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dr|z3d trial: still confused?
dr|z3d another thing. even if your browser assumes https if you don't type a protocol, you do not need to type to go to an .i2p site.
dr|z3d just type the sitename and make sure you add a trailing /
dr|z3d some information regarding http / https for the console at
RTP could turn off https only for the i2p browser set up, since browser will attempt it and fail (on sites that use site.i2p). Then you won't get redirected on i2p sites. I2prouter handles encryption for siteNameHere.i2p, so still secure regardless of browser message. I2p provides an encryption 'overlay' for applications.
RTP most i2p sites being , since i2prouter handles encryption, can make for less confusion if https only off for i2p sites.
trial_ dr|z3d, thanks, the / suffix worked ! :)
dr|z3d progres, trial :)
dr|z3d if you upgraded from I2P to I2P+, you may wish to use the I2P+ installer for the easiest resolution to http/https console access.
RTP I2P+ also provides you many cool working sites right on the front of the console page load... definitely perfect for starting out on i2p.
trial_ I already used the i2p+ java binary guys
RTP ah missed that part.
trial_ on linux
dr|z3d did you install via I2P+ or upgrade from I2P?
trial_ no worries i come and go from this chat since days, i understand lol
trial_ installed from i2p+ from scratch I believe
trial_ but I do remember visiting the website i2p at first, so i'm not so sure, any way to check?
dr|z3d ok, so if you haven't changed your console client settings, should automatically redirect you to
dr|z3d will always fail.
trial_ -> Secure connection failed indeed
dr|z3d should by default redirect to https on 7667.
dr|z3d https on 7657 will NEVER WORK.
trial_ dr, no it stays on and displays the router interface
dr|z3d then you must have changed something based on advice you received here?
trial_ I don't think so
trial_ only advice I received was for me to prevent two browsers to launch when $ i2prouter start
trial_ so I better should uninstall i2p+ and reinstall, right?
dr|z3d well, either you changed a clients.config file, edited the settings for the console in the console, or you installed I2P first. it's a minor issue, but if you want out of the box settings, you can try a reinstall. one more thing.. did you have i2p installed before you installed i2p+?
trial_ i don't think I had it already, but being not sure, is there a way to tell?
dr|z3d ok, tell me what subscriptions you have in your addressbook via /dns
trial_ 0xpastebin.i2p/ -> website not found in address book btw
trial_ dr, 67 entries
dr|z3d I2P and I2P+ have different default subs.
dr|z3d not the number, in the subscriptions section..
dr|z3d ok, so that's definitely an I2P installation you started from, not an I2P+ install.
trial_ crap shitty me :(
trial_ I should stay with that or.. ?
dr|z3d so grab that installer I linked, stop i2p, move both the .i2p and i2p folders.
dr|z3d so i2p_old and .i2p_old
dr|z3d then create a new i2p folder ~/i2p/
dr|z3d copy the installer there..
dr|z3d then run it: java -jar ./install.jar --or-- for a console install java -jar ./install.jar -console
dr|z3d that will give you for your console, and it'll also give you a fully populated addressbook once it's pulled the subscriptions (will take a few minutes post-install)
RN what did I say when we started today trial_? wipe and start over... LOL I agree with dr|z3d as far as making it a clean install, but keep in mind you'll have the https console and libre was giving you issues with https
dr|z3d RN: trial was giving trial issues with https :)
dr|z3d https on 7657 no workee. never likely to workee.
RN you can after install switch I2P+ to accept non https for console though
RN right
RN gotta keep the port numbers straight
RN also that youtube tutorial seems to be at the very least not clear in the instructions (judging from result not from watching it)
trial_ may I ask why this file link seems not listed in ?
RN and the "feature" of closing I2P with kill when browser closed? horrible
dr|z3d both stomycloud and incognet have I2P+ install tutorials, and maybe RTP has something.
dr|z3d trial_: I linked you to the latest development build of the installer.
RN ohh, freshly baked dev release? or a diffused release?
RN hehehehehehhe
dr|z3d which is slightly older, but not by much.
RN trial_, didn't you say the console just had you restart for a new version it had downloaded?
dr|z3d and that file _is_ linked on
dr|z3d under the development installer section.
dr|z3d (Gitlab CI column)
trial_ dr, ah right my bad
trial_ RN, not sure, can it be someoneelse's issue you stared at ? not even sure of all my issues myself lol
dr|z3d Blinded message
RN hehehe
RN well, in #i2p you had said you were restarting to apply the update
dr|z3d also, do avail yourself of I2P+'s help section, trial_, via /help/ .. lots of questions answered there...
RN when you came back you let me know you were moving back into satlr for dr's assistance since I2P+ is his
trial_ about to execute the installer but 1) upon recreating ~/i2p/ there was a wrapper.log file by default, is it normal?
trial_ 2) got dozens of terminal consoles and lost track of where to stop i2p
trial_ so I just to into ~/i2p_old and type $ i2p graceful ?
