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dr|z3d there you go, Afkaid
Afkaid dr|z3d, ok ! thanks !
dr|z3d welcome to #saltr
Afkaid dr|z3d, I was wondering what is the link you posted just above
Afkaid I see the zzz.i2p site with an alternate css style
dr|z3d there you go, you got it.
dr|z3d I'm trying to nudge zzz into an update.
Afkaid It looks fine
dr|z3d which do you prefer, old or new?
Afkaid and i agree it looks better than the original one
dr|z3d let zzz know :)
Afkaid but the twitter and rss links are far less visible
dr|z3d not that important, and not important enough to take up that amount of space.
dr|z3d why force the topics to wrap just because 2 oversized icons?
Afkaid yeah, they take really too much space on the original one
Afkaid I agree
Afkaid maybe they could be on the "home - forum" line
dr|z3d maybe, thought about that, though technically that's for site navigation which neither link really is.
Afkaid or in the right of the "zzz.i2p
Afkaid Development discussions" block
dr|z3d maybe the nav bar, but not as tabs, as icons.
Afkaid I think it is a bit too hidden in the bottom like you did, nobody will see it
Afkaid yes, as icon
Afkaid that said, I have seen them.. ^^
dr|z3d bottom is for non-site links in essence, but you're right, and I've already got the icons lined up.
Afkaid maybe change the icons too, to get icons that are stylized according to the site
Afkaid The original ones are ugly and not harmonicaly feeted to the theme
Afkaid (well not sure about the words I just used)
Afkaid (I am not native english speaker)
Afkaid for exemple, using flat designed twitter and rss icon, with the same color as the "zzz.i2p
Afkaid Development discussions" title
Afkaid with an hover effect changing them to white
dr|z3d already have icons. don't worry.
Afkaid ok ^^
dr|z3d I like your thinking, though, you're on the right track.
Afkaid And I think you can keep the links at the bottom, this redundancy would not seem problematic to me
Afkaid There is another thing that I don't really like, but I don't know how to explain
Afkaid the kind of "tilling" effect under the main content block
Afkaid I think it is the "background:repeating-linear-gradient" thing that I don't like
dr|z3d that's it, done, enough time invested. sorry you don't like the micro-tiled effect.
dr|z3d texture is good. flat colors on big spaces, not so much.
Afkaid that is not the micro stuff that I don't like
Afkaid but there is a gradient patern that repeat 8 times on my display, and I don't find it very nice
Afkaid I like the texture
dr|z3d ah, could be a browser thing.
Afkaid maybe
dr|z3d got a screenshot?
dr|z3d not maybe, definitely.
Afkaid I can do one, how can I send it to you ?
dr|z3d browsers can sometimes screw up repeating gradients.
Afkaid I am using firefox
dr|z3d yeah, firefox can vary, I've seen pages that look fine in one, crap in another, same OS.
dr|z3d I'd recommend cake.i2p for pasting, but it's currently down
dr|z3d fs.i2p perhaps.
Afkaid I have a "send a file" option here.. Will that work ?
Afkaid First time I try that
dr|z3d do a hard refresh in your browser, see if you still have the issue. ctrl+shift+r
Afkaid ok, it's gone
dr|z3d magic!
dr|z3d looks acceptable now?
Afkaid yeah... sort of ^^
Afkaid maybe a little thing with the bottom links when we zoom the page
dr|z3d no more, I'm finished with it for now.
Afkaid the "I2P on Twitter" is displayed on two line when zooming
Afkaid and with normal zoom "RSS feed" is also displayed on two lines
dr|z3d that I can do.
dr|z3d done. fixed.
Afkaid I think I don't have other to say
Afkaid what is "major" ? a parrot bot ?
dr|z3d thanks for the input.
dr|z3d major is a logging bot that occasionally says too much.
Afkaid you're welcome :)
Afkaid lol ok
Afkaid I noticed there is no navigation to access older posts, is that intended ?
Afkaid I was expecting navigation button to access other/older pages
Afkaid But that is no CSS stuff...
Afkaid And again, I clearly prefer your new CSS than the old one
Afkaid It is perhaps a bit too much "redish"... A little play with complementary colors could have been nice
Afkaid But it is nice as it is
Afkaid Lets wait what ZZZ will say about it
dr|z3d didn't want to depart too much from zzz's original color scheme, or the parts that he changed from the default green.
Afkaid It is already quite nice
Afkaid It is you who have made the new postman CSS too, if I don't mistake
Afkaid Nice job too
dr|z3d thanks
dr|z3d one site at a time :)
Afkaid Watching the original zzz.i2p again... the bit twitter and rss icons looks like an aberration !
