IRCaBot 2.1.0
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Invizzy Good day, I had recently updated my I2P+ with the dev build and now I can't seem to access my web console now. When I do try, it simply continues to buffer.
RN Invizzy, try turning off the redirect to https
Invizzy How would one do that without access to the web console?
RN in the config file... give me a moment and I'll dig up the line to add
RN mmm... might be 13 moments...
Invizzy Take your time! There's no rush
RN bit of system lag... to much going on there... lol... almost got the override info
dr|z3d Invizzy: what version you on?
dr|z3d that issue's fixed, RN, in the latest builds.
RN ah
Invizzy hmmm, dr|z3d, I believe it was the dev build released around the 18th
dr|z3d still some minor issues I'm working through with console freezes when the page is not visible for a while (just close the page and reopen if all else fails).. but the https issue is fixed.
RN dr, you'll be amused to find out I thought I was finally going to build vscode, but first dependency 4/4 rust must be rebuilt
dr|z3d Invizzy: yeah, grab the latest build, will fix that. sorry for the inconvenience.
dr|z3d you'll get there, RN
RN yep, it may be less than 24 hours now...
Invizzy It's no problem dr|z3d! I appreciate the assistance
dr|z3d when everything's working as intended the console should feel faster to browse around. in fact it should now, just the page freeze when the console's not in a visible tab issue to work through.
Invizzy Interesting. What may be the cause?
dr|z3d page freeze is javaascript related. most of the javascript in the console has been substantially refactored/rewritten, so there are still a few minor bugs to iron out.
Invizzy Ah. That's great to hear! I've grabbed the latest build that was linked and will try it now. Thank you again!
Invizzy dr|z3d, it works!