IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
uop23ip hi, is notbot sometimes here?
dr|z3d notbob's around, lurking.
dr|z3d we don't have a notbot.
uop23ip But sometimes his nick is here, right?
uop23ip dr|z3d, there is a notbob as there is a skank, right? They aren't you :)
dr|z3d uop23ip: notbob there is, notbot there isn't. see also Irc2PGuest98006
uop23ip Oh shit,double lol
not_bob Someone needed something?
not_bob If so, I'll be around or a while. Mostly AFK, but I'll check.
not_bob And I can't type! For a while...
uop23ip not_bob, nice. That would be me. First, thanks for your service. Really helps
not_bob I'm glad to be of service.
not_bob What do you need?
uop23ip My quetion: Would it be possible to make from all active eepsites a categorized bookmark.html to import it into the browser? Maybe once week or so. Could be great for beginners or funny to test, i think. What do you think?
not_bob Oh, so like a HTML file with them all sorted by catagory?
not_bob Ahh, as a bookmark file.
uop23ip like your site
not_bob I'd have to read up on the format that's needed.
uop23ip yes. once imported, you got all of (active) i2p net
not_bob Sure, that could be done I'm sure.
not_bob Or, you could just use the site where it's kept current.
not_bob Sites go in and out of active randomly.
not_bob 700 today, 706 yesterday.
not_bob Though, as a bookmark file, I don't have the title cached for every page. So, they would be lacking that.
not_bob Which does limit how useful it could be.
uop23ip 700 great :). could be amazing to have,lol
not_bob I would have to take some time to code it though.
uop23ip but there is for sure a hard core of sites, i guess
not_bob I may have some time tomororw. Should be easy enough.
not_bob Might be worth writing a script to great the title for each page as well.
not_bob Blarg, I must take leave. Later.
uop23ip Thanks for time, not_bob_afk
eyedeekay I have a script somewhere that does that
eyedeekay No I'm wrong, I only have the part that imports it into a browser done
eyedeekay But it could be generated and updated automatically I think, I didn't really pursue it because it would be one more thing to maintain for me
eyedeekay But generates bookmarks importable as firefox extensions and maybe also chromium extensions
eyedeekay From a bookmarks.json file
eyedeekay Also, fixed my laptop. Back on track
RN \o/
not_bob_afk eyedeekay: I'll grab that later. Currently on mobile.
dr|z3d eyedeekay: re reddit post we both just responded to, doesn't look like a browser bundle issue, because :7667
dr|z3d a browser bundle install followed by an i2p+ update would use the browser bundle configured console port.
dr|z3d otoh, :7667 indicates the initial install vector was the I2P+ installer.
wellicht time to re-order club-mate
dr|z3d random wellicht is random :)
wellicht dr|z3d: there is a pattern in re-ordering club-mate, believe it or not ;-)
RN hrrrmmmm.... is that like... monster or redbull?
dr|z3d you, wellicht, your comments in the channel, not club-mate reorders :)