Afkaid *bit -> big
Afkaid with all this space wasted
Afkaid I just test this : ::selection{background:#35604d;color:#fff}
Afkaid doesn't look too bad to me... to make the thing less redish
Afkaid But if you decide to stop there... I understand, twiking css can become a never ending story ^^
dr|z3d rest assured if zzz adopts the css he'll do plenty of tweaking himself.
Afkaid yeah, I have no doubt about that ! :)
dr|z3d there, less red ::selection
Afkaid well, I personnaly prefer with the dark green I took from the original zzz.i2p...
Afkaid I find all this too redish, but it is a matter of taste
Afkaid Is that a communist website ? ;)
Afkaid In this case, It lacks big yellow hammer and sickle ! :p
dr|z3d there's a whole 24bit color space out there, the trick is not to think you need to use all the colors.
dr|z3d green and red is an especially bad combination.
Afkaid I do not specially agree, but why not.
Afkaid I am not web designer
Afkaid we will see what ZZZ will do with this
dr|z3d back to I2P+
dr|z3d if you like pretty things to look at, you might want to try it :)
Afkaid I never tried I2P+
Afkaid I have gone to the website times ago...
Afkaid I found it to redish
Afkaid *to/too
dr|z3d whatever floats your boat.
Afkaid dr|z3d, thanks !
Afkaid I just migrated to I2P+ !
Afkaid discovering the UI changes
T3s|4 dr|z3d: there was never a VPN - Linux problem on my end. Those lazy, unprofessional and incompetent bastards at Hide My Ass! (HMA!) VPN finally responded to one of my multiple support emails. I've now been told HMA! has made a corporate discussion to stop supporting ANY Linux connection to their 'service'! Sure would have been nice if these bastards would have informed their
T3s|4 customer base MONTHS ago, by email and on their website that HMA! support for Linux would be ending shortly. Those communications NEVER happened!!! I'm working on getting a refund...from this HORRIBLE VPN company ;(
T3s|4 corporate discussion/*decision to stop
Irc2PGuest23146 I noticed something strange with the I2P+ console
Irc2PGuest23146 When JavaScript is enabled, the bandwidth's graph isn't displayed
Irc2PGuest23146 the graph is displayed when JS is disabled
Irc2PGuest23146 I talk about the mini-graph in the left panel
Afkaid__ I2P+ seems to be more resources consumer
Afkaid__ than stock I2P
Afkaid I2P+ is far less stable than stock I2P on my computer
dr|z3d what version are you running there, Afkaid?
dr|z3d you want to be on the latest dev build, some bugs in the release version (2.1.0-0+)
dr|z3d browse to /configupdate, enable unsigned dev builds, set update policy to notify only, swapout dev update url for skank.i2p/dev/ and then save, then hit check for updates.
Afkaid maybe it is because it is old
Afkaid I have many message like this in the logs : ERROR […terWatchdog] …anagerFacadeImpl: Client [xxxxxx] has LeaseSet that expired 14m ago
dr|z3d there's an ongoing DDOS attack on the network, that's also possibly why you're not seeing the stability you're used to. dev builds address that.
dr|z3d yeah, that's part of the ongoing attack.
Afkaid I didn't have any problem with stock i2p just before
dr|z3d grab and install update then let us know if that fixes the issues. should do.
dr|z3d as for resources, out the box if you installed i2p+ instead of updating from i2p, more ram is allocated to the jvm.
dr|z3d and i2p+ does its level best to push packets faster, harder.
dr|z3d sidebar graph should work with js enabled.
dr|z3d i2p ram -> 256, i2p+ -> 512. (default max allocation to jvm)
dr|z3d also to note: whenever you update i2p+, be sure to CTRL+SHIFT+R in the browser when the new version's running to force-reload new assets (js, css etc).
Afkaid How do I enable unsigned dev build ?
Afkaid I just see a checkbox proposing to update with signed development builds
Afkaid *just/only
Afkaid I am running 2.1.0-0+
Afkaid OO, I just seen the checkbox for unsigned dev build
dr|z3d read instructions above, they have you covered.
dr|z3d NarratorZ!
dr|z3d hi hi.. all good?
dr|z3d got something for you to review when you have a moment..
Afkaid__ downloading update...
Afkaid__ I have no idea why, but the sidebar graph isn't displayed or me with JS enabled
dr|z3d anything in the logs?
dr|z3d any addons in firefox that might be inhibiting js?