RN I was going to walk them through the console earlier before I got interrupted... but absolutely read the in console help docs regardless of which version you use
RN i2prouter graceful
RN or again, do it from the console, use the shutdown button
trial_ RN, ah right, brb in few mins then
RN make sure to wait for the process to end before starting the installer
trial_ got ya
RN check top or htop or something to see when all the java processes are gone
RN the log file was written by the instance you still have running even though you removed the directory it was running from
RN you created the new dir and the running router could write there again
RN if you still see message trial_ once it is shut down, probably delete that log file
RN then do the new install
RN dr|z3d, would the logfile being there pre-install affect anything?
dr|z3d log file?
dr|z3d he's going to move his i2p and .i2p folders, so no.
RN yeah, trial deleted the dir without shutting down the router first, then when they made the new dir a log file appeared, read above
dr|z3d move i2p and .i2p and no issue, fresh install. forget to move either, issues.
RN he didn't shut down before moving
RN then created new dir
RN and logfile appeared
dr|z3d yeah, so repeat the process after shutting down. aka read what I wrote above and follow. :)
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> so grab that installer I linked, stop i2p, move both the .i2p and i2p folders.
dr|z3d *in that order*
dr|z3d and wait for I2P to be stopped before moving anything. ~/i2p/i2prouter stop for the quickest method.
RN yeah, I think that trial_ didn't realize it takes about 11 min to shut down, so they told it to shut down, then moved the dirs
dr|z3d live and learn.
RN here they go...
RN fingers crossed
dr|z3d if you've got multiple addressbook subscriptions in your addressbook, including reg.i2p and skank.i2p, you have a fresh install, trial.
RN probably a good idea to check out that tuto and see if they just are not clear, or are flat wrong and note in comments... but I also don't have a youtube acct to post with and cant be bothered to make one now
trial yeah I'll give it a watch again
RN welcome back
trial just for y'all maintainers, I think I know why I got i2p installed previously
trial after $ java -jar ./install.jar -console
trial I tried $ i2prouter start
trial which apt prompted me to install i2p from its repos
RN ah
RN put the full path (or make an alias)
trial this time I just thought again and tried $ ./i2prouter
RN or move into the dir
trial i was already within ~/i2p but it was the ./
dr|z3d always ~/i2p/i2prouter or, better still, install the service.
RN oh, yeah your os likes the ./
trial anyway, now it launched chromium as in the beginning
RN you can configre that in console
RN just close chormium
trial and it's telling console Not secure
trial iirc, i had to go in router.console file to give librewolf path, right?
RN go to console in browser that was working (libre?)
dr|z3d it's using your OS default. and not secure you can ignore and click through. not secure == self-signed cert.
RN don't do it in the file, use the webui (console)
dr|z3d no, he needs to use the router.config file to configure the browser.
RN really, if you are leaving it running 24/7 you don't need it to open your prefered browser for you
dr|z3d routerconsole.browser={/path/to/browser}
RN in my opinion anyway
RN ^^^^^
trial i'm gonna edit the file, someone from here already solved this for me few days ago
trial to launch librewolf
dr|z3d that was me. :)
trial ah lol then I follow king's link
dr|z3d routerconsole.browser=/usr/bin/librewolf probably.
dr|z3d remember, don't edit router.config in i2p/ edit it in .i2p/
trial oh link wasn't interactive it's just a help page, i see
RN can you get that setting in /configadvanced once activated?
dr|z3d all the files in i2p are "template" files when it comes to settings apart from wrapper.config, they're copied to .i2p when you first run i2p/i2p+ without a pre-existing .i2p folder.
trial ah got it this time, thanks
RN (or if you accidentally run it as a different user)
dr|z3d we'll fix that next, RN. service install.
RN right
RN not sure trial is 100% on board with it running 24/7 yet though...
RN at least they are not using kill to stop it now
RN :)
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
trial k I modified it and now I have to graceful command right ? restarting from the webUI won't close chromium to launch librewolf right?
dr|z3d just leave it running for now. then when you next restart, it should open librewolf.
dr|z3d and assuming you did it right, restarting from the console (webui) should launch librewolf next time.
trial RN, tbh I was thinking about sharing my bandwidth as long as I use the browser, a bit like torrent clients. But it seems there's unpleasant delay at startup, + if I experience no issue regarding cloudflare I may decide to support the project by running it 24/7, as it'll have ticked its mission
dr|z3d if you open ~/i2p/i2prouter in your text editor and find the line RUN_AS_USER .. add the user you installed I2P+ as there.
dr|z3d eg RUN_AS_USER=trial
trial btw if y'all are in touch with devs it should be easier to name console webUI, as y'all know console in linux world is something else lol
dr|z3d linux terminals don't have the monopoly on the word console :)
dr|z3d but if you want to modify the name displayed in the browser, you can do that in +
dr|z3d sort of, anyways.
trial dr|z3d, uncommenting line 69 right?
dr|z3d if it's commented, uncomment it. RUN_AS_USER=trial or whatever username you installed under.
trial done guys
dr|z3d ok. now this: sudo /home/yourusername/i2p/i2prouter install
dr|z3d that will install the service component which is an altogether better way to manage the service.
