IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN Yay!
not_bob If anyone in here runs urbandictionary.i2p, it's broken.
uop23ip What does "peer.failedLookupRate" mean in graph and what is a good value?
obscuratus That stat is most meaningful in the context of other information, such as the exploratory build success rate.
obscuratus Also, just watching the trend in events can be insightful.
obscuratus If it's not plotted already in terms of events, click on the graph, and find the link on the bottom to plot events.
obscuratus So, for example, if you see the number of floodfills climbing, your build success rate falling, and an increase in failed lookups, that might mean someone is flooding the network with fake floodfills.
uop23ip That's what i wanted to look after. Thanks obscuratus, for the info. I knew over 2k floodfills is an indicator, but didn't knew what other to ook after.
uop23ip I have to admit that although i ran i2p for a longer time now. I really do not know how it was before the attacks. No joke. Not that the eepsites are not reachable or slow at the moment. More the opposite. It is fast and i have for sure lesser not reachable events as in the past. I think the change to ssu2 and the performance it gained was most impressive to me, but the time in peace was just to short, to
uop23ip really enjoy the new network performance with the update. :)
obscuratus Ah, you must be using i2p+
uop23ip No not on t. machine. And i meant the update to ssu2 or didn't it perform better after?
obscuratus I think the performance improvements stem for shifts in the El NiƱo currents.
uop23ip But i began i2p with i2pplus, because plus is better :)
obscuratus It's certainly more plusier.
dr|z3d performance is directly related to the adherence to the psychiatric medical regime of the attacker.
uop23ip 24/7 attacks == meth?
dr|z3d "off his meds"
dr|z3d could be meth involved, though, or crack, or both.
dr|z3d orignal: congratulations, you won a lemon!
dr|z3d you have to be a bit special to be awarded a notbob lemon. well done!
uop23ip Make it sense to have the reject and success for tunnels. I could only watch success, right?
dr|z3d all manner of stats available when you turn on full stats on /configstats
uop23ip Got a big jump from 0.5k to 3k some hours ago in tunnel.buildClientReject
dr|z3d wouldn't sweat it, router doing its job.
uop23ip Yeah was only a short peak. It's running smooth. Maybe torrent could be better. But we are still from time under attack right? And still the floodfill thing?
dr|z3d some sort of attack looks likely.
dr|z3d how effective it is, that's a different issue.
uop23ip If they don't like i2p, they should make their own