Afkaid__ Yeah, I have a plugin to enable/disable JS and other options
dr|z3d if your plugin is disabling ajax (XHR requests) then it'll be disabling a bunch of functionality.
dr|z3d including graph refresh.
dr|z3d many of the pages also rely on ajax for autorefresh. /logs etc.
dr|z3d if you can disable the plugin for the console, things might just work as intended :)
dr|z3d the sidebar graph also relies on <canvas> so if that's disabled, another possible reason it's not working.
Afkaid On 2.1.0-8+ now
dr|z3d great! be sure to CTRL+SHIFT+R
Afkaid Yeah, I have done it
dr|z3d you should have a JVM cpu load bar in the sidebar now.
Afkaid but still no side-graph
dr|z3d and after 10m uptime, your sidebar tunnels section will report tunnel build success (last 10m average for exploratory/local tunnels)
dr|z3d no sidegraph is your browser then. try disabling any js related addons for the page. probably noscript is interfering?
Afkaid I have disabled µMatrix, but it is still the same
Afkaid I don't have any other addons
Afkaid Perhaps I have tweaked a bit my browser configuration and don't remember
Afkaid I don't know
dr|z3d try with a new profile perhaps? firefox -p -no-remote
dr|z3d the -no-remote will allow a new profile to run at the same time as your existing profile.
dr|z3d any thoughts on that bug report/issue NarratorZ?
Afkaid maybe it is because of my "browser privacy - custom parameters"
dr|z3d you want ajax enabled, <canvas> enabled. those two things should enable the graph and other stuff.
Afkaid By default I block all "Cookies - Tracking content - Cryptominers - Fingerprinters"
dr|z3d see the shield in the addressbar? click on that, allow all for the console. probably won't make any difference since none of those things you mention are there, but it might.
Afkaid Yeah, I have deactivated the shield, but nothing changed
dr|z3d new profile, try that. then you can rule in/out your current profile's setting.
Afkaid I am already on a specific profil for I2P
dr|z3d you want browser defaults. to test.
dr|z3d just for the console.
dr|z3d so new profile.
Afkaid that mean a new configuration to do...
dr|z3d because you're the only person who's reported issues with graph. so I'm 99% sure it's your config.
Afkaid well, maybe I have disabled canvas somewhere in the about:config page..
Afkaid I am used to tweak my browser, but sometimes I don't remember all I have done
Afkaid Anyway, it seems more stable with the dev build
Afkaid I will see with time
Afkaid Thinking about it... Is there a web page somewhere with advice to configure Firefox for I2P ?
Afkaid I made my config with informations grabed here and there on the web...
Afkaid But I may have overdone things
dr|z3d simple section in /help/ in the console.
dr|z3d needs an entire page devoted to firefox. will do one soon enough.
dr|z3d main thing is router's now more stable. that's good.
Afkaid seems to, yes
dr|z3d lots of protections against the ddos attacks and other stuff, bug fixes etc.
Afkaid I am finaly doing a new profil...
Afkaid I really hate the default config of firefox, it hurts me everytime I see it ^^
dr|z3d main thing is, does the graph work?
Afkaid Yes, the graph works
dr|z3d there we go. good. so it's a browser config issue.
Afkaid does not work anymore if I activate de Firefox protections
dr|z3d make some notes about optimizing firefox for the console. good for a blog post.
dr|z3d you've got plenty of screenshot material in front of you as well :)
Afkaid In the testing profile , it seems to be the cookies blocking that prevent the graph to work
dr|z3d console needs cookies to function correctly, though I'm surprised the graph does, but ok.
Afkaid when enabling cookies for the console, the graph show again, the rest is blocking "Cookies - Tracking content - Cryptominers - Fingerprinters"
Afkaid So, the problem comes from elsewhere on my normal I2P profil, because I also have "Cookies - Tracking content - Cryptominers - Fingerprinters" blocked, with an exception for the console cookies that are enabled
Afkaid But that is not really an issue for me, I was not having this graph stuff on my stock I2P a few time age
Afkaid *age/ago
Afkaid I noticed that the collapsing blocks (peers, services...) don't work neither on my normal I2P profile
dr|z3d Afkaid: so you have some configuration work to do!
Afkaid seems to, yeah
dr|z3d collapsible sections rely on javascript, ajax and localstorage.
Afkaid or to undo, more exactly
Afkaid dom storage ?
Afkaid I think I found it
dr|z3d localStorage, if that's flagged as DOM storage, then yeah.
dr|z3d localStorage is a bit like cookies, only more so. persistent, which is what you want when you're configuring the console.
Afkaid In about:config, "" have to be set to "true"
Afkaid Colapsing blocks and side graph are now working
Afkaid And the dev build seems to still be stable
dr|z3d excellent. happy days.
dr|z3d various pages auto-refresh as I mentioed, not least the recently renovated floodfills page at /profiles?f=2
dr|z3d anyways, enjoy, have a look around.. :)
dr|z3d it's a bit different to standard i2p.
