IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d > this has, for a long time, been super tedious. why am I waiting multiple hours for an e-mail from the gateway to hit my inbox?
dr|z3d > makes the service unusable when there's a time-limit active for authentication passcodes.
dr|z3d the double e-mails for everything isn't great, either.
dr|z3d (when they do arrive)
StormyCloud Does stormycloud need to investigate running a super awesome i2p mailserver oO?
not_bob dr|z3d: I've been having that problem for a while. I've messaged him about it, no luck response.
not_bob StormyCloud: That would be very useful.
dr|z3d shambolic is a word I'd use to describe the service right now. :|
dr|z3d and that's the polite version.
not_bob I don't get double emails every time. But, much of the time.
dr|z3d only happens with clearnet mails.
dr|z3d so it's a gateway thing.
dr|z3d and who did you message?
not_bob postman
not_bob Ins't he the one who runs that?
dr|z3d well, that's where you're messaging the wrong person.
dr|z3d postman runs the internal mail service.
not_bob Well then.
dr|z3d echelon runs the gateway. the problem is the gateway.
not_bob That does explain the problem.
dr|z3d does it?
not_bob No, but it sounded like a sarcastic thing to say.
dr|z3d haha.
dr|z3d you've got that plank mode dialed up to 11.
not_bob Some days are better than others.
not_bob Lets party like it's 2034!
dr|z3d so, haproxy.
dr|z3d not all your tunnels need to be local.
dr|z3d (for some definition of local)
dr|z3d limited to one router, let's put it that way.
dr|z3d makes things "interesting". distributing client traffic over multiple routers.
not_bob Correct.
not_bob Over the years I have often used I2P without having I2P running on my local system.
not_bob Same idea on that.
dr|z3d yes, and no.
not_bob Why no?
dr|z3d client tunnels distributed over multiple routers concurrently.
not_bob Right, yes.
dr|z3d say you have 3 routers running. each router hosts 10 client tunnels.
not_bob Right
dr|z3d so not only random dest, but random router location.
not_bob And those can all be done over ssh port forwards, or as I2P tunnels directly setting static keys where only one dest is allowed to use the tunnels.
not_bob Anwyay, how does this help?>
dr|z3d each remote router serves its client tunnels via a private proxy server.
dr|z3d (over i2p)
not_bob Right, sure. That works.
dr|z3d more dests, multiple locations, traffic analysis becomes a lot more difficult to perform, if I'm an attacker.
not_bob Very true, yes.
not_bob I assume that it continues to be nicely speedy too.
not_bob So, how many http tunnels have you tested this with then?
dr|z3d a fair few :)
not_bob I had not thought to do that, but yeah. It would work well.
dr|z3d oh, and another benefit of a multi-server solution is not necessarily hitting the same multi-home for all requests, so you distribute traffic that way as well.
not_bob That is an added bonus.
not_bob I understand what's been done and how it work. Though, it's generally far too complex for the average person to bother with.
not_bob But, there are some use cases where this would be very useful.
dr|z3d sure, it's a question of how deep you want to go :)
not_bob I'm not sure where you are going with this.
dr|z3d could be an internal/external multiproxy service offered at some point.
not_bob That would be much simpler for the average user.
not_bob If you had, say for argument a pool of 1000 http proxy tunnels all spread out across the network and one entry point to access the haproxy.
not_bob Am I wrong?
not_bob Of that large number not all would be enabled at any given time.
dr|z3d that's a huge amount of tunnels.
not_bob I do not disagree. I was just thrwoing out a very large number :)
dr|z3d something like 50 rotating dests, 30 active, that's more doable.
not_bob Sure, sure :)
RTP the more the merrier =)
not_bob Correct!
not_bob Also, greetings RTP!
RTP Hiii
dr|z3d not quite the more the merrier. too many tunnels and you'll oversaturate the network with tunnel requests. :)
not_bob "Don't break the network"
not_bob Didn't someone talk to us about that?
RTP very true
RTP The more network balance the merrier? :D
not_bob That seems like a btter answer.
not_bob better!
not_bob RTP: Doing well?
