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dr|z3d Looks like eyedeekay's pushed the outstanding merge commits, aka no more turtles.
dr|z3d Oh, actually 1/2, so still another merge to go.
eyedeekay Yeah I've added some discussion to the other one per zzz's questions
orignal or fentanyl )))
dr|z3d roger that, eyedeekay
dr|z3d behave yourself, orignal :)
orignal no acid here, only fentanyl )))
dr|z3d I'm surprised you manage to code anything if you're on that :)
orignal not me
orignal the whole county, but me ))
dr|z3d what's the timeframe for 147, eyedeekay? likely today?
orignal when the release?
eyedeekay Today most likely as long as zzz and I are on the same page
eyedeekay re: the MR
dr|z3d 11th December or thereabouts.
eyedeekay Re: the release is going to be second week of December orignal, around the 11th as dr|zed said
orignal huh? It was postponed to november now to december?
orignal hence I have plenty of time to implement SAM accept queue
dr|z3d ramble.i2p and i2pforum.i2p both carrying the latest release dates, orignal, for future reference.
orignal I don't read any of them
orignal shit hit the fan sounds more relevant
dr|z3d get on there, orignal, ramble that is. announce your i2pd stuff there, treat it like a mini-blog.
dr|z3d what up, y2kboy23!
y2kboy23 dr|z3d o/
dr|z3d ohai y2kboy23
dr|z3d all good over there?
y2kboy23 Hello, hello
y2kboy23 I'm good, just busy. How are you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, not bad.
dr|z3d router playing nice?
y2kboy23 Yep. I'm on 88+ right now. Haven't redeployed to 90+ yet.
dr|z3d should be fine, there's a new upstream merge we're waiting on, then I'll bump to -91+
dr|z3d that'll put us on the home strait for release.
y2kboy23 great. I might hold off until that release before switching
dr|z3d yeah, shouldn't be long. later today, hopefully.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d, noted on -91+ but with a month to go, I hope we make it -100+ if only for the sake of RN's 'forced' Conky re-config destiny :D
dr|z3d hi T3s|4, you perv! :P
dr|z3d there might be a last-month flurry of + updates, but don't count on it :)
dr|z3d maybe we'll get some more translation volunteers *cough*
not_bob dr|z3d: I have yet to finish, too many other projects so I can eat.
not_bob But, this week I should get it done.
dr|z3d no, not you, not_bob_afk
dr|z3d you're fine, there's no rush at all there.
dr|z3d I was talking about people actually stepping up and volunteering, but I guess we've got a fairly small audience here.
not_bob_afk It's just the way it goes.
not_bob_afk I2P is a small network, and nly a fraction of the people who use it care to help out.
not_bob_afk But, you already know that.
dr|z3d but don't feel any pressure, release is ~11Dec, anytime before then is fine.
dr|z3d and if it's not all done by then, that's fine too.
not_bob_afk I'll beat that for sure.
not_bob_afk I've got some downtime coming up.
dr|z3d you look further into that AMD apu accelerator?
not_bob_afk I have not had time.
not_bob_afk I have written down the details for later research.
not_bob_afk As, I think that would speed things up very much. So ong as it's stable.
not_bob_afk Also, how do you like my new mascot? :)
dr|z3d get the cooling right, it'll be stable.
not_bob_afk Being able to get the same girl over and over again was a trick.
dr|z3d new mascot, cute. despite what some might say, the i2p text on the hoodie is good.
not_bob_afk But, I've now figured that trick out.
not_bob_afk It is good, but hard to reproduce.
dr|z3d sure, in-painting works.
not_bob_afk True, true.
not_bob_afk I need to play with that more.
dr|z3d there are various other addons that'll help no doubt.
not_bob_afk For my use, it's been a matter of starting a shit ton ofbatches and checking them the next day.
not_bob_afk All with minor variations.
not_bob_afk And, then carefully looking at what worked and what didnt'.
not_bob_afk And, sometimes the results are nothing short of pure body horror.
