IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Opicaak I propose new argument, or value for already existing argument, for i2p tunnels, something like "inbound.quantity = dynamic," it would add more tunnels to the tunnel pool based on the number of leasesets, for example.
orignal yes it makes sense
orignal if it's your client tunnel you connect to one remote server and you can use 2-3 tunnels
orignal if you are a proxy you might want to set even 16 if you connect to many eepsites
dr|z3d dynamic tunnel count has been proposed before. something along the lines of what snark already uses.
Opicaak I'm not sure what snark does, but the feature would be cool to have, instead of "hardcoding" a specific count.
obscuratus I *think* i2psnark is using the reduceonidle setting. So you ask for two-three tunnels (or whatever), but it automatically reduces the # of tunnels after an idle period.
Opicaak Inverse it, "increaseOnUse"
dr|z3d it allocates tunnels based on the number of client connections.
dr|z3d but that's not the only metric to use.
dr|z3d bandwidth usage was also discussed as a metric.
Opicaak Was there a reason why it wasn't implemented?
dr|z3d yeah, because other things were more important, like mitigating the ddos attacks.
dr|z3d and at the time, I think SSU2 was being worked on. that was a substantial amount of work that needed full attention.
Irc2PGuest39757 I would actually need this feature in i2pd, thinking about it.
orignal because I'm too busy
dr|z3d eyedeekay: did you merge a bunch of your commits with obscuratus' code dump?
eyedeekay Yes obscuratus contributed to test1 which is what you're probably seeing
dr|z3d painful.
dr|z3d didn't we have a discussion a while back about separate commits for different sub-systems?
dr|z3d I mean, I get that obscuratus' commit was going to be huge, and there probably wasn't an easy way to do that in sections.
dr|z3d but then we have a bunch of totally unrelated and unnecessary naming changes that really didn't need to be in the commit at all.
dr|z3d I'm specifically thinking of the banlistForever/banlistHard changes and related renaming.
dr|z3d I've merged the code now, but I'd prefer not to have to do something like that again in a single commit. Took several hours :|
dr|z3d anyways, moving on. is it safe to globally replace all references to context.netDb().lookupRouter... with _context.floodfillNetDb().lookupRouter ?
orignal did grandpa say anything?
orignal maybe this is not zzz
dr|z3d he passed the nickserv auth test, it's more than likely him.
obscuratus dr|z3d: No, most context.netDb() should probably be explicity moved to context.netDb(dbid). But only go to floodfill if you want the floodfill, otherwise you'll lose segmentation.
obscuratus having said that, context.netDb() defaults to the floodfill db.
dr|z3d I'm at the end of addressing merge issues where context.netDb() is causing compile failure, so all instances where it is I've moved to context.floodfillNetDb() and everything appears fine now.
orignal or his computer is hijacked
obscuratus orignal: Lol.
Opicaak Or echelon spoofed zzz
orignal Nazi is not in the US
obscuratus dr|z3d: OK, canon builds, so these must be your customizations. So it's your call then.
orignal yes, it's possible
dr|z3d orignal: make sure you're wearing your tin hat or he'll zap you from his remote control laser located on a private satellite.
orignal zzz.i2p still down?
orignal so probably yes, it's Nazi's game
dr|z3d if we're defaulting to floodfill db, then it seems like a minor thing. works, anyways.
obscuratus It's probably zzz's bot. Maybe accidental, maybe he's lurking.
dr|z3d this is mostly for peer lookups.
orignal lurking what?
orignal he can read major's logs
obscuratus So far, all my RI are going to the floodfill db. If I run with floodfill off, all my LS go exclusively to the client dbs.
dr|z3d how about we give him some time to settle back in before we all shout out the first conspiracy theory that trips of the tongue?
Opicaak The earth is flat.
eyedeekay Birds aren't real
obscuratus dr|z3d: Hahaha! Us? What is this patience word anyways?
RN birds are not real
orignal zzz.i2p would be the bets proof
dr|z3d obscuratus: this is just for peer lookups, so I'm assuming pushing those to the ff db is perfectly fine.
orignal *best
obscuratus dr|z3d: Yes.
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
obscuratus dr|z3d: Just, if you're doing anything with InboundMessageDistributor, be careful if you change the direction of any stores.
dr|z3d I don't think I've touched that code, but noted, thanks.
obscuratus If the DSM comes into the IBMD, it should be saved to the client netdb, even if it's RI (which I havent seen yet).
dr|z3d not touched it in any meaningful way that would impact things.
obscuratus Just for clarity, if you run with FF enabled, the floodfill db will populate with LS and RI, so don't worry if you see that.
obscuratus dr|z3d: If you need it, I've kept a parallel branch that has nearly every commit separated. One mega-commit does look busy. :)
dr|z3d I've merged now, thanks, obscuratus, but in future if these huge commits can be broken down into smaller commits relating to specific sub-systems, it makes for reverting commits easier and generally understanding the code.
dr|z3d What definitely should not be happening is unrelated commits getting bundled with the merge.
dr|z3d obscuratus: so just to be clear, RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(h); should use the floofdillNetDb() context?
dr|z3d yeah, send them over, orignal
dr|z3d Elon_Reeve_Musk_X can do his best.
orignal it's Plaz
dr|z3d what you gone and done to rattle his cage?
orignal I told him if he need to annoy someone annoy Nazi
dr|z3d yeah, but he's spamming your network, no?
dr|z3d obviously someone pulled his chain.
orignal yes, but it's not new
orignal belive me it's real plaz
orignal because he is also spamming me in telegram )))
RN he must like you
RN so much attention. <3
orignal he is just plaz
orignal that's all
RN and the one you call nazi is not the only one who would be annoyed
obscuratus dr|z3d: Yes, for now, I can't think of a case where we'd go to the client db for RI.
dr|z3d obscuratus: ok, thanks, figured that would be the case, just wanted to be sure.
orignal he is the best traget
orignal dr|z3d you are not able to read #ru at ilita I guess
dr|z3d I'm not on the network, no.
orignal you read #dev from major
orignal but not #ru )))
dr|z3d sure, there's that, not that I've been following #dev on major for a couple of months or more.
obscuratus I bet I know why zzz's bot showed up. zzz's proabably at Burning Man (why wouldn't he be?), and he's been hanging out with Elon Mush, and he's showing him how great we would be for X.