Afkaid yeah, I see that
Afkaid The "Torrent filter bar" doesn't seem to work
Afkaid maybe broken by another tweak from myself again
dr|z3d have you got torrent loaded?
dr|z3d should work.
dr|z3d localstorage, javascript, ajax.
dr|z3d and probably cookies.
Afkaid these are activated, I think...
Afkaid maybe another about:config stuff that I have tweaked
dr|z3d try ctrl+shift+r just in case.
Afkaid I have done it
Afkaid nothing change
dr|z3d must be you, then.
dr|z3d when in doubt, try a clean profile.
Afkaid yeah, it is surely me
Afkaid if I find the solution I'll tell you
dr|z3d do a blog post. maybe railroad is what you want for that, assuming you want to do some i2p-related blog posts.
Afkaid I never thought about doing a blog...
Afkaid but I will think about it
dr|z3d good way to contribute to the network :)
Afkaid I just tried the "torrent filter bar" in the profile I have created earlier, and it doesn't work neither
Afkaid I have no addons installed, no about:config tweaked
Afkaid seems to be a I2P+ bug...
Afkaid Someone to check that ?
Afkaid dr|z3d,
dr|z3d works for me, Afkaid
dr|z3d do the button states persist when you click on them?
Afkaid So, I don't understand, this profile is new and clean
dr|z3d so what happens when you click on each of the filter buttons?
Afkaid and I have some torrents currently uploading
dr|z3d some filters will probably display nothing.
Afkaid nothing happens, only the button being selected
dr|z3d click on the site icon, probably a square document in the addressbar on the left. then clear site data. then ctrl+shift+r
Afkaid excuse me
Afkaid mistake with the caps :$
dr|z3d try ctrl+shift+i in firefox then browse to the console tab and see if there are any javascript errors.
Afkaid I have made ctrl+shift+j, and it shows me 3 errors
dr|z3d paste em here!
dr|z3d assuming they're not related to the missing graph..
NarratorZ I'm back dr|z3d
NarratorZ issue 13 about epoch is right
NarratorZ falungong is suck
dr|z3d NarratorZ: yeah, but the site he's talking about isn't specifically falung-gong related, is it?
NarratorZ But the Chinese digital age is very good - although this mirror has not been updated for a long time
NarratorZ epoch is a Falun Gong-funded media outlet - but the English version doesn't look so evil
dr|z3d I could hide it if the user has chinese language set.
dr|z3d or I could just leave it as is.
NarratorZ I think... Feel free, anyway, the recommended site does not mean that you approve of their content
dr|z3d yeah, but is there risk to Chinese users by having it on the homepage?
Afkaid Loading failed for the module with source “”.
NarratorZ use i2p is enough dangerous(
dr|z3d that's what I thought.
Afkaid Loading module from “” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
Afkaid Loading failed for the module with source “”.
dr|z3d then you've got more issues with your browser, Afkaid
dr|z3d oh, wait.
Afkaid Loading module from “” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
dr|z3d disallowed mimetype indicates the file doesn't exist.
Afkaid The resource from “” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
dr|z3d if you browse directly to “ do you see some javascript?
dr|z3d if you browse directly to * do you see some javascript?
Afkaid Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src or style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
dr|z3d NarratorZ: you want to respond to that bug report? :)
dr|z3d you're the chinese authority around here.
dr|z3d last issue is fine, normal. other 3 indicate problem loading javascript modules.
NarratorZ I'll go sign in my gitlab later :)
Afkaid the link "" is giving me "The requested web application is not running.Please visit the config clients page to start it."
Afkaid on a console page
dr|z3d have you installed i2p+ on top of the easy browser bundle?
NarratorZ But you might consider taking down the epoch - the site is really Falun Gong's(
dr|z3d something's not quite right there, not a bug with I2P+
dr|z3d NarratorZ: epoch times?
Afkaid that is something else
Afkaid I made aliases for my torrent client
Afkaid the default one "i2psnark" is not runing right now
Afkaid the problem seems to come from that
NarratorZ The English version is a different editorial team, so it doesn't look like it. But I really can't comment on their Chinese version, it's more shit than the CCP:
NarratorZ Once the Chinese censorship evaders came out and saw all this crap it's no wonder they thought CCP would be better
dr|z3d ok, noted, NarratorZ. not sure what we can do about that, other than hide it from chinese users on /home
Afkaid dr|z3d, Well, I have lauched the default "i2psnark" webapps, and now the filter bar works
dr|z3d Afkaid: ok, good. I'll let you into a secret. it all works :)
Afkaid hug.. no
dr|z3d if it doesn't work, it's a pebcak issue.
