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dr|z3d Sdash: don't recall offhand how to prevent snark from opening a browser, but there's a method.
dr|z3d from the readme.txt which you've obviously looked at -> To change or disable browser launch at startup, edit i2psnark-appctx.config.
RN sup?
albat hi RN :)
RN hey albat
albat how are you today?
RN I am ok. Not as cool as the fileshare king, but I am chill.
albat fileshare king? who? me? :)
RN also... I had some beers
RN yes you
albat lol ok
albat i drank one beer also
RN one...
RN hmm
albat you several lol
RN albat, you are what some would call a "cheap date"
RN yes several
RN so I hope all is good for you
albat yes : all is fine
RN good. have you tried some of the AI image making sites?
albat yes, i tried last time you told about it
albat "batman in space" stuff like this
RN am I such a broke record?
RN oh
RN batman in space?
albat broke record?
RN hehe
albat yes lol
albat how many beers have you drunk?
albat RN? :/
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - you may have known this site for a long time, but I recently found only because I saw Phong's router graphs on zzz's Twitter page: good work done here:
T3s|4 found *it only
dr|z3d yeah, handy site, T3s|4. linked on the console homepage (i2p-hosted instance) :)
T3s|4 he's also got a shitton of daily router data going back to 2018:
T3s|4 thanks, and noted dr|z3d
RN albat, maybe 4
albat ok :)
RN maybe I don't count the whiskey
albat lol -_-;
albat i drink one or 2 beers per day :)
RN sorry, but yeah, you know I drink more that ntat
albat you are cooler with 4 beers LOL ;)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: BTW netdb is still showing my router with a 'L' bandwidth flag. Do you know if all Hidden Mode routers are assigned 'L'? I've got i2p bandwidth set at 300 Mbps U/D with 80%+ share. Is there a way I can manually set a 'X' flag?
dr|z3d hidden = L.
dr|z3d absolutely pointless setting a hidden router's b/w to anything else.
RN thnaks albat … I will elelevate into the math
dr|z3d hidden router == absolutely nothing shared, b/w-wise
RN and only four beers means you have to catch me earlier in the day
RN ;)
RN sup dr|z3d
dr|z3d T3s|4: we've been here before. hidden router == leech. contributes nothing to the network aside from shared torrents and services. no transit b/w.
albat brb i will buy some coffee
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, RN. you good?
RN yeah, just think my izzle is in the fizzle
RN but dr, do we want to throw away connections of routers that may be in a connectivity challenged place?
RN not sure I groked the description completely
RN to simplfy what I've not been saying clearly
RN what does that mean to people where connectivity is bad and their router doesn't work nice like most of ours do?
RN I'm just...
RN bleah... y'all know me
dr|z3d you been on the booze again.
RN yep
RN had a few drinks
RN always honest
RN actually though
RN booze... does not always include "beer"
RN but regardless of that
RN I'm good
RN waiting for latest "full movie length trailer" to finis downloading
albat back
RN and it is not cocaine bear
RN wb albat
RN I dunno what the apeal is for that movie
RN so loosely based on the true story... and so rediculous!
RN if anyone can convince me to watch it,,,
RN go for it
RN erm
RN hey kids, alcohol is bad
RN or some shit
RN loooool
albat hey dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d hihi albatski
senpaiNikolai Hello guys
senpaiNikolai How's everyone doing?
albat hell oh :) fine thanks
albat you?
senpaiNikolai I can say that I am good, thx
senpaiNikolai my setup is running again
albat i2p setup?
albat i use java one
senpaiNikolai same, i2p+ for me
senpaiNikolai updated everything
senpaiNikolai and now is working really good
albat you have fiber?
senpaiNikolai is not a real fiber but still a good connection
senpaiNikolai is something with copper + fiber
senpaiNikolai Btw, what happened to zzz? Saw the news on reddit but now I do not have a proper browser to go to zzz.i2p
albat i have fiber 1000GB in and 800GB out
albat he's taking rest i think
albat having*
albat a little break
albat i wonder about his health, but i'm not aware of this
dr|z3d hi senpaiNikolai
albat zzz is away because of his health dr|z3d ?
albat or he just need rest?
albat dude? :/
dr|z3d you need to come to your own conclusion, albat.
albat -_-;
dr|z3d Have a look around teddit.i2p/r/i2pd for some pointers.
dr|z3d your bonus word is "harassment".
albat ok :/
senpaiNikolai hi dr|z3d , how u doin
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, senpaiNikolai, not bad. you good?
senpaiNikolai ye thanks! I managed to update and use my raspberry again to work with i2p
senpaiNikolai but I think that during summer I'll have to shut it down
senpaiNikolai because is without fans
senpaiNikolai btw, at the time I used firefox nightly as a i2p only browser, is it still good or I have to use something different?
senpaiNikolai because I saw the teddit link but now I am without a browser
dr|z3d maybe look into installing your own fan/heatsink combo.
dr|z3d firefox nightly is fine enough.
dr|z3d >>> I2P+ 2.2.0+ update now available from postman's tracker -> Torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69271 .. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until 2.3.0+! Thanks! <<<
dr|z3d >>> I2P+ Universal Installer now available on postman! Torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69283 .. Please seed until 2.3.0+ arrives if you can! Thanks! <<<
dr|z3d >>> I2P+ I2PSnark 2.2.0+ Standalone now available as a torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69302 .. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until the next version is released! Thanks! <<<
dr|z3d End of transmission :)
dr|z3d All good torrents to test your network speed with. Should be **FAST**
senpaiNikolai is this dev update or major?