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cumlord do you run multiple routers on same ip? Not sure what penalty is but I think that could have affected me when I didn’t have them all configured to family right
snex no i do not
dr|z3d I wonder if your isp is doing some sort of dynamic p2p throttling/blocking, snex. Also possible.
snex i was wondering that too but they seem pretty hands off.. its centurylink fiber and they dont care about me running stuff on 80, 443, 22, etc
dr|z3d might be worth having a conversation with your isp, snex, a technician specifically. at least you can then rule out isp behavior.
snex is there some behavior on the router i could check for that would indicate isp is doing shit?
snex my port fwds work fine
snex router itself reports as green, and all my other services work
dr|z3d re router hints, keep an eye on your logs @ warn level.
dr|z3d ok, -7+ on dev and release update paths, featuring zzz's I2PSnark fixes and more.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - Nice to kick off the month with The Magnificent Seven+ :D
dr|z3d we got some improvements (I hope) to the inline snark sorting, should be more robust. let me know how you get on with it.. try and break it! :)
dr|z3d also new is a toggle for the snark debugging which loads in place. toggle via the bug icon underneath the snark control buttons in the table footer (hover to reveal).
T3s|4 dr|z3d: it looks like sorting from filter bar items and by clicking on the column header icons are all working correctly
dr|z3d great, T3s|4, but please do test hard. you need to click all over and not wait for a response.. before that would cause a "traditional" load to happen.
dr|z3d currently testing graph modifications.. instead of displaying every restart time in the legend section when legends are visible, I'm just showing the legend once, with all the red lines still visible.
dr|z3d not convinced showing the date and all the restart times is that useful. if you really want to know when the router restarted, the event logs are probably more useful.
T3s|4 'clicking all over' as fast as I can doesn't seems to break sorting with many torrents on my end
dr|z3d brilliant.
T3s|4 yep, super-duper :D
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d presumably it's fast enough?
dr|z3d ideally it should be instant, but that's cpu-dependent.
dr|z3d cpu and possibly storage.
T3s|4 ~5 year old i7, plenty of DDR4 and an nvme - close to instant...
dr|z3d and plenty of torrents loaded I presume?
T3s|4 north of hundreds :)
dr|z3d fantastic. so we're all good then :)
T3s|4 I think so, but iirc not_bob has some huge number of torrents running, so his rig is likely a more rigorous test when he's around
dr|z3d yeah, notbob is seeding every single torrent on postman.
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
T3s|4 lols
not_bob Not ...every... torrent.
not_bob But, yes. More than a few, that's for sure.
dr|z3d Just rattling your cage, not_bob :)
not_bob It's all good.
not_bob I am a pretty heavy user of i2psnark.
not_bob And, I do have quite a few instances of it running.
dr|z3d well the inline sorting should be more robust now, it was a bit touchy before.
not_bob I wrote an article about running more than one instance on the same machine a while back.
not_bob Yes it was.
not_bob But, yes. The most recent build that I'm running is much smoother.
not_bob I have not upgraded all my instances yet though.
dr|z3d when did you snag that?
dr|z3d earlier this evening?
dr|z3d the most recent build...
not_bob Are we not talking about the one from a couple days ago?
not_bob Oh, I have not.
not_bob And, I am not in a position to do so right now.
not_bob Currently using my phone from the drivers seat.
not_bob Blinded message
dr|z3d ok, well, no rush, but it should be better than whatever you're running.
not_bob I'll grab the latest update some time tomororw when I have some free time.
dr|z3d I won't bore you with the specifics, but it wasn't optimal before, belt and braces. Worked if you didn't throb it too hard :)
cumlord notbob doing the lords work ;)
not_bob cumlord: Someone has to do it!
not_bob I download a lot of things that I never get around to watching. Seed them for a good while and when I run out of disk space delete things that I've either watched, or decided to not watch.
dr|z3d And I think I'm happy now with the graphs, much more predictable when you're displaying legends, height-wise. though the show/hide legends config is currently borked, so you may need to adjust that via advanced configs until I've hunted down the bug.
not_bob I will play with that later when I have time.
not_bob Currently using my i2pd based phone to get here.
not_bob That may not have been very good english.
not_bob But, you get what I mean.
snex who is your favorite uploader on tracker2
not_bob Whoever has the content I want?
not_bob Mostly it's all very high quality.