trial tabulating $ sudo /home/myusernamehere/i2p
trial doesn't find i2prouter
trial oh ok it was $ sudo ./i2prouter install
dr|z3d it won't prevent you from running ~/i2p/i2prouter stop/start/restart/status either.
dr|z3d but, if you don't have it autostarting at bootup, which you should do for best network performance, you can start I2P+ with service i2p start
dr|z3d or rather, sudo service i2p start
trial hmm got ya, it's a building block for the 24/7 stuff
dr|z3d longer you're online, the better integrated your router, the better you'll find the network.
dr|z3d ok, next..
trial got it
dr|z3d using sudo, copy eephead eepget and i2ping to /usr/bin/
dr|z3d and then edit those 3 files and provide the location of your i2p install as per the instructions at the top of each file.
dr|z3d then you'll be able to do things like eephead skank.i2p etc.
dr|z3d if you did that right, just typing: eephead skank.i2p should invoke eephead and test the response headers on skank.i2p
trial i needa edit the 3 files from ~/i2p or the ones now in /usr/bin/ ?
dr|z3d the ones in usr/bin
dr|z3d the ones in i2p already know where the i2p app dir is because they're in them.
dr|z3d *in it
dr|z3d eepget sitename.i2p/ will attempt to pull a resource with a progress report.
dr|z3d like wget or curl, but for i2p.
dr|z3d and i2ping will ping an i2p hostname, i2ping cake.i2p for example.
trial got it, done!
dr|z3d great. you might next want to visit
dr|z3d check alternate fonts and embed i2psnark and i2pmail boxes, save.
dr|z3d see if the alternate font works better for you.
dr|z3d i2psnark and i2pmail will run inside the console UI. you may prefer that.
trial opened librewolf, it did redirect me to the console once i accepted the risk
trial then opened a new tab : -> the proxy server is refusing connections
dr|z3d 127, sorry. typo.
dr|z3d you need to be able to spot these too...
trial -> unable to connect
dr|z3d everything while you're accessing the console locally.
dr|z3d see, I'm testing you...
trial ahaha not bad
RN hehehehe
RN dr never makes typos.
RN ;)
RN just don't switch to bsd
RN hehehehe
dr|z3d make sure you configure your bandwidth on /config
trial irl doctorS whole handwriting is typos for mere mortal eyes tho xD anyways i digress
dr|z3d more you share, better your overall performance
trial toggling alternative font doesn't seem to change anything?
dr|z3d try ctrl+shift+r
dr|z3d it should do.
trial oh ok i just forgot to hit apply
dr|z3d kill me now.
trial i don't see any difference when toggling i2psnark and mail tho
trial it's supposed to show up in service tunnels?
dr|z3d if that's toggle on, then when you visit those pages, they'll be embedded in the console UI.
trial ah got it, done then
dr|z3d otherwise, they'll be in their own window without the console "wrapper"
dr|z3d and by now if you visit your addressbook you should see a few more than 67 entries..
trial 0xpastebin.i2p -> not found in addressbook
trial you're right, 164 :)
dr|z3d 0x is probably dead. if you want pastebin, try cake.i2p
dr|z3d you'll see more soon, takes a while for subs to be pulled first time.
trial it worked ! :)
trial now is there a way to fix this lock icon on the left of url bar ?
trial it shows strikedthrough for http i2p sites
dr|z3d as for 0x paste, 0xpaste.i2p is probably what you're looking for. if that's not in your addressbook, it will be soon. or use a jump link if you can't wait.
dr|z3d ignore it.
dr|z3d it's wrong.
RN s/wrapper/frame/ #to not conflate terms with other parts of I2P
trial and it shows exclamation sign for exception on the router webUI
dr|z3d yup, because your browser doesn't know that i2p is end-to-end encrypted to treats http as unencrypted.
dr|z3d so I wouldn't worry about it.
trial i mean i know that y'all teach me well on that
trial but if I were to hand the browser to some grannies or idk
RN that's the part I was telling you trial you'd have to educate your family about the lock icon
trial they'd panic i guess
trial RN, ah got it
RN they'll get over it if they understand
RN ;)
trial k it can reach clear web no issues, tho with hell lot of delay
RN also you will need to explore your assumptions about what "anonymized browsing" and get a good understanding before you try to expalin to them
trial broken (or me not knowing my stuff)-tutorial was adding a second outproxy iirc
dr|z3d the longer you leave it running, the faster access to clearnet will be, to a point. router needs to get baked into the network.
RN yep. outernet is not what I2P is made for, it is mostly there to protect users from bad sites trying to de-anon you by loading fonts from goodle or such
RN dr, which outproxy you got in by default these days?
dr|z3d not entirely true, RN, but that's a question of opinion :)
trial RN, yeah google fonts are evil :(
dr|z3d still purokishi.
dr|z3d which does a bunch of adblocking and tracker blocking.