Afkaid it doesn't work with aliases if the default torrent session is not ON
dr|z3d that's a pebcak issue. :)
Afkaid I don't want my "i2psnark" torrent client to work by default
Afkaid I do not know this word "pebcak"... :s
dr|z3d if you want to run your snark client as a standalone, you can grab the standalone I2P+ snark.
dr|z3d pebcak. Problem Exists Between Computer And Keyboard.
Afkaid no it isn't
Afkaid I use a functionnality of I2P to have several torrent instances
Afkaid the command I used to make that : ln -s ~/i2p/webapps/i2psnark.war ~/i2p/webapps/i2psnark2.war
Afkaid I have seen this somewhere in the zzz.i2p site
dr|z3d sure, that should work.
Afkaid but I don't manage to find it now
dr|z3d check /configwebapps after you've done that.
Afkaid it works, but not for the torrent filter...
Afkaid when the first default torrent is inactive
dr|z3d it's got a fixed path to /i2psnark/ and the second instance is running from /i2psnark2/
Afkaid the one called "12psnark"
Afkaid this could not be dynamic to adapt ?
dr|z3d sure, we can probably do something.
Afkaid Sorry to be such an annoying new user ! :$
dr|z3d it's fine, I'll build you a fix.
dr|z3d do you know how to use eepget?
dr|z3d if you do, great. open it with your editor of choice and configure the path at the top to point to your i2p dir as instructed.
dr|z3d then you can ln -s it in /usr/bin/
dr|z3d and then you can run eepget skank.i2p/Afkaid/ and grab the latest build with the snark fix.
dr|z3d let me know if it works as expected.
dr|z3d then I don't need to worry about multi-homing.
dr|z3d grab that any way you like, drop in ~/i2p/ or ~/.i2p/ then restart router.
Afkaid I never used eepget, I don't know what it is
dr|z3d have you used wget before?
Afkaid I think
dr|z3d then you'll be right at home. eepget is wget for i2p.
Afkaid not even sure
dr|z3d command line file downloader.
Afkaid it is a bit like curl ? right ?
dr|z3d right.
dr|z3d eepget -n 999 url
Afkaid I am not a terminal elite
Afkaid where do am I supposed to find this "eepget" stuff ?
Afkaid how do I "open it with my editor of choice" ? And what do I have to open exactly ? Sorry, that is totally new to me... :$
Afkaid Ok; found it
dr|z3d and you might need to cp eepget to /usr/bin/ and edit from there, as eepget will get overwritten with the update.
Afkaid I try with firefox...
Afkaid I am not confortable to cp things in my /usr/bin/, I never do such things
dr|z3d ok. you can always just run it from ~/i2p/eepget
Afkaid download is done
dr|z3d same for ~/i2p/i2ping and ~/i2p/eephead
Afkaid with firefox
dr|z3d perfect.
dr|z3d let me know if it fixes the double snark jeopardy issue.
Afkaid back...
Afkaid well, I have installed the new, and it seems to work...
dr|z3d great.
Afkaid yes :)
dr|z3d filter bar working on both instances of snark?
Afkaid I only test in one
Afkaid but there is somethng weird
Afkaid when I click on the button "i2psnark2" at the top of the windows, sometime it send me to "i2psnark" (without the "2")
Afkaid It was already doing this before your fix
dr|z3d yeah, that's harder to fix, because it can't know about multiple instances and it needs a default url to point at.
dr|z3d I'll have a look at the code later, but I can't promise anything.
Afkaid around 30 sec after the page have been loaded
Afkaid It seems to be kind of collision when I activate the "i2psnark" instance
Afkaid if I click on a filter button on the "i2psnark" instance, the action is also applied on the "i2psnark2" instance
Afkaid but not in the other way
Afkaid if I click on a filter button on the "i2psnark2" instance, the action is NOT applied on the "i2psnark" instance
Afkaid and the action takes a very long time to be applied
Afkaid In fact, the i2psnark2 tab seems to have crashed
Afkaid I have messages in the JS console :
Afkaid Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. snarkAlert.js:24
Afkaid Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. torrentDisplay.js:29
Afkaid forEach self-hosted:164
Afkaid (Async: IntersectionCallback)
Afkaid InnerModuleEvaluation self-hosted:2355
Afkaid InnerModuleEvaluation self-hosted:2355
Afkaid InnerModuleEvaluation self-hosted:2355
Afkaid evaluation self-hosted:2312
Afