latter, just adding the anchor/id to the heading, its common practice today
darius also can we remove the "text-align:justify" from the content on the console, it just make the content more difficult to read
dr|z3d who are you talking to, darius?
dr|z3d > who are you talking to, darius?
dr|z3d also, what are you running there, vanilla I2P or I2P+ ?
dr|z3d if I2P+, you can customize the console and webapp css all you like by providing an override.css file in the relevant theme dir(s)
orignal ok guys. tried to run over Tor locally when the first hop is always i2pd
orignal works fine
orignal inspired by dr|z3d 's idea
dr|z3d everyone happy now, orignal? :)
orignal idk, just tried
orignal but I have better idea
orignal it's the same techical problem like when a bantustan monkey is try to ban partcular IPs
orignal it matters of profiling
orignal if Java router doesn't let you connect to it just exclude it from first hop