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T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - on -37+ now; minor thing, but on -36+ (and several earlier) my uptime clock is refreshing correctly, but the i2p+ d/l status progress bar is not. Only a soft refresh does generate the updated d/l status. I'll let you know if I see this when you push the next build
zzz persistence is soooo messy... I need to talk it out with somebody
orignal what's happened?
zzz nothing, just brainstorming
orignal the problem is that idk can't replace you
orignal at least at this point
orignal he probably needs more time to get in
zzz not talking about that. thinking about HTTP proxy persistent connections
orignal what's with it? does it affect me?
orignal I'm reading the log
zzz it would be a nice improvement but not easy
zzz what are you working on?
orignal on nothing )))
orignal well there are few minor outstanding issues
zzz would you like to take a look at my fix for bitcoin's SAM accept problem?
zzz where they got in a loop after the laptop went to sleep and came back
orignal show me
orignal I think I always use one tme acceptors
zzz so our bug was we would always send OK after STREAM ACCEPT. Then we would immediately send I2P_ERROR after that. They tried to parse I2P_ERROR as the b64 destination
zzz and die and infinite loop
zzz and the control socket stayed up even though the dest was dead
zzz I think you said you don't have the same problem
orignal my implemnetation is different
zzz the test results of my fix are at the bottom of git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/399
orignal but I will chech the scenario
zzz so with the fix, most of the time we won't send an I2P_ERROR after OK, but it could still happen if things get closed while you're waiting for a socket
zzz we always closed the acceptors when the control socket closed, but we didn't handle the other case, where the acceptor finds out first
orignal I still don't understand the secenario. You have an acceptor accepting or not
orignal if it's accepting your receive new stream socket and wait for next
orignal if you close command socket you close acceptors in destructor
orignal oor whatever you use instead
zzz yes bitcoin is accepting but java SAM side is dead. But java SAM sent both OK and then I2P_ERROR instead of b64 dest
orignal java SAM side means not link thorugh I2CP?
zzz so bitcoin failed b64 decode and did another accept, infinite loop
orignal oh you measn STREAM ACCEPT?
orignal not TCP sockst accept
zzz right, the I2CP side was closed, but java SAM still sent OK after STREAM ACCEPT
orignal so, they send "STREAM ACCEPT"
zzz < OK
zzz < I2P_ERROR
orignal instead putting into queue you send error
orignal they don't honor error and start STREAM ACCEPT again
orignal right?
zzz right because I2CP is dead but we didn't check until after sending OK
zzz right
orignal but what's the actual issue?
orignal they will keep sending until your I2CP is up
orignal or just queue up
zzz yeah but they didn't delay after error, so it was a thousand a second. And we never closed control socket so they kept looping
orignal but it's thier issue not yours
orignal if they don't handle error properly and tring to reconnect immeditely
orignal not after at least a second delay
zzz not 100% because we didn't close control socket, and specs didn't say we could send error instead of dest after OK
zzz so that's what my fix does :)
zzz and bitcoin is adding a delay after error
zzz so we're both fixing it
orignal I will check my logic
orignal usually I queue up accepts
zzz yeah we queue accepts but only if I2CP is up
orignal as I know I don't have I2CP in the middle
orignal what I really need to do is to limit queue size
zzz problem was making sure everything on the sam side is shut down correctly when i2cp goes away
zzz don't know about limits, if a client wants to do a million concurrent accepts, he's only killing himself
zzz lets look and see if we have limits...
orignal I think not more than 10
zzz ok, we don't "queue" accepts, we queue incoming SYNs. The accepts all just wait on the head of the queue using java synchronization
zzz since the SYN queue could be blown up by a remote attacker, we limit it to 64
zzz and drop any SYNs not accept()ed in 3 seconds
zzz so there's no limit on concurrent accept()s
orignal I means limit for concurent "STREAM ACCEPT" requests
orignal client might send next while previous is still pending
zzz we have no limit for concurrent STREAM ACCEPTs
orignal that's not good
orignal as you said before nothing should be unlimited
zzz sure, except that if a local client wants to kill his own router, that's not a huge problem
zzz important thing is to limit the SYN queue
orignal they might kill it unintenially due to a bug like in case of bitcoin
zzz but you're right, bitcoin and prestium sometimes do dumb things on the client side
zzz like create a thousand tunnels ((
zzz SYN flooding is the real threat though. That's the whole Tor proof-of-work stuff
Opicaak Prestium doesn't do dumb things.
Opicaak It does what is required.
Opicaak Not my problem i2pd doesn't implement dynamic tunnel pools.
Opicaak Prestium uses about 50-60 tunnels at the moment.
Opicaak Not thousands.
orignal what is dynamic tunnel pool?