RTP Not bad at all.:) Playing with hackrf lately which is a really fun toy I should have gotten sooner. These things are super fun. :)
not_bob I don't know what that does exactly, but it sounds like fun.
not_bob Agg!'
not_bob That is a very clever toolo.
not_bob tool....
not_bob I can't type!
not_bob The most I have done is used a SDR to decode satellite images.
RTP for sure! Especially with portapack. I feel like I lost years waiting to get one! haha
RTP ahh neato
not_bob It's all about knwoing where they are in the sky and taking into account the dopler shift.
RTP yeah tons of stuff can be done. Tested on my own hardware of course *ZAP!* (Drone be gone!!) heh XD
not_bob *nod*
not_bob Good for opening garage doors too if they are the old kind that don't use a rolling code.
not_bob I'm sure you can do a lot of neat things with that device (on your own hardware).
RTP oh yeah, for sure. :) Or, if motivated enough, hackrf rolling code jam as you collect the code w/rtlsdr, then re-tx with hackrf. I like to know who is flying over my tin foil hat. that's been my main use. :-P
not_bob And, with the low power output of that deivce you can't cause too many widespread issues.
not_bob I'm not saying that rolling codes can't be defeated, but they do take a little extra work.
not_bob Not that you should. But, you could easily use that to block GPS in a small area.
not_bob In fact, don't do that.
not_bob Though, you can do the same thing with pretty much any powerful transmitter if you are close enough.
not_bob Many small devices overload easily.
RTP for sure. Portapack has countless neat apps. I just tore out an old lenovo thinkpad speaker and now have sound. Was going to tape the speaker, but turned out it had a magnet in it... Totally planned. ;)
not_bob How hard would it be to up the power output using an amp?
RTP the mayhem firmware definitely lives up to its name... half the stuff I probably won't even use. gps spoof, jammers... too much... mayhem... I will just look at it. =)
not_bob Then again, the low mw output is likely good for most use cases.
not_bob Yes, but with even 25mw of power you are not going to transmit very far.
RTP you can get a 20db amp that is microusb powered to go between the hackrf and the antenna
not_bob RF is a funny thing.
RTP magik
not_bob If you use the wrong antenna and put out too much power you will burn out your transmitter.
not_bob At low power output like that, it's not an issue.
not_bob But, if you were pushing 200+ watts... Yeah.
not_bob At that point you need your antenna to be tuned to the output freq.
RTP I was impressed considering all the talk that people say it isn't able to listen to x or y. I been listening to many things. I found some frequencies a while back my Qubes machine speakers were remotely transmitting like microphone... likely the amp related there, but just an example that nothing is too safe. ;)
not_bob RTP: Yes, but how far away can you hear it?
not_bob It's one thing to be able to hear it when the devices are side by site. But, can you hear it from another room?
RTP only tested 15 feet but have to wonder what kind of range might be available to those with 'special hardware'.. but yeah, not too far in testing. Might redo the test on same laptop in future to see what kind of range I can get.
not_bob Yes, test the range. I'd be curious.
not_bob Your VGA (who uses VGA?) cable can be heard for a little ways.
not_bob But, if that's the kind of attack you are worried about, they likely already know what you are doing.
RTP oh yes, I definitely want to work on TempestSDR. Anyone interested might like to know, DragonOS is really excellent if interested in trying SDR. TempestSDR comes compiled / installed. Haven't gotten around to tuning it in yet... but neat stuff.
RTP DragonOS has pretty much everything I ever wanted to try regarding RF
RTP for sure. I'm really not worried about anyone personally. I just find it interesting. Nothing I work on is illegal in any way, so I'm pretty confident.... However... I still don't want a backdoor!
not_bob Also, whoever registred 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.i2p. So annoying.
dr|z3d I think that's the point. annoyance.
RTP the annoyance attack... one step down from DoS
orignal new attack?
dr|z3d what are you observing, orignal?
not_bob I'm seeing a lot of "SSU2 unexpected message type" errors.
dr|z3d i2pd or i2p+ not_bob?
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - if an ^emerging issue; no instances of 'SSU2' in my i2p 13+ logs
not_bob dr|z3d: i2pd
dr|z3d smells like i2pd, T3s|4 :)
orignal traffic
orignal unexpected message type means failed to decrypt
orignal simpy a message doesn't match state