IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz eyedeekay, orignal, this sounds like an i2pd bug maybe???
zzz let me look at that exception on our side
zzz hmm, not sure if that's cause or effect
zzz maybe get the logs
dr|z3d could be that autostart isn't enabled?
dr|z3d (or maybe not)
zzz I don't know what standalone does after a disconnect. Does it retry?
snex standalone snark handles i2p restarts just fine
zzz then maybe it is autostart?
dr|z3d + snark is set to autostart by default, not sure about canon.
zzz one thing for sure, it's not about disk or ram or heap
zzz I rarely test standalone
zzz any of you have a reddit acct and could help out? I don't
snex reddit still exists?
eyedeekay I will in about 20min
eyedeekay OK I'm here to relay messages to reddit(was driving before)
zzz - enable autostart on snark config page if not
zzz - get stack trace of the snark exception from logs dir
zzz - check i2pd logs for why it's going away
zzz - nothing to do with ram or disk or java heap
dr|z3d back on the map, eh zzz? :)
dr|z3d circle packets need to be in a group, and probably tunnel lines in another (or separate groups for inbound/outbound tunnels). then you can toggle in/out and also put the packet hroup at the bottom of the svg to address z-index.
dr|z3d also, you're plotting the circles (packets) on the lines via animation, so you don't need coords - you can lose cx="0" cy="0"
zzz yup
dr|z3d still looks messy with the variable size circles and country codes. way too busy.
dr|z3d create path animation looks good.
eyedeekay Nothing back from reddit yet.