RN trial, it is just a matter of adding that in the config via the webui, a comma and outproxy name
RN puroshiki is good imho
trial in tunnel manager?
trial yeah the youtuber was adding purokishi
RN purokishi, stormy and any others have different features...
dr|z3d multihomed, fast 5Gb/s connections on all of them.
RN I'd just leave the outproxy default for I2P+ in my opinion
RN just note as dr said they do block trackers and adds and some sites in my exp
dr|z3d ping me if it's not working. occasionally one of the multihomes craps out.
dr|z3d blocks porn. use tor if you want that :)
trial ok but will I be notified smh if the single point of failure crashes for me ?
trial otherwise i'd go with two for failover
RN sometimes blocking trackers may interfere with account registrations in my exp
trial oh no tbh i browse my 4k corn videos on my clear browser lmao
RN corn porn... interesting fettish
dr|z3d you'll just be unable to connect to any sites until you cycle to the next multihome, though very soon that'll be fixed. multiple points of failure, but try it for a while and let me know if you have issues.
trial living in a country where it's better to upload tiktoks than to advertise we're into dev and freedom lol
dr|z3d you may have a US or NL ip, depending on which backend server you're using.
RN that helps me understand your use case
trial meaning outproxies each have a machine in US and NL ?
RN multiples
trial Or some are US based and some others are NL based?
dr|z3d multihomed == one b32, multiple backends.
trial idk what is b32
dr|z3d b32 = hostname, in essence.
dr|z3d think of it as an ip address, only for i2p.
RN it is a form of address used by I2P. yep
trial hmm ok
dr|z3d foo.i2p = askdjlsadjw375y3294782fj3489yt92tg2983yg9823f.b32.i2p
dr|z3d look in your addressbook, you'll see mappings.
trial i see
trial and the dns table is torrented between each individual's router?
RN most of the time though, just focus on the readable one foo.i2p in dr's example
dr|z3d you add subscriptions which each pull from an address.
dr|z3d there is no torrenting, but you can share your addressbook with others, though I wouldn't recommend it.
trial hmm ok, my brain isn't into homenetwork science these days tbh
RN that is covered in the help docs
trial will dive in internals later
trial current mission was to register on a platform to ask shits about android apps
dr|z3d with the I2P+ subscriptions (urls) you've basically got every alive site on the network bar a few nasties.
dr|z3d once your router has managed to pull down the subs. updates happen regularly.
RN you should be set now to give that android site a go
trial So now regarding i2p my only last step is to make it 24/7 right?
trial for minimizing delay
dr|z3d see the subscriptions -> logs section in your addressbook to see what's new.
RN yep
trial currently i still have to ./i2prouter start manually at each boot right?
dr|z3d it's already 24/7 if you installed the service.
dr|z3d you can confirm it's enabled with sudo systemctl enable i2p
trial and btw where was the section for adding one outproxy, in case i need it someday?
dr|z3d will auto-start on boot, or should.
dr|z3d http proxy -> config in tunnel manager.
trial $ sudo systemctl status i2p
trial enable would be for triggering i think
dr|z3d that would ensure that it's automatically starting. it won't do anything other than confirm it's on autostart if it is.
trial â—Ź i2p.service - LSB: I2P Service
trial Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/i2p; generated)
trial Active: inactive (dead)
trial ah got ya
dr|z3d so when you boot, should startup without intervention. to control it, use the webui (mostly)
dr|z3d grab the i2p+ torrents and add them to snark if you want to integrate a bit faster, and to help i2p+
dr|z3d linked on skank.i2p or tracker2.postman.i2p
trial dr, http proxy -> config in tunnel manager.
dr|z3d under clients.
trial i'd hit "+" ?
dr|z3d no. hit the name next to cog.
dr|z3d HTTP Proxy or whatever it's called.
trial ok well noted
dr|z3d purokishi.i2p,exit.stormycloud.i2p,outproxy.acetone.i2p for all 3 outproxy services, but as I say, try purokishi for a while and let me know if you bump into issues.
trial also where to see how many bandwidth i'm handing ? and what would be the procedure the day i throttle ?
dr|z3d > /config
dr|z3d and the config section in i2psnark.
trial k I'm keeping only one for now
trial webUI home > configure bandwidth ?
dr|z3d that's it.
trial up and down values are set for me or for community users?
RN also, you might want to take a look at /graphs
RN will give you some basic info there with default config. you may want to add other graphs later as you gain experience and comprehension of the inner workings
trial good choice would be 1/[total people in the fam]*max speed ?
RN all using the same router? or each with their own computer with their own router?
dr|z3d good choice is whatever your isp provides.
trial and then 50% of my internet pizza slice handed to the network?
dr|z3d then scale the share percentage to something like 70%
dr|z3d it won't use that much.
trial say one router for the whole fam
dr|z3d but the more you share, the more "interesting" your router will appear to other routers.
trial and me sharing on my behalf my bandwidth slice with the i2p community
dr|z3d give it isp in/out, 70% share and then see how you get on.
trial intereseting meaning less delay?
dr|z3d you can always adjust later.
dr|z3d interesting meaning more likely to be used by other routers, which in turn makes your router more performant on the network.
trial wait y'all i have dummy issues
trial oh ok no it's bytes on the left and bits on the right
dr|z3d down is for you, up is for others.
dr|z3d at the bottom you'll see both Mb/s and KB/s
trial yep, yet when I upload a file, i'm capped by the up speed I set, right?
dr|z3d not really. you're capped by the intermediate routers between you and the site you're sending to.
