IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d so we now have column sorting, auto-refresh, and per-torrent hash search links for postman and btdigg, zzz. I think it's about done.
dr|z3d scrapes for all torrents should be nuked. if a hash isn't supplied in the scrape query, nothing should be returned, not everything.
dr|z3d we don't need a "level 3 dictionary" for a single hash, either.
zzz I believe full scrape is disabled in git
dr|z3d ok, vaguely remember you mentioning something.
dr|z3d now, question. can I just swapout zzzot.jar and tracker.war on an existing install to upgrade, or do I need to do the full console upgrade dance?
dr|z3d obviously things like css, additional resources, and the xml files may need to be tweaked.
dr|z3d I'd prefer to avoid having to uninstall and then reinstall if possible, given I'm running your signed version on skank, and I have an updated version signed by me I'd like to test/deploy.
zzz stop plugin on /configplugin, swap files, restart plugin
dr|z3d right, and that should work ok?
dr|z3d I guess we'll find out soon enough :)
dr|z3d if it does, you can take a view on whether or not you want the mods.
zzz used to do it back in the day a lot
dr|z3d ok, great, thanks.
dr|z3d stop plugin still appears to be borked.
dr|z3d plugin does get stopped it appears, but the UI doesn't reflect the stopped state.
dr|z3d ajax refresh interval is too low, but otherwise it's as intended.
dr|z3d should be fixed.
KernelHawk dr|z3d, who runs btdigg.i2p? Does it scrape from I2P DHT or from postman?
KernelHawk or are they just clearnet torrents?
dr|z3d it's a clearnet scraper, no idea who runs it.
dr|z3d quite often the hashes it serves will also be available on the i2p network. roll the dice :)
KernelHawk Ahhh, I was psyched to see a i2p dht crawler
KernelHawk yeah it looks like some cross-seeded torrents are "there" but you won't know until you connect to peers lol
dr|z3d skank hashlist working for you, then?
dr|z3d javascript required for auto-refresh and column sorting, but not essential for basic operation.
KernelHawk for me? yes, your /hashes page works.
dr|z3d great
KernelHawk Thoughts on adding column sorters? Even if its a non-js feature?
KernelHawk and maybe a magnet link to each? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:xxxxxxxx ?
KernelHawk oh, i see a tablesort.js that was blocked as I have JS off
orignal what's up?
dr|z3d you tell us, orignal :)
dr|z3d magnet link, thought about it, infohash is probably enough while we don't have the torrent names.
dr|z3d non-js column sort, more work than I want to do right now.
dr|z3d the orignal intention was to not expose that page unless a password is provided, for admins only, in other words, so js would be a non-issue. undecided if we should p/w protect the page.
dr|z3d zzz: SNI support for https servers in i2ptunnel is missing. anything doing?
zzz dr|z3d, whats the question?
orignal why did you add shmoogle.i2p there?
orignal the owner is not happy because it's not ready for production yet
dr|z3d zzz: re SNI, any intention of supporting it for https servers?
dr|z3d orignal: because it's registered and it works.
dr|z3d orignal: if it turns out to be a shitshow, I'll remove it.
dr|z3d the obvious jewish stereotype is a bit disappointing, but as a search engine it's better than most.
dr|z3d if you're in communication with the site admin, orignal, can you ask him to reduce the scanning speed.. it appears to be pretty aggressive, multiple requests/s
zzz dr|z3d, no plans and not aware of any request or ticket, feel free to enter one
dr|z3d never realized it was an issue before, and then I tried fixing up tube.i2p to point to which is SNI enabled. no dice.
dr|z3d turns out there's a comment in the source in I2PSSLSocketFactory
dr|z3d SSLSession sess = socket.getSession();
dr|z3d // Verify that the certicate hostname is for
dr|z3d // This is due to lack of SNI support in the current SSLSocket.
dr|z3d if (!hv.verify(host, sess)) {
dr|z3d / throw new SSLHandshakeException("SSL hostname certificate verify failed; expected " + host +
dr|z3d throw new SSLHandshakeException("Could not verify SSL certificate for " + host);
dr|z3d / "\n* Set " + PROP_DISABLE +
dr|z3d / "=true to disable verification (dangerous!)");
zzz you're saying your test improperly worked or improperly failed?
dr|z3d no, I'm saying it failed because the host has SNI enabled.
zzz and we threw that exception?
dr|z3d ordinarily I'd just dive straight into the nginx configs and not worry about SNI support, but this is running from a docker image. and yeah, that's the error I got in the logs.
zzz so we're checking the SNI, and it was a mistmatch
zzz but it partially depends on the JRE to support it
zzz If we're going thru I2PSSLSocketFactory thats the same thing we use everywhere else
zzz so apparently i2ptunnel does support it
dr|z3d oh, then I misread the comment.
zzz but its been a long time, don't recall for sure, but I don't think there's anything more to do here, except maybe check your JRE version
dr|z3d ok, thanks. jre is pretty recent, 21 iirc.
dr|z3d could just be the docker image, it's a black box. really do not like docker.
zzz ok. I think there's some logging in the borrowed apache classes that will tell you what the mismatch is
orignal told him
orignal but he is still playing with engine's settings
orignal dr|z3d it's working but this box is under his bed now
orignal and he is Jewish, btw ))