IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
tennis2 I'm having a brain freeze and its Bash again.
tennis2 THankfully this one is a smaller setup than the last
tennis2 I would like to tell the user how many torrent metadata were wiped as well as the exact torrents. I think that number can help ppl quickly identify when all the torrents disappeared.
tennis2 Imagine that instead of "Bing Bang Bong" in the following we instead identified three real torrents as missing...
tennis2 missingCount=0
tennis2 echo -e "Bing bloat\nBong[Glow]\" \
tennis2 | while read name ; do \
tennis2 if [ ! "x${name:0:1}" == "x" ];then echo -e "$name"; missingCount=$(($missingCount+1)); fi; \
tennis2 done \
tennis2 | zenity --list $SD_ICON --title="$PROGNAME - Data missing" \
tennis2 --height=450 --column="Missing metadata..." --multiple --separator="\n" \
tennis2 --text="Since the last backup, torrent metadata from $missingCount torrent(s) that helps \npreserve the disk is missing. If you don't remember deleting the torrents \nthen this may be a result of files being unavailable recently.\n\nRestore the metadata that helps preserve your disk?\n" \
tennis2 --ok-label 'DELETE THEM ALL!' \
tennis2 --cancel-label="Restore all..."
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 So for some reason $missingCount IS NOT incrementing and I don't know why
tennis2 Can anyone here see it?
tennis2 BTW the name:0:1 is just a substring of the torrent name, the first character in the torrent filename, ie. between 0th and 1st position (for some reason I was getting a few empty strings in the list of torrents
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 There is another problem. If someone cancels out of this dialog the default behavior is to restore, I did that on purpose but if someone double clicks a torrent in the list then (0) OK is returned which will mean delete. So I think I'll just switch it back around.
tennis2 Oh and yes, I also tried $((missingCount++));
tennis2 Maybe its a good sign that noone knows how to fix that Bash problem. Maybe it works in a Bash script, just not when dumping it to the terminal
tennis2 That happens
profetikla The variable does get incremented, but it happens only inside of the "while read name".
not_bob Why is incognet.i2p broken?
T3s|4 tennis2: why don't you ask on #bash on libera? ~900 nicks present: Topic for #bash is " |