Opicaak Increase tunnels based on usage, bandwidth or leasesets.
orignal it can be implemented
orignal if needed
Opicaak That would be really awesome.
Opicaak It would drop tunnel usage in Prestium drastically.
orignal up to 16 I guess?
Opicaak Yes, that's fine.
zzz you're referring to this i2pd ticket:
dr|z3d what issues are you bumping into with persistent connections, zzz?
dr|z3d dynamic tunnels is something we've discussed previously. increment/decrement tunnels based on connections and/or bandwidth usage.
dr|z3d simplest solution is to allocate tunnels based on connections, which is what snark already does.
zzz yeah but even simpler is to start with supporting our 2009-era options first
zzz ok persistence
zzz we have 2 proxies and 3 sockets:
zzz browser -- skt -- cl.proxy -- i2pskt -- srv.proxy -- skt -- server
zzz the sockets are now all bound together 1:1:1, all for one req/resp each, they all get opened and closed together
zzz so great, let's just make them all keepalive (persistent), keep them all bound together
zzz sounds simple right?
dr|z3d so far, so simple.. what's the catch?
zzz its a big one
zzz the persistence property is PER HOP.
zzz in theory each hop could be one-shot or persistence
zzz but that's ok, right, let's just ignore that and they're all one-shot or all persisted, keep them all bound together
zzz but what if the browser sends GET foo.i2p and then GET bar.i2p on the same socket?
zzz now you're f'ed
dr|z3d well, you don't let it, do you?
dr|z3d you make sure that persistent sockets are bound to tlds, no?
zzz the browser won't. It's just worried about its connection to the proxy
zzz it's the proxy's problem
zzz so ok, if they're all independent hops, let's just make the i2psocket persistent. Thats the only one that matters for performance, right? Who cares about persistent local sockets?
dr|z3d this sounds like it's about to get circular, or recursive :)
zzz but then, the browser isn't waiting for one to complete before it asks for the next one, because it's not doing persistence
zzz so you get say requests on 6 different local sockets, then you have to have a 'pool' of idle i2pskts, look for one, but there probably isn't one
dr|z3d so if we were addressing multiple proxies at the same time, one per tld, would that help?
zzz sure you could do some multiplexing but not sure that helps
zzz so maybe the browser skt and the i2pskt are keepalive, but we leave the server-side skt one-shot? would that help?
dr|z3d just wondering if the browser wants a single socket per proxy, then having multiple proxies might somewhat alleviate things, in theory at least.
zzz how would you tell the browser how to do that?
dr|z3d well, this is the question.
zzz or foxyproxy? a differnt port for each hostname? or host:port?
zzz and let's not even think about the outproxy which is a 4th hop
dr|z3d not viable. not per hostname.
dr|z3d and you'd probably need a fairly big pool of proxies if you want to ensure you're not interrupting a socket.
dr|z3d and then you've got the issue of multiple domains on a single site.
zzz you might think that switching hosts would be rare but it's gonna do it every time on a redirect to a different host
dr|z3d not rare, all too frequent. cdns, 3rd party tracking sites..
zzz the idle sockets will probably expire and get closed pretty quick... 15 sec, 30, something like that
dr|z3d you remember that part of the mozilla document that suggested http/2 was a better solution to the problem we're discussing? it's supported in jetty9, and apparently can be made to work without the https requirement. if persistence seems like it's too much work..
zzz the good news about hop-by-hop is the hops could be implemented separately; doesn't have to be done all at once
zzz the browser socket side is pretty easy, it wouldn't buy much of anything but might make us smarter
zzz that's for pipelining. I'm just talking persistence
zzz for complexity, persistence << pipelining <<<<<<< http/2
dr|z3d yeah, forget pipelining, it's more or less deprecated.
dr|z3d as for http/2, can't we get jetty to do the heavy lifting?
dr|z3d I mean, it's already implemented.
zzz not as a proxy
dr|z3d that's a good point.
dr|z3d proxies are currently 1.1
zzz so, for each hop that we want persistence on, we have to monitor the data going through, so we know when the content ends
zzz if there's a content-length header, we count that many bytes
dr|z3d you have either content-length, or chunked. not both.
dr|z3d if a chunked connection's sending a content-length header, it's doing it wrong.
zzz if it's chunked encoding, we have to eyeball the chunks on the fly, waiting for the end marker
zzz and then when done, don't close the socket, but hand it back to somebody to reuse
zzz if there's no length or chunks, or if it's http/1.0, or if the other end said connetion: close, or about 6 other rules, then you can't reuse it
zzz right. but having neither is allowed
zzz then you just wait for the socket to get closed and hope that was all of it
dr|z3d can I just take a step back and ask what you're hoping this buys us in terms of performance gains?