RN the limits and caps in I2P are generally not hard-enforced but more like guidelines
RN and what dr just said
RN slowest link in the chain
trial i see
dr|z3d so in and out, set those to isp values.
RN but the higher you are capable and set, the more your router CAN do
trial i mean, at first step, first bottleneck is my up speed setting, right?
dr|z3d the network share is the only value you want to tweak, but as I said, 70% initially, tweak later.
RN I like to think the first bottleneck is network_need
trial hmm unclear but ok it will do xD
RN if you are configured as gigabit (and isp actually has) but the network only needs 50Mbit then you won't get to Gig
dr|z3d if you're on fiber, you'll hit inter-router speeds long before you hit anything configured.
trial so ISP specs then I'd share 0.5*[1/people in the fam]%
RN yup
dr|z3d forget the fancy algorithm. 70% share.
RN if everyone is using the same router and browser on the same machine do like dr said
dr|z3d and then adjust later if that appears to be using too much b/w
trial i see
RN i2prouter won't know who is at the keyboard
uop23ip Hi, does someone know which versions are blocked by router.blockOldRouters?
dr|z3d you're running I2P+ so you won't easily max out your allocated up bandwidth
RN if you start a torrent, then later cousin joe starts one, both are running on same machine
dr|z3d because you're throttling routers that ask for too much, and banning routers that are just plian abusive.
RN uop23ip, depends if Canon or Plus
dr|z3d u5657: 0.9.60 and earlier iirc.
RN I think Plus is like one version, and Canon tries to be more backward compatible
uop23ip interested in both :)
dr|z3d RN: canon doesn't have that config.
RN ah
dr|z3d uop23ip: generally 1 or two versions behind current.
RN so yeah, then Canon doesn't block old routers unless identified by attack countermeasures
dr|z3d and not all routers, just low bandiwith and unreachable routers.
trial so in the end i2p is like tor, with a parallel i2p web unsurveiled bc going through volunteer nodes?
dr|z3d like Tor, only different. more focus on internal web, less centralized.
RN there is a good page to expalin that trial give me a sec to get the link
trial yet I don't get how with less than a dozen outproxies it manages to go through cloudflare's net
trial glad i got the concept dr thanks
dr|z3d shouldn't hit cloudflare for most sites.
trial userbase is much smaller than tor's one i guess
dr|z3d if you are bumping into cloudflare, it may be something other than the ip of the outproxy causing that.
trial therefore having a website is free on the i2p web i guess?
dr|z3d sure, userbase is smaller, number of routers vs nodes, probably much larger.
RN websites are free, just keep your router running (or run others in other locations)
dr|z3d totally free, no charge for hosting if you provide it yourself, and "dns" registration is also free.
uop23ip so plus: only current, and canon: generally 1 or two versions behind current, correct?
trial very sweet concept <3
dr|z3d wrong, uop23ip
trial so for cloudflare it's only a matter of outproxies/userbase threshold?
RN uop23ip, no. Plus 1 or 2 prev, Canon: no blocking by version
dr|z3d + will by default block routers one or two versions behind if they are a) slow and b) unreachable (firewalled). canon enforces no such blocks, but does block a certain class of router that's known to be abusive.
trial for clear web the number of routers making i2p is useless right?
dr|z3d clearnet, you're limited to the number of outproxies, which currently stands at around 3, officially.
uop23ip ok, thanks
trial i see
trial so 3/how many active users on average at a time T ?
dr|z3d of course you can disable that as you see fit, uop23ip, with the config setting you referenced.
RN keep in mind, those three outproxy operators mostly have more than one physical machine, likely in different parts of the globe
trial ah good to know
RN active users is tricky to measure
RN irc user numbers... probably around 100 max varying over time
trial i see, even tho I won't assume we're only 100 lol
RN for an estimate of active routers, stats.i2p has some graphs. but it is intentionally made hard to be exact.
trial for tor it's like 6M users for 6000 exit nodes, so cloudflare doesn't want 1000 peeps by node
RN your router will be aware of a slice of them.... enough to function and over time function well...
trial oh wait no it's 60M users
RN but knowing the exact size is tricky... I think stats.i2p has a very good estimate.
trial so at worst 10k peeps each visiting sites tied to cloudflare
RN also, keep in mind not all active routers have a useer doing something at any particular time
trial i2p project has been created longtime ago isn't it?
