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dr|z3d_ Job lag / Message delay: 326μs / 7ms
dr|z3d potentially lower message delay in the latest + dev build. let me know how you get on with it if you update.
dr|z3d orignal: seeing Unsolicited DBSearchReply messages from 2RRY.
dr|z3d if those are legitimately coming from you router, you need to take a look at that.
orignal unsolicited?
orignal please elaborate
orignal so guys back to my question about exploratory
orignal why do we send back so few router idents?
orignal dr|z3d if they are coming from OBEP what can I do?
zzz orignal, state your case for why more is better
orignal my first question is why 3 not 1 or 10
orignal why more is better? because you send same message anyway
orignal if you send more other node sync netdb faster meaning better rate etc
orignal and in my implemntation expolratory is most painful thing, unlike floodfill lookup
orignal I'm redoing it
zzz before my time
zzz do you search backwards?
orignal waht do you mean?
orignal backwards
orignal so my question if waht would Java routers do if I start sending back 10 or even 32?
zzz backwards = query less-than-closest router if closest router didn't have it
orignal are we talking about exploratory or regular lookups?
zzz regular
orignal that was my questuin
orignal do we reply with closesst routers or better than ours?
zzz and I answered, DSRM replies are not necessarily closer than you. the docs say that also
zzz so, do you search backwards?
orignal thanks. I will fix it
orignal because currently I reply only with close to me
orignal serach backwards where?
zzz normal DHT says don't go backwards, stop if the closest doesn't have it. What do you do?
orignal you mean when I request or as FF when reponse?
zzz say 2RRY is closest-to-the key. You send lookup to 2RRY. He replies with DSRM, none of the ffs in the DSRM are closer.
zzz Do you stop the search there, or send a lookup to a ff farther away than 2RRY?
orignal in my last commit I check what the attempt #
orignal if less then 3 I serach backwards
orignal if more I stop
orignal the resons is what if 2RRY is malfucntioning
orignal started recently or belong to an adversary
orignal I just can't rely on the closests FF
zzz so before you did not search backwards, but now you do?
orignal before I stopped when receive DSRM without new routers
orignal if was wrong assumtion
orignal I try up to 7 attempts
zzz so you did search backwards, but only if you got new routers?
orignal if I didn't get reponse from FF for example
orignal I stooped only if I got DSRM without new routers
orignal assuming I 've reached the closests
zzz we have always searched backwards (since current iterative search was implemented in 2011)
orignal that's not right
orignal so, again
orignal when I receive an lookup
zzz for reliability, and because a malicious ff could easily "blackhole" a destination
orignal what do I reply with?
zzz we always reply with 3 ffs, not necessarily closer than us
orignal thanks. will do the same
zzz do we need 10? 100? 255? I don't know
orignal back to explotaory replies
zzz what problem are you trying to solve?
orignal no. 3 makes sense because you also flod to 3
orignal it's reasoaable
orignal while exploratiry is different
zzz our search limit is 5
orignal the problem I'm trying to solve
zzz we don't really have a problem with new floodfills getting propagated. Actually with the attack we have the opposite problem. We learn about fake ffs too quickly
orignal exploratory is supposed to serach amoung regular routera
zzz yes
orignal there are bunch of them and they are not in DHT
zzz correct
orignal so if I had to run such heavy operation
orignal it's worth to use th results more efficiently
orignal if I get an ordered list of closests routers
orignal why only 3
orignal that's my problem
orignal expolratory if not about FFs, it's about non-FFs
zzz right
orignal and propagation of ordinary routers would improve the whole netwrok
orignal if a router has more fresh non-FFs
zzz you can send more if you want I guess. Does the spec say 3 is the max, or is there no max?
orignal then it has more to choose from
orignal specs says nothing
orignal but I don't know what you do it reality
orignal maybe you consder such reply malformed
orignal my proposal is to fit it in a single tunnel message around 1K
orignal so like 32
zzz looking...
zzz for regular lookups, the most DSRM entries we will "follow" is 8. for exploratory, I don't see a limit, but there probably should be a limit
zzz 32 won't fit in 1K, especially if encrypted
orignal approximately
orignal need to calculate
orignal so the whole idea is 1K
orignal let's agree how much we can put
zzz 8? 16?
zzz put as much as you want, not a fatal error, but I'm not going to chase all of them
orignal 16 seems good enough
zzz if it's too expensive to sort all your non-ffs to find the closest, you could probably just pick random routers in your keyspace if that's easier
orignal yes, I'm going to shrink list of routers to 4K first
orignal randomly
orignal and find closests from there
zzz sounds reasonable
orignal btw is there a timeout for exaploratory reponse?
orignal if I do it in a separate thread
zzz looks like our timeout is 30 seconds? it's all background, low priority anyway
orignal thanks. will adjust explratory timeout accrodingly
zzz not a critical value in any case
orignal when I send an exploratory request I need to set timeout hught
orignal higher
zzz right
orignal I wait 5 seconds now
dr|z3d orignal, re unsolicited messages, not sure how you can suppress those, just noticed you in my bans. possible attack strategy?
not_bob Looks like things in i2pd land are getting better.
orignal dr|z3d yes possible attack. But only source of them at 2RRY is OBEP
dr|z3d maybe see if you can filter them?
orignal if it's an attack they will send them as garlic
orignal if they don't do it alreday
dr|z3d keep an eye on transit request, looks like they're ramping.
orignal zzz, just double checking
orignal if we receive DSDR for exploratory
orignal do we send request to FF we received it from?
zzz up to you, who you send request to, when you do, if you do... implementation-dependent
zzz we put them on a queue and do it much (much?) later
orignal it's about expolarory
orignal due to it's nature
orignal if a FF claimed routers it's logical to ask him
orignal when to do it it's another question
zzz sure
orignal so you send request to that FF where you received reply from
zzz not for expl., no. we don't "remember" that when we put it on the expl. queue
orignal so what you do?
orignal you send expolratory request
orignal then get response with few routers in it
orignal you request closest ?
orignal maybe that's what causes excessive number of requsts?
zzz no, we explore very slowly
zzz we get the hashes from the DSRM, look for new ones, put the new ones on a queue. A separate process pulls one off the queue every now and then, and does a regular lookup for it
orignal how slow?
zzz looking...
orignal I need to understand this delay
orignal to not flood the network
orignal because it seems I do
orignal because I send regular request to all idents in exploratory immediately
zzz even the ones you already have?
orignal no, only new
orignal and not banned
zzz good :)
orignal but I do it rigth a way
orignal if I get 3 probably it's fine
orignal but if 16 I might get banned by dr|z3d ))
zzz looks like normally we do one lookup every 55 seconds minimum, 15 minutes maximum, can't figure out which is the usual case
orignal lol. I do it every 30 seconds
orignal will change it to 55
orignal but what you do with replies?
zzz shouldnt be a problem, like we said the other day my throttle is 14 in 2 minutes
zzz replies to the RI lookup? same as normal iterative lookup
orignal but might be more requests not about exploratory
orignal replies to expolratory request
orignal anyway will change to 55 secs + variance
orignal 90 sec actually if too few routers
orignal rebuilt 2RRY
orignal few unsolicited DSRM per second