IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d who cares, orignal? a sizable proportion of Russia, probably.
zzz StormyCloud, any more insight into the tor decision?
dr|z3d context, for those following along:
dr|z3d tldr: stormy got bored being taken for granted.
dr|z3d last time I paid attention, Tor were claiming that had more bandwidth capacity than was being used.
zzz well I hope they don't get bored with us and we continue our financial support
dr|z3d haven't heard much from stormy lately, but I don't think we're failing to engage when he's about. that seems to be the size of it.
zzz ok I'll check in and see
dr|z3d there's a huge push for funding and donations, but I don't think much of that goes into hosting servers. it seems like a slightly odd arrangement. coding aside, the site operators foot most of the bill for running the network.
dr|z3d for Tor, that is.
dr|z3d so, you'd think Tor would try to nurture and accommodate the people running their network for free. sounds like they've dropped the ball there.
zzz I don't think they are set up like that
zzz but got an incoming DM from s.c.
dr|z3d Tor would do well to print t-shirts with the message "I run a Tor node, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" :)
zzz heard back, he's good with us, he'll have a followup post later
dr|z3d didn't doubt it for a moment :)
dr|z3d got a susimail thing that probably needs a look..
dr|z3d we know it strips html from messages..
dr|z3d which, for the most part, isn't really an issue, until it is, like when you're sent a login link, for example. <a href=foo>Login to X</a>
dr|z3d what we should be doing is removing the markup and retaining the urls.
dr|z3d or, simpler still, just offering the option to view the raw mail.
not_bob There we go.
not_bob That shirt sounds about right.
not_bob Running an outproxy is a pretty serious undertaking. I thank StormyCloud for doing this.
not_bob And, the same thnanks go to the other people who run other outproxies.
dr|z3d what's fresh, not_bob?
not_bob eepsites that don't respond on http, a new i2p indexed search engine.
dr|z3d orignal: your shmoogle buddy around on ilita?
not_bob I see the uptime on that site is about the same as it has been. Someone turns it on and back off again in a cycle.
RN probably on when they are working on it since it is under construction
not_bob Fair point.'
RN I tried it for a couple search terms... def doesn't work like you'd expect from ddg or similar
not_bob I've played with it, and it seems to work well enough in my tests.
RN orignal, do we know if they respect robots.txt?
dr|z3d either of you two on ilita right now, and if so, is mr shmoogle over there?
dr|z3d it's an in network engine, RN, not clearnet.
not_bob I've asked over there.
RN yeah, I know it is I2P internal
dr|z3d so nothing like ddg, then :)
dr|z3d also it's a yacy instance, but that's also pretty obvious.
dr|z3d not_bob: maybe he's lurking in the shadows.. anyways, have a replacement mascot that's a bit less jewish trope if you want to paste the url there.
not_bob Yes, that wuld be better.
RN well, I mean put in a word I knew was on my site and didn't get refs to my site
RN but if they are respecting robots, then I shouldn't expect much to show up on there
RN and yes, also lurking about over there
dr|z3d shmoogle, shmeigel.
not_bob That's funny.
RN heheh
RN how much you get for the product placement Dr?
dr|z3d you being the product, RN? :)
not_bob It appears to likely not bother with robots.txt
not_bob This is from the response orignal gave to the question.
RN yeah, I think that might have been tounge in cheek
not_bob Hard to say. I did think it was funny.
RN приподнимать щеку is indeed hard to say
RN ;)
dr|z3d you mean apple.
dr|z3d my bad.
not_bob I still have trouble saying many russian words :(
dr|z3d for a moment I thought you were suggesting I was gollum.
not_bob Но не все из них!
not_bob Smaller words are much easier.
RN haven't tried to pronounce out loud at all... I just use a handful of translation tools
not_bob I've been working hard to speak and read.
dr|z3d what are we talking about now? what was orignal's latest pronouncement?
not_bob No, just idle chat.
RN espekin' Rushing
RN 😈
not_bob I love how friendly they are overt here.
not_bob over there.
RN yeah, real love thy neighbor vibe.
dr|z3d and not a hint of sarcasm, not_bob
dr|z3d you pasted that cake url just in case shmoogle is lurking?
orignal RN not they don't repsect robot.txt at all ))
RN thanks for the reply. ))
orignal what did I say?
not_bob It is frustrating that I ask a few simple questions and it becomes what happened.
RN confirmation that they don't pay attention to robots.txt
orignal something insulting at Ilita? ))
not_bob No, no.
orignal and intentionally
orignal he believes no respect to robots.txt in the anonymous network
not_bob I took what you said as sarcasctic "Well, yeah, no."
not_bob I can see the argument both ways on that.
not_bob Bots should respect robots.txt. But, on such a network, why bother?
orignal RN приподнимать щеку is hard to say but it also means nothing
orignal try to pronouce взбзднуть ))
RN I understand the logic of both decisions
not_bob hahahaha
orignal apepi is very "special" guy
not_bob No rudeness was ment in my questions.