dr|z3d in brief, it now doesn't matter how many restart events you have plotted on the graph, it'll just show a single legend entry with "Router started"
dr|z3d graph mods coming to a /dev/ update near you soon (ETA 8m)
cumlord that's reasonable not_bob, lot of folks don't hold onto content for long or just hit and run XD
not_bob cumlord: Though, there are torrents that I will seed till the day I die.
not_bob It's best to grab new torrents and hold them for a few weeks.
cumlord just got update now seems to be pretty fast but i don't have a ton of torrents on snark (yet)
not_bob Want to stress it? Grab everything from hentai-torrents.i2p
not_bob One of those torrents is 140 gigs.
cumlord welp guess i'm downloading darknet hentai today
dr|z3d cumlord: don't forget to enable the filter bar if you haven't already.
dr|z3d the more torrents you have loaded in snark, the handier you'll find it.
cumlord very handy and a major reason i didn't use snark before
cumlord possible in the future to allow fully completed torrents to start automatically?
dr|z3d there's also a background graph available on snark's message logs if you enabled the snark inbound graph on /configstats
dr|z3d mostly for cosmetic purposes, but it will give you a 24h plot.
cumlord has there always been a search feature there? XD
cumlord "show all" does something a bit strange for me now, shows first 50 as expected but go to next page it searches "all" and shows no torrents, have to escape from show all to see them
dr|z3d ah, well spotted, looks like you found a bug.
dr|z3d fix shortly on the /dev/ update path, cumlord. ETA 10m.
cumlord awesome :) also not sure if intended, but if you toggle peers and go to a tab it returns the number of rows, i think.
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d not entirely sure what you mean? there are badges for the various filter states that should display a count of the torrents.
dr|z3d or for the "show all" filter, it'll show you current/total, depending on configured pagesize.
cumlord so i go to seeding tab, it gives expected number
dr|z3d there may be more work to do relating to search and pagenav, I'll have to look into it. and probably we want page navigation to follow the same convention as other browsing, ie inline updates, not new page loading. work to do!
cumlord then i click show peers, now the seeding tab shows much bigger number
dr|z3d gotcha. shouldn't be doing that, it sounds like it's counting the peer rows as well. will look into it.
dr|z3d have you got debug active?
cumlord for sure, it's wip
cumlord most likely not, where to go for that?
dr|z3d in the table footer, hover around the stop start button column.
cumlord oh that's sneaky, i like this
dr|z3d ah, I think know why it's doing that.
dr|z3d fix coming shortly...
dr|z3d > fix coming shortly...
dr|z3d > before the debugging rows weren't loaded unless you explicitly enabled debugging. now they're loaded and hidden when debugging isn't active. easy fix.
dr|z3d and it's always WIP :)
cumlord makes sense
dr|z3d hiding the debugging stuff instead of not rendering it at all means it can be easily toggled.
not_bob I just set the number to display to be really huge so they all show in one big list.
dr|z3d otherwise you're having to mess about with active filters, sorts etc which can be a nuisance. or you just load the debugging stuff and lose the sorts/filters.
not_bob Then, I use the filtes at the top to only show what I'm looking for. Be it downloading or whatnot.
dr|z3d you can have both.
dr|z3d if you use filters, everything displays. only pagination for "show all".
dr|z3d so best of both worlds, or not, depending on usecase. :)
not_bob cumlord: The search feature at the top was a feature request that I put in about a year and a half ago?
cumlord i do like the extra info in debug
cumlord lmao goes to show you about how long its been since i've looked at snark 🤣
dr|z3d the per-peer debug info I'm not convinced about tbh, I'll either make it vaguely useful or lose it.
not_bob Even though they are not useful.
dr|z3d the bottom panel, though, sure, that's kinda handy. the bandwidth throttler info is currently hidden there while I figure out how to make that whole section a bit more visually interesting. already too much text.
not_bob I do have a feature request. In the i2psnark config at the bottom of the screen it shows maxfiles. But, you can't edit it there. You have to edit it in the config file. Why can't the value be changed right there in the web UI?
dr|z3d ok, torrent count should be fixed in the latest /dev/ update.
dr|z3d because it's not something average user needs. much scope for borkage.
cumlord bottom pannel has useful info
dr|z3d OOMs, file descriptor exhaustion, whatever. you need to know what you're doing to change it.
not_bob Fair point.