RN about 20 years
trial RN, yes and not all are visiting a website tied to cloudflare, but it's becoming the norm I feel, webmasters have no opinion and choose easiness
RN I2P+ came later when dr decided to make his own to get more access to do things his way
RN I think i2pd came before Plus but I am not 100% sure on the timing
trial i can't believe 20 years on a opensource project can't gather way more than 100 lol but it's ok i don't wanna know
RN many others have started a new iplementation in other prog lang, but most don't stick around
trial was just for me to feel what threshold is applying cloudflare evil
RN 100 on IRC
RN many users don't use this specific irc
RN also there is a big chunk of mostly Russian users on their own irc
RN i2pd is tied to Russia and so they have their own irc called Ilita
trial interesting
trial how many people are there on there?
RN I think I remember hearing around 6K routers?
trial little detail about firefox, how to set custom home URL so that it opens router in a tab, but lands on another empty tab ready to browse ?
trial tho like this I'll land on router
RN oh, around 8K
trial good! :)
trial so ~3K peeps/clear node at worst
dr|z3d trial: also worth mentioning re b/w, instead of lowering your share, you can limit the number of tunnels you route for others if the b/w usage gets too high. better this way. router.maxParticipatingTunnels=xxx where the default is 8000 for standard systems, or 2000 for android.
RN trial, set firefox to open same tabs as last time and always leave the console and empty tab when you exit firefox
dr|z3d android/arm
dr|z3d you can just set your homepage to,about:blank
RN that's probably the easiest way to achieve what you asked
dr|z3d not sure if is needed with about:blank
dr|z3d probably not.
RN hmmm... if dr
RN s suggestion works that is better
dr|z3d should do, you can have multiple homepages in firefox.
RN I have my browser open with just a local html file pinned.
RN in that html I have a link to router and links for other things I use often.
RN (actually the router link I use goes to the graphs page - easy enough to get to other parts from there)
RN I did get fancy and pull the favicon links for each one for a while, till that started triggering the rate limits on some of the sites and the icons wouldn't load till limit expired
RN now I moved the ones with rate limits to another html file linked in the first
RN but important to keep the number of links to just what you use the most, otherwise what's the bookmark feature for
trial wow I like this setup ! *-* won't ever go this much in detail tho I know my lazy self :'(
RN :)
dr|z3d why not just grab the favicons and serve them locally?
trial|about:blank">|about:blank does the same as| , isn't it ?
RN well, after ~20 years I ended up here
trial couldn't make the comma to work
RN the point of the icons was to show if the site was up, so local cache defeats purpose
dr|z3d oh, yeah, you might be right, | is the separator.
RN next to icon is name
trial damn how could I let 20 years before hearing about this project xD i feel bad
RN icon and name are in the link
RN don't feel bad, I2P is more on the down low as the kids say...
RN sure we want more users, but not to the point of stressing the code's ability to scale
RN Plus I2P doesn't have the funding of bigger sister Tor
dr|z3d bah, we can scale. bring on the users!
dr|z3d ideally users on fiber. those we like best.
RN sure dr, it is much less a concern about scaling these days than it was say 10-15 years ago
RN but that lag in marketing has kept I2P a better kept secret
trial yeah btw that stormy tutorial speeks about ssh
trial this means for a dedicated appliance or vps i guess
trial meaning there's no clear tutorial on the web for setting it up
trial nor on youtube
RN ssh if you are familiar with it is a powerful tool, if you are not familiar, add it to your to-read list
dr|z3d setting what up?
trial it would benefit greatly
trial setting up i2p
dr|z3d you don't need ssh if you're running i2p locally.
trial idk if the instructions you guys gave me were already somewhere on the internet
dr|z3d there's a huge chunk of stuff right in your I2P+ console in the /help section.
RN no trial, there's plenty of info online about setting up i2p, your mistake was picking an unclear youtube tutorial
trial speaks*$
trial yeah i guess x'D
RN you just got in over your head. keep it simple and get the basics working first. you had no way to know.
dr|z3d if there's anything that you think should be there that isn't, let me know, or, better still, write it and pass it this way :)
trial well lazy me will never
RN as you use it, you'll get more familiar and thus more capable of trying more advanced stuff.
dr|z3d well, lazy you can stay lazy and run your own blog.
trial but imo picking a ytber with a decent viewerbase and handing him a script would help a lot
trial both the project and newcomers
dr|z3d RTP does better than most.
trial yeah not there yet xD
dr|z3d and he's right here!
RN also, now that you are here. start with the console help docs, then the I2P website/eepsite docs, then ask community or look on internal sites before you resort to youtube
trial rtp is a youtuber?
dr|z3d so, tell him what you want.
trial danggggg this is him !!!
RN although I hear acetone has some good info on youtube (acetone is a Ru user so may be more leanign toward i2pd compared to Canon or Plus)
trial amazing
trial last very detail, idk if you'll know
trial running debian KDE in here
trial pulled librewolf, but the app icon won't show once I pinned into taskbar?
RN yuck
RN I had similar issues with firefox
trial remember how you solved it?
RN but I was trying to do some fancy stuff
RN solution was to forget the pin and just use the desktop icon
dr|z3d run XFCE, quickest fix imaginable.