RN haha, text to speech makes взбзднуть sound like bees buzzing around
RN very difficiult for me to pronounce indeed
orignal Also I believe everybody has trouble in pronouceent of "ы"
not_bob That is a special letter.
RN oooh eeeeeee
not_bob I love the way it sounds. Most of all how it does not sound the same for every person.
RN :)
orignal but what's the pronounciation
orignal I even can't explain hgow to pronounce it properly ))
not_bob ohhhh-eeee
not_bob But, in one quick sound.
orignal it's like growling
RN well I am hearing what the internet thinks it should be pronounced like
not_bob Yes, or a grunt almost.
RN yeah
orignal something beteen i and y but hrader
orignal and it's use veruy often
not_bob Yes it is.
orignal like -s in English
orignal meaning multiple cases
not_bob Cases make much more sense the more you learn the way Russian works.
orignal if you need to "few of something" you add "-ы"
orignal meaning you have to pronounce it often
RN like Mr PoopyPants on Rick & Morty (but faster)
RN hehe
RN I would venture to say that show is doing ok in the new season even after the canceling of one of the main creative contributors
RN and I mean #canceled kind
not_bob Ahh, malo is little, not few. I've been using it wrong.
not_bob I can see some meaning overlap though.
orignal мало means both few and little
orignal same word
not_bob Ok, good. I was rightt hen.
orignal few litreally "несколько"
orignal few of something
not_bob Thank you.
RN This is neither Russian or English but is fun to pronounce. popocatepetl
orignal few not_bobs would be несколько not_bob-ов
orignal why fun? easy
not_bob Do we need fewer not_bobs? :)
dr|z3d at the very least, bots *should* respect any throttle limits in robots.txt
dr|z3d and by default they shouldn't be hammering a site with multiple requests/s
RN pronouncing it in Mexican-Spanish
orignal меньше not_bob-ов then ))
orignal попокатепетл
orignal easy ))
RN it is a pretty mountain
orignal but non_bobs is not_bob-ы
not_bob I'm not sure if I'm a plural.
orignal RN can you pronouce Mahachcala?
RN hehe, no split personality? That's ok that other person on ilita has enough for all of us.
orignal Russian city was in the news recently
orignal in context of Jeweish
RN that doesn't look easy
RN and has some sounds I am not used to making
not_bob I have spent countless hours trying to practice making the sounds correctly.
not_bob It is a silly thing to do, honestly. But, it makes me happy.
RN I know her
not_bob That breast plate, wow.
RN dr's link is her
dr|z3d one day you'll learn how http links work, orignal :)
RN not the person with personalities I mentioned
RN but I would call that person 'it'
RN shame on me, but it is what it is
dr|z3d when you do, orignal, ramble.i2p/f/Art/5098/rainbow-moose awaits.
RN LOL I forgot that moose
dr|z3d everytime orignal starts trolling, I have that image in mind. can't help it.
RN maybe you should make a rainbow-troll-moose to knock it out of your mind's eye
dr|z3d I don't mind it, it's ticklish. :)
not_bob Time for me to go!
RN alas, I'm also soon to afk
RN nice seein ya not_bob
RN and orignal and dr|z3d
not_bob_afk Good to see you as well!
dr|z3d laters, !bob
dr|z3d and RN, if you're also disappearing.
orignal I appear here rarely anyway
zzz re: susimail, "removing the markup" == parsing html
zzz we show the text version in preference to the html version if the mail contains both
zzz a simpler alternative might be to "linkify" any urls found
dr|z3d sure, linkifying urls could work, or just making sure that urls aren't culled from the e-mail and are displayed unlinkified. either way, user shouldn't be forced to use a different client or download the email to correctly view the contents.
zzz linkifying is a feature but disagree required for correctness
dr|z3d I don't think it's required if we're displaying mails without markup, that's not the issue. but the user should have some method to examine the html, perhaps with a view source toggle.
dr|z3d receiving an e-mail with "Click here to login" with no way to login is not the greatest experience.
RN or show the plaintext followed by a list of any links in the html?
zzz I;m trying something will know in 5 minutes
dr|z3d if you want a demo of an offending e-mail, supply an address to
dr|z3d which gets me to thinking about a mark as spam option for mails so they go straight to the spam folder once marked, and any from the same domain thereafter.
dr|z3d *same user@domain sorry, same domain wouldn't be right.
zzz w00t yeah throwing a js markdown at it looks like an easy winner, did it in 15 minutes