IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d unusually large contingent of Iranian routers
dr|z3d the majority of which are PR
xeiaso dr|z3d: sounds great that iranians are using i2p to bypass censorship
dr|z3d that may well be the case, xeiaso, but the preponderance of PR cap routers is a little odd. if they're all i2pd, then they won't get the benefit of auto-hidden mode, so maybe someone's providing a pre-configured setup.
mesh the sudden emergence of so many iranian routers is interesting but also a little suspicious
dr|z3d the ayatollah is watching.
obscuratus mesh: They were just trying to capture streams of King Charles III coronation.
obscuratus Big fans, you see.
mesh I've noticed a consistent decrease in the Active Peer count btw
mesh I wonder if these attacks are actually working and the network is getting smaller
obscuratus What's the latest consensus on how these fake Router Info attacks are being introduced to the network?
obscuratus Directly? Through an Outbound Endpoint? Through client tunnels? Other? Various?
xeiaso obscuratus: an outbound endpoint is just the last router in a tunnel
obscuratus Yes, orignal was speculating that when you router is a participating tunnel OBEP, you may be forwarding RI DSM for the anonymous originator of that tunnel.
orignal for me it doesn't matter
obscuratus orignal: What doesn't matter?
orignal how fake routers being deplyed directly or through OB or both
xeiaso can I have voice in ls2 please?
eyedeekay Channel is temporarily unmoderated for the meeting, go ahead
xeiaso thanks
not_bob Am I still here?
not_bob Ok, I am.
xeiaso_ not_bob: that's a pretty philosophical question ;)
not_bob I was just checking to see if I was still conncted. #ls2 is going really slow.
obscuratus So, is it three periods in a row that sets off a certain bot ...
obscuratus I was trying to see why major intermittently chimes in. :)
not_bob I have no idea on that one.
RN is it three periods, or an elipsis …