dr|z3d yeah, ideally you'd be doing that more or less realtime.
dr|z3d also worth having a look at comfy ui.
not_bob_afk Yeah, but my access to the internet is a bit sparatic at best anyway.
not_bob_afk Negative prompts are very valuable.
not_bob_afk Alas, I must go offline again.
not_bob_afk Later my friend!
dr|z3d laters!
zzz re: MR 147, no, it wasn't yesterday, and it probably won't be today. There's still a lot of confusion in the lookup/store handlers
zzz I wasn't asking questions because I thought it was perfect :)
Quaddle Guys, just info required. I did a small check on my home community and there are hundreds of open ports just like
Quaddle Discovered open port 15261/tcp on 213 ....
Quaddle What does that exactly mean. What can be done with an information like this ? Is sensitive data in jeopardy there ?
dr|z3d depends, Quaddle. is that an inbound or outbound port?
dr|z3d don't know what "on 213" means, unless that's a local lan address.
Quaddle Ahm, i dunno. I think local. I was astonished they are sporting 50k ports Scanning www.w.... (213.178. [65536 ports]
Quaddle away 5 minutes
dr|z3d you need to identify whether or not those ports are outbound or inbound. outbound and they're likely mostly dynamic ports used to connect to remote servers. also, what does "sporting 50K ports" mean?
dr|z3d zzz, are you sporting 50K ports?
Quaddle i thought a community public service for citizens should be able to get along with a few ports open ?
Quaddle I do, but i have opened only a handful in my firewall
dr|z3d outbound ports are normally open by default. when you connect to a remote server, your host will normally allocate a dynamic port to connect. normal.
dr|z3d if you're running i2p on that host, you'll have a fairly sizeable number of outbound connections happening at any given time.
dr|z3d you also haven't told us what OS you're running on the host, Quaddle.
dr|z3d also be aware that port numbers > 1024 are non-privileged ports, which means they don't need root/admin privileges to be registered locally when you're hosting them (inbound traffic).
dr|z3d if you're on Linux, netstat -anp |grep LISTEN should give you some idea of what ports you're hosting (inbound).
Quaddle i am running debian and used nmap -p0- -v -A -T4 www.
dr|z3d netstat -anp |grep LISTEN
Quaddle i did the command
Quaddle My computer is ok.
dr|z3d you can further filter that output with netstat -anp |grep LISTEN |grep tcp
dr|z3d you'll also see what application the listening port is registered to. but if you're running Debian with a firewall, you're likely fine.
dr|z3d install iptraf if you want to go deeper into what traffic is happening on your host. or nethogs for a somewhat simplified view of things that's not quite so overwhelming.
Quaddle Yes, i am monitoring via iptraf and netstat. Were were just wondering if that many open ports in a city administration is secured against penetration
Quaddle I am with a journalist atm, but he is on the phone
Quaddle Nut we are not intending to making a story out of it
zzz btw everybody above said 12/11 but it was pushed to 12/18 a couple weeks ago
zzz but until we agree on how it's supposed to work, further testing, review, and scheduling is near-impossible
dr|z3d oh, 18th now?
zzz thats what the forum says, posted 11/2
T3s|4 zzz: no idea how difficult the route ahead is, but would far prefer a thoroughly tested consensus over any new release, even if that means 2024. 90+ is running well here
zzz eyedeekay is in charge of the schedule, and I think he would agree with you
T3s|4 thanks, and noted zzz
eyedeekay Yes I absolutely agree, this cannot go in unless it's working right, if we have to push back we will
eyedeekay Notwithstanding everything else this was a big change before it started and it's bigger in some ways now, and changing how the netDb works has the potetial to break everything
eyedeekay So it's got to be right
eyedeekay Revised checkins and new comments posted on: git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/merge_requests/147
KernelHawk With SAM, is a STREAM ACCEPT meant to create 1 connection, and then close?
zzz correct, same as accept() in any programming language ever