zzz the streaming syn/synack and overhead is around 1kb total iirc
zzz compared to just a few bytes for TCP
zzz long-lived conns also gives you optimal window sizes
zzz there's also some latency savings but not as much as TCP because streaming is zero-RTT
Opicaak re: i2pd ticket. Kind of, but instead of reduceOnIdle, it would be increaseOnUsage(?), or as I've proposed the other day "(inbound|outbound).quantity = dynamic."
dr|z3d that sounds good in theory, zzz, but we're really talking about the end user here, and I get the sense that .5s worth of improvement loading a page isn't really going to register on the dial.
zzz yeah Opicaak I get it, I'd still recommend they implement the well-specified options first before inventing new ones
Opicaak Understood, zzz.
zzz dr|z3d, aren't there studies that even 50 ms is perceptible and causes users to think a site is slow?
zzz Opicaak, the hard part to desigining new options is spec'ing them out sanely and how they interoperate with existing options
zzz 'dynamic' just throws it over to the implementer
zzz we do have that implemented in i2psnark but all by magic on a very specific class of traffic
Opicaak What I had in mind is something like this: "create 1 tunnel and increase based on the number of leasesets." That was the initial idea for this feature, then dr|z3d commented that it was proposed in the past, and the metric could be bandwidth instead of leasesets.
Opicaak Perhaps dynamic could mean 2 tunnels/leaseset for better stability.
eyedeekay Interacting with a multiplexing http proxy is a feature of I2PIPB, normally it isn't used but if you hook Firefox+I2PIPB to sam-forwarder-eeproxy sam-forwarder-browserproxy or si-i2p-plugin it will pass an isolating key that sets up a new socket per isolating key then the http proxy only uses that socket for that isolating key. One mode of operation always treats the hostname as the isolating key. Originally
eyedeekay it was intended as a privacy enhancement so that each isolating key would have different x-i2p-* headers but it sounds like it kinda does at least 2 of the things you guys have been talking about as well
eyedeekay Without any new tunnel options
zzz the x-i2p headers come from the server side so I don't see how any client-side thing changes that
zzz what's an "isolating key"?
zzz the client side doesn't see any x-i2p headers ever
eyedeekay Each of these sockets is using different keys and the http proxy on the other side only serves to direct the traffic to the appropriate socket
zzz what kind of "keys" ?
eyedeekay Like crypto keys for the sockets
zzz for the browser-to-http-client-proxy sockets?
eyedeekay It goes: Browser adds information(isolating key) to header before sending it to proxy. Proxy reads isolating key and creates a new socket with fresh crypto keys for it or re uses an existing one. Proxy sends browser traffic to new socket associated with isolating key.
eyedeekay Header is removed by proxy
zzz oh this is for connecting to some arbitrary 'multiplexing proxy', not the i2p client proxy, correct?
eyedeekay Yeah it is, I made some prototypes with SAM years ago and have a feature branch where I am messing with implementing browserproxy in java but it's not in any of the core projects
zzz but the i2p client proxy does not support persistence. 1 request == 1 socket
eyedeekay Ah I see, not helpful right now then
zzz status quo is:
zzz <zzz> we have 2 proxies and 3 sockets:
zzz <zzz> browser -- skt -- cl.proxy -- i2pskt -- srv.proxy -- skt -- server
zzz <zzz> the sockets are now all bound together 1:1:1, all for one req/resp each, they all get opened and closed together
zzz so if we change that to add persistence, and break the 1:1:1 relationship then you gotta be careful about _which_ socket and _which_ proxy you're talking about
zzz because we can't pretend it's one end-to-end socket and one proxy in the middle anymore
orignal guys, I missed something
orignal do you have a new release?
eyedeekay No we've pushed back to November as of a couple days ago
orignal or only i2pd is 0.9.60?
orignal we agreed for the week of sept 18
orignal then why did I change it 0.9.60?
eyedeekay I guess because you missed the update. We postponed for the first time early in September and the second time 2 nights ago.
orignal maybe
orignal well then we have two "lastest" version now )))
eyedeekay That's not ideal but we're also not ready to go with the new release yet. Might be worth doing the easy thing and re-releasing 2.3.0 with an updated API number in the meantime. Sorry I didn't make more of an effort to get you notified of the updated schedule, I'll try and make it right.
zzz I don't recommend doing a release just for that. What's done is done, focus on a productive release.
orignal was just curios
not_bob As per previous discussin. I've had android devices catc fire.
not_bob And I can't seem to type.
not_bob_afk Also, before I leave. Whoever owns i2psurvey.i2p may update it, or remove it.
orignal can you skip 0.9.60 in november release?
zzz there's no technical reason we can't skip. you and eyedeekay just have to coordinate
zzz especially when plans change :)
orignal are you going to have 3 releases instead 4 in 2023?