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dr|z3d and javascript done and working \o/
dr|z3d just to make sure things don't get too messy there, only one section is visible at a time.. toggle another section, the previously visible section is hidden.
dr|z3d jbigi section can disappear too, it's not really user-facing, doubly so for non-advanced users, and the info is available elsewhere. prng section can also probably be hidden.
snex question - are all operations done from the i2p web console available as API calls? if so, might be worth looking into a frontend framework such as react or vue
dr|z3d no, there's no coherent UI api.
dr|z3d and we probably don't want to go down the "let's build the UI with javascript" route.
dr|z3d as it is, javascript enhances the console UI, but it isn't required.
snex the more complex stuff gets, the harder itll become to manage with only html forms
dr|z3d it's not likely to get much more complex than it already is.
dr|z3d we skirted around the idea of a js lib many years ago, mootools or jquery. I'm glad we didn't bother. extra bloat.
snex as a web dev in my real life, im thankful when the frontend nerds separate their garbage out so that i can work on the fun stuff
snex for most sites you dont need it, but at a certain point it becomes a necessity
snex though there might not be a whole lot of frontend nerds to do this work on i2p
dr|z3d tell me that when you're running I2P+ :)
snex well if youre the frontend nerd, convert this stuff to react and ill do the json API stuff
dr|z3d why? you haven't made any case for doing so.
snex though the divergence from the mainline project will make merges hard lol
dr|z3d you're proposing a solution to a problem we don't have.
snex well like youre talking about making javascript tables do stuff, and the html bits i looked at in snark were pretty gross. like html mixed with java code and such
dr|z3d the all in one webui in snark is legacy. better to look at the console pages, that's more sane.
dr|z3d jsp, java, and js where required. all pretty standard.
dr|z3d and I'm not talking about making tables do stuff anymore, it's done. completed. working :)
dr|z3d the only thing left to do is port the css over to the other 3 console themes.
dr|z3d if we wanted to make the table editable, html5's contentEditable tag is all we need, +-
dr|z3d NzrnkS also publishing future router infos.
RN NzrnkS also China?
XANA howdy
dr|z3d RN: dunno, not in my netdb right now.
dr|z3d zzz: stage 1 of advanced config table. stage 2, maybe, advanced mode using the same layout with contentEditable tds with a javascript form submit and textarea fallback: git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commit/b075e8366bde46ac57e7f62d8bf55a77d174a3d7
zzz sounds like fun
dr|z3d fun, haha.
dr|z3d based on our discussion yesterday, it could make for a template for textarea configs.
dr|z3d as it stands, we get separation of keys and values and less vertical sprawl.
zzz it's not bad
dr|z3d just builds on your concept which is sound.
zzz working on a "blog" post
dr|z3d what's the thrust of it?
zzz "Tor part 1"
dr|z3d responding to their state of the onion? coincidentally, bumped into this while browsing your site: zzzmirror.i2p/posts/6912/topic
zzz I actually haven't watched it yet
zzz I got sidetracked down an enormous rabbit hole
zzz that will be part 2
dr|z3d me neither, last time I attempted to watch one of those I got bored fairly quickly. when roger did a speech it was interesting, now it comes across more as a corporate presentation.
zzz I assume that his talk at 37c3 mostly overlapped, but I haven't watched that either.
zzz eyedeekay was there and did chat with roger briefly
dr|z3d good to hear.
zzz one of the main tasks at ccc - show your face, let people know we're alive and paying attention
eyedeekay The CCC talk mostly followed the same thread the Tor talks always do, "who's trying to block it" "how does the blocking work" "what is Tor doing about it"
eyedeekay They did have some interesting stuff happen in Turkmenistan about the same time we did