dr|z3d if you don't want the per-peer debug rows, you can already hide that. just create an override.css file in the active snark theme dir (docs/themes/snark/{theme}/
dr|z3d and add the line tr.debuginfo{display:none!important}
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: Thank you for the work on this!
dr|z3d which bit, not_bob_afk? :)
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: All of it.
dr|z3d no half measures!
cumlord it is kind of nice to see the connection peers are using but maybe not super important
cumlord second that snarks huge improvement from what i remember, much more usable now with filters
dr|z3d thanks, glad you find it useful :)
dr|z3d (both of you)
dr|z3d *poof*
dr|z3d zzz: dunno if you wanted to tame the restart legend lines, but if you did -> git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commit/1c6d7542e05b3dd57e43b94e64a84c5f1ac0587a
dr|z3d I've nuked the dates and multiple lines, and just gone with a req square and "Router restarted" with all the vrules intact.
dr|z3d I might add an (updated from {oldversion} to {newversion}) there if the last update wasn't the same as the previous.
zzz I thought about it, but I'd want to show the n newest, but they're sorted oldest first, and some could be off the graph to the right...
zzz so it would take two passes, and more trouble than it's worth
zzz re: snex
zzz there's 3 main ways to lose peers like that
zzz - banned by hash or IP in our blocklists
zzz - strict country / hidden
zzz - think you're not firewalled but you really are, and aren't getting incoming connections
zzz most likely the latter? I'd start by undoing any non-default settings
zzz putting your hostname or IP in on /confignet will, I believe, force non-firewalled, and is not advised. I also don't know if we will keep up with IP changes if you put in a DDNS hostname there
zzz so for a couple reasons, take that out
zzz re: i2psnark - the bug causes a raft of leaked snark temp piece files for leechers, I think exacerbated by hitting the new downolad bandwidth limiter
zzz things may have appeared fine but under the hood it was pretty messy, and it became apparent in the end game
dr|z3d re snark, current dev + is shipping your MR, so you got some testers.
zzz okey dokey
dr|z3d re graphs, I've decided against showing the versions, too much hassle, so just a single "Router restarted" legend.
dr|z3d I don't think having the restart times and versions adds much value tbh, and it makes the graph sizes unpredictable.
dr|z3d if you want all that extra info, /events has it.
dr|z3d a couple of things you may want to look at re graphs.
dr|z3d MRTG is one. good for the larger graphs.
dr|z3d and your minor gridlines, good for larger graphs, need nuking for smaller graphs.
dr|z3d see RrdGraphDef for MRTG -> public void setAltYMrtg(boolean altYMrtg)
dr|z3d and just above that method -> public void setNoMinorGrid(boolean noMinorGrid)
dr|z3d random stacktrace, can't give you much context, noticed it a while back in my wrapper logs. not seen it before, nor since:
dr|z3d INFO | Thread terminated unexpectedly: NTCP Pumper
dr|z3d ERR | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.MessageInputStream does not implement the requested interface java.util.Map
dr|z3d ERR | at
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet.iterator(
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.locked_close(
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.close(
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.close(
dr|z3d ERR | at
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.EventPumper.processRead(
dr|z3d ERR | at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.EventPumper.processKeys(
dr|z3d ERR | at java.base/
dr|z3d could be a + exclusive, not ruling that out :)
zzz what does MRTG mode do?
dr|z3d it scales the Y axis to the actual values instead of using a linear scale.
dr|z3d more or less. so instead of MB intervals, for example, you'll see something like 0 / 0.7 1.4 / 2.1 / 2.8
zzz that's linear also ))
dr|z3d where you max value might be something like 2.5
dr|z3d yeah, I didn't explain it right.
dr|z3d linear, but with the max value non-decimal I guess is a better stab at an explanation.
dr|z3d it's more adaptive to the current max, let's put it that way :)
zzz yeah, arbitrary axis values
dr|z3d if (width < 400 || height < 200) {
dr|z3d def.setNoMinorGrid(true);
dr|z3d def.setAltYMrtg(false);
dr|z3d with def.setAltYMrtg(true);
dr|z3d that's how I'm rolling, anyways.
dr|z3d ok, -8+ out there, pagenav should be smoother. please give it a good throbbing and report any issues.
T3s|4 not_bob_afk: noted, and indeed trivial disk usage :D
not_bob_afk What's trivial disk usage?
cumlord One can never have enough HDDS
cumlord Although m.2s have come down a lot