RN hehehehe
trial indeed XFCE doesn't suffer from horribly displaying the few gnome apps :'(
RN also
RN your librewolf install has been tinkered with a lot... might need a restart of kde and/or a clean install of librewolf
RN beyond that... I'd refer to the kde and librewolf support places/wikis/etc
trial ah right i rarely restart!
trial anyway i'll search the internet i'm sure it's a common issue with kde
RN nice thing though, if you restart kde, I2P should stay running
trial thanks a BUNCH y'all Gurus, long live this project
RN at least now
trial have a good weekend
trial OH WAIT
trial how about suspending?
dr|z3d be good, trial, or don't get caught.
trial bandwidth is still shared?
RN suspending the sytem will likely screw up I2P
RN ^^
dr|z3d suspending will severely impact your "interesting" status.
RN suspend and hibernate will cause clock to jump when reactivated, and that is just one thing that will mess with it
dr|z3d as well as harm your network performance.
RN yep
RN when you shut down I2P there is a reason it takes 10-12 minuts
dr|z3d you want to remain interesting, trial. so if you can, keep i2p running 24/7.
RN it is still keeping the tunnels for promises your router made until each expires
RN that's the graceful part
trial i mean no worries getting a dedicated appliance/VM for it is planned
trial but for now y'all are telling it's better to clean shutdown i2p before suspending, did i get it right?
dr|z3d if you want a reliable, i2p-friendly vps provider, you can do a lot worse than incognet.i2p
RN until you get a deditcated appliance, use the shutdown button or use the graceful command. at least then next time you start it should connect up quicker
dr|z3d shutdown i2p from webui, then suspend, if you must.
RN ^^^
dr|z3d but make sure i2p is shutdown before suspending, which may entail an 11 minute wait.
RN incognet.i2p is great! I've seen how their systems perform.
trial what i noted : best to stop i2p before you suspend. or just don't suspend. suspending the sytem will likely screw up I2P. shutdown i2p from webui, then suspend, if you must. otherwise it's 10M of reconnection bc of linejump
trial y'all confirm on this sentence?
trial 10min
RN if I could afford one, I'd choose them before any other
dr|z3d the good thing about irc is that you can re-read things that you'd didn't understand the first time.
trial ah right ctrl+F works i didn't know
dr|z3d or your scroll wheel.
trial idk in my head it's first one has to selfhost and then one has to georeplicate on a vps
RN they didn't pay me to say that, but they _could_
RN :)
dr|z3d or your eyes, though that's not always a given :)
trial got it! gonna see once i have less shits to solve whether i can script a clean shutdown each time i order a suspend
cumlord Yes 🙌🏻
RN well hello there mr slimey sticky
cumlord If you’re meaning wait 10mins for all tunnels to close
RN don't set a number on it, it sometimes takes a little more than 10
RN just check if the service or java is still running
RN service I2P status
cumlord Hey I’m crust half the time
RN or other command line foo to check for the process
RN or a pid file!
RN I like the pid file myself
RN turned it on for monit
RN use it for other purposes now
RN and... my show is now available for steaming... time to see what Parker finds...
RN oh, surpirse! also a new "the boys" today!!!
cumlord This is the way, do you do some monitoring with that?
cumlord Shit the boys dropped?
cumlord Seein weds, maybe there’s a leak I don’t see yet
RN according to a special drops today
RN so maybe not a full episode
RN re monitoring, you mean monit? yeah, is a quick dashboard configured to keep track of system, and can stop/start some services automatically
dr|z3d handy tool, monit.
RN verry customizable...
RN yep
RN mine plays SOS if isp drops connection
RN among other things
RN I think I also have it talk a little with espeak
RN been a while since it had anything to complain about so I forget
cumlord how have I lived my life without this
cumlord Ah ok that makes sense watching for it incase of leaks
cumlord Gonna have to set that up my solution is half baked at best
RN cumlord, if you are playing with monit, I suggest the subdirectory option for config files and aside from the basic stuff in the default config, I have a separate file for each thing. eg. .../monitrc, .../monit.d/i2p .../monit.d/somecustomthing .../monit.d/znc etc...
RN I think there's hints about this in the main config
not_bob trial seems go have the hang of things now!
RN yeah they're getting there
RN nice clean setup now, thanks mostly I think do Dr.
RN LOL neither of our tee keys work
not_bob That's not good.
RN hehe
not_bob How are you holding up?
not_bob wb cumlord
not_bob Anyway, I'm tired. Sleep for me.
not_bob later all!
RN I'm ok, rest well not_blob_afk
cumlord thanks for the tidbit rn still getting around to getting it setup, had another hdd failure really gotta get around to switching fully to ssd
cumlord oh good glad trial got the hang of it though
RN shat full ssd? they don't like writes
RN still not seeing the the boys special yet
T3s|4 cumlord: even if you don't run Arch, here's a decent monit intro/overview:
cumlord true, i've been putting a couple of them through a lot of wear to see what happens and so far so good, if they can last as long as hdds i'm on board
cumlord this even does SMART too are you kidding me
cumlord overview is perfect i'm grabbing it
T3s|4 cumlord: you can always search for thousands of computer topics. If you use DDG, their bang shourtcut is `!aw` - for example `!aw sudo` :D
cumlord alright that's a pretty neat trick, wonder if can be added into searxng easily
dr|z3d zzz: curveball for you. LargestTriangleThreeBuckets and cubic spline interpolation.
dr|z3d You'd be forgiven for not knowing what I'm talking about, so I'll give you a hint. Downsampling for the graph data.
dr|z3d The downsampling algorithm I've tested, cubic spline interpolation I've yet to figure out how to activate.
zzz pfft. was doing cubic splines in fortran 40 years ago
dr|z3d pfft to you too :)
dr|z3d not saying you don't know what they are, just the context might have been a bit vague.
dr|z3d The main takeaway is that rrd4j supports downsampling and cubic splines, so for _some_ of the graphs, perhaps for longer periods, it might make sense.
dr|z3d and this commit has commented out lines where the downsampler can be activated: git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commit/a5b55aa25e0194447a011bc317f43facb358cbe8
dr|z3d the higher the value for the LTTB downsampler, the less lossage.
dr|z3d and it's not clear to me what the value represents. it looks like total samples per graphing period, but I'm not sure.
zzz it;s complex, but rrd ofc is a bucketing system. I believe interpolation is a backend (data) facility for missing buckets and linearizing data samples
zzz if you want nice curves instead of bars on the graphs, that's completely different, that's a frontend thing
zzz and there's two levels of bucketing because we do it in RateStat/Rate before passing the average to rrd
dr|z3d I had a brief look at the Cublic Spline stuff, looked like frontend splines/beziers to me, but maybe I didn't look hard enough.
dr|z3d * Creates cubic spline interpolator for an array of 2D-points.
zzz so there's at least 4 time constants, how often we collect data, the Rate bucket interval, the jrobin interval, and the graph resolution
zzz you haven't said what you're trying to accomplish, other than that you found this spline thingy and want to turn it on? to do what?
dr|z3d it wants to work in tandem with the downsampler it seems, so I was hoping it could output curves on the graphs, but maybe not.
dr|z3d the "spline thingy" is a separate issue to the downsampling, which I've already got working and looks like it could be useful.
dr|z3d this sugested it might be a frontend mod: public class CubicSplineInterpolator extends Plottable {
dr|z3d the Plottable bit, specifically.
zzz downsampling sounds like the opposite of interpolation to me
dr|z3d according to the test file, you downsample and then interpolate.
zzz you can make the graphs as pretty as you want by making all the stats and rrd buckets shorter, at a huge cost in memory/cpu/disk
dr|z3d yeah, the idea is to use less resources, not more.
trial cloudflare : "Please enable JS and disable adblocker" -> I disabled ublock extension from librewolf, refreshed -> "you have been blocked"
trial how to setup some ctrl+L to change proxy as in tor ?
dr|z3d you can't.
dr|z3d what's the page/site?
trial european secondhand listing site
trial like craiglist in the us
trial is it cloudflare that straight block proxies or is it up to each site's webmaster to configure?
trial to congigure reachability*
dr|z3d it's complex.
dr|z3d mostly you won't get blocked on cloudflare sites, but if the site is doing some extra checks to make sure the adverts or tracking has been loaded, then you might see a block occur.
trial got it
trial what was the JS stuff about ?
trial I know tor disables some, librewolf too?
dr|z3d are you running something like noscript or umatrix addons?
trial not even i use librewolf stock
trial it came with ublock only
trial or maybe noscript without advertising its icon, idk
dr|z3d ublock may be blocking stuff, you'd have to check the ublock logs.
trial tor doesn't have it, right ? I haven't been overwhelmed by popups on it, so i might just delete it on librewolf as well
dr|z3d just disable it on the pages that are causing you issues, no need to delete it.
dr|z3d and remember, purokishi blocks most adds, but not everything. use another outproxy and you'll see ads.
dr|z3d *most ads
trial got it thanks a lot !
trial added a bunch of lines into ublock origin settings > trusted sites
trial as nearly all of the onlineshops of this country are fucked up by cloudflare
trial yet I can't hit "apply changes" it's grayed out, any idea on why?
trial i believe only amazon and aliexpress understood reality of this world, sadly :'(
dr|z3d if you already applied the trusted site rules, then apply changes will be grayed out. try adding another hostname.
trial adding my batch of lines, I can only hit "revert"
trial never "apply changes" :(
dr|z3d as soon as you start typing there, apply changes should light up. maybe you need to enable advanced mode, dunno.
trial (it reverts to :
trial chrome-extension-scheme
trial moz-extension-scheme
dr|z3d settings -> I am an advanced user...
trial this and/or one line jump and/or first URL not having prefix allow me to
trial hit it
trial forget the one linejump
dr|z3d yeah, just domain or ip, not protocol://
trial ahhhh thanks a lot!
trial www unnecessary as well?
dr|z3d mostly.
dr|z3d but if you find a site you want to exclude, just hit the ublock power button when you're on the site, it'll add the hostname in that list.
trial got it
trial I was afraid it caches the proxy for later
trial so wanted no bump wathsoever