IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal I have a snark bug to report
orignal speed keeps dropping to defualt value
orignal between restart
orignal sometimes upload sometimesdownload
orignal dr|z3d let me guess. 53 chars? ))
orignal instead 52
orignal why doesn't snark like my seeding?
orignal nobody downloads from me
dr|z3d because you're shit, orignal
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
dr|z3d maybe the swarms you're in aren't very active?
orignal let's be more concrete
orignal is this a bug or I just try wrong torrents?
dr|z3d check the current state of play for the torrents you're seeding on postman. swarm activity..
orignal since I'm in active development
orignal i2pupdate-2.6.0
orignal 181 peers
dr|z3d if you want seeds, create a unique, desirable torrent and upload to postman.
dr|z3d *leeches - ideally something big if you want sustained bandwidth.
dr|z3d what do you mean how?
orignal how to check?
orignal let formalate the question
orignal if there a torrent people always download?
dr|z3d downloading is sporadic.
orignal how can I differentiate if it's a bug somewhere or people just don't download
dr|z3d you'll see a burst when the torrent is first made available, and thereafter a trickle of new downloads. that's especially the case for update torrents.
dr|z3d as for checking, you've got a link in snark to torrent's postman tracker page, assuming you downloaded the torrent from postman.
dr|z3d also, if you're in a swarm with 181 peers, you may not get selected, especially for smaller torrents. remember, vanilla snark maxes out connections per torrent to 24. in snark+, it's 300 per torrent.
orignal so what torrent should I pick?
dr|z3d your best best is to grab a bunch of active torrents.
dr|z3d look on postman, identify the torrents with a number of leeches..
orignal that's what I did
dr|z3d ideally larger torrents.
orignal what should be that seed/leech rate?
dr|z3d doesn't matter, just choose torrents that look like they're active, and new.
orignal I have "house of the dragon" like 24 peers
orignal same shit
dr|z3d more than one leech is generally a fair indication the torrent's active.
dr|z3d also, pm.
orignal thanks
orignal works
dr|z3d happy days \o/
orignal no bugs in the code ))
dr|z3d splendido!
zzz people have strange expectations on how fast bt-over-i2p "should" be... based on... nothing?
zzz that's why I suggested testing a SAM client in parallel
zzz for example, some torrents are severely seed-limited, see this one tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TorrentDetail&id=78923
zzz you'll d/l super-fast until you catch up to everybody else, then it slams to a crawl
zzz it's very different when you're the only leech with a ton of seeds
zzz third case is one fast seed and a ton of leeches, that's when you see a lot of far-end congestion
zzz you gotta recognize and understand those three cases as they behave very differently
dr|z3d orignal had a different issue. no one was downloading from his seed, which is pretty normal after the initial burst.
zzz sure
orignal I see upload now
zzz also, a mostly-snark torrent behaves very differently from a mostly-bigly one
orignal I thought it could be a bug in my new code
zzz meanwhile. over on clearnet, people are going over 2 GBps and hitting libtorrent/qbittorrent bugs )))
orignal so what's about settings?
orignal that custom speed keeps dropping to default
dr|z3d we're not quite there yet :)
zzz up or down? what default?
orignal deafult like 202
orignal I set 1024
orignal and it often drops to 202 after restart
zzz that's the router bw limit you told it
zzz 202 is not a default
orignal huh? where does router bw limit come from?
zzz from the router
zzz I2CP bandwidth limits message
orignal what message?
orignal that explains
orignal my router in L)))
orignal but I need to investigate how it goes to I2CP
dr|z3d your mods to stroke opacity, zzz, you want to also apply those to fill/fill-opacity.
zzz huh? you can't have 4-byte stroke color?
dr|z3d wut wut?
zzz oh, the other way
dr|z3d you've done stroke, now fill..
zzz I have one color puker method that's used for both stroke and fill, I should have it covered. You're saying I don't?
dr|z3d if that's the case, nevermind. you're good I guess.
zzz you looking at code or guessing on what I have or haven't done?
dr|z3d I glanced at the patch and it looked like you were only handling stroke, not fill. guess I didn't pay enough attention.
zzz it's called addStroke() but see the comments, it does fill also
dr|z3d ok, I believe you :)
zzz it's private method, if it were public maybe I would have taken more care in naming it
dr|z3d either way, maybe a rename would be handy, given we're hoping this ultimately lands in rrd4j.
zzz good reminder to take some care, yeah
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
orignal 50 kbs upload
orignal not bad
orignal 210 kbs upload no downloads because everything have been downloaded
zzz so I guess I'm going to limit max conns for low-bw snarks as some guy was pushing?
zzz how does this look?
zzz + long bwl = getDownBWLimit();
zzz + if (bwl < 32*1024)
zzz + max = Math.min(max, Math.max(6, (int) (I2PSnarkUtil.MAX_CONNECTIONS * bwl / (32*1024))));
orignal what is "low-bw"?
zzz dialup speeds
orignal how does snark know about it?
orignal from that message
orignal I'm going to make it configurble
zzz guy complains snark doesn't work when he sets limit to 5KBps
orignal it shouldn't be based on router bandwidth
zzz it's not, router bw is just the upper limit
orignal oh you mean in snark
orignal yes go ahead
zzz not related you what you're doing. this is a conversation from a couple weeks ago
orignal I would set 500 kbs min
orignal for both direction
orignal can't afford it? don't torrent
zzz this guy wants 5 KBps which is 28.8 dialup modem speed
orignal borat?
zzz maybe thats what they have in kazhakistan?
orignal tell him that torrenting is not for him
orignal borat is nickname
orignal he is from Turkmenia
zzz thats what I said but got a lot of pushback
orignal clawn and alcoholic
orignal don't take him seriously
orignal only him might come with such dubm ideas
zzz I'll probably do it but not down to 5 KBps. Maybe 10
orignal why not L-level
orignal don't remeber how much
zzz router bw limits != participating bw limits
zzz snark doesn't care about participating bandwidth class
orignal but L sounds reasonable
zzz L is 12-48
orignal I would set 48
cumlord if want to test upload i have some large season packs that will probably take a few days to seed, some in 5-10g range, some in 20g range
Titlacahuan orignal: if a second I2CP client connects with same session name, will you kick it or the first one out?
orignal need to take a look
orignal I don't remember
orignal htobe32buf (limits, i2p::transport::transports.GetInBandwidth ()); // inbound
orignal htobe32buf (limits + 4, i2p::transport::transports.GetOutBandwidth ()); // outbound
orignal SendI2CPMessage (I2CP_BANDWIDTH_LIMITS_MESSAGE, limits, 64);
orignal zzz, can it be an issue?
orignal simply speaking current code return current bandwidth usage rather than limits
orignal I don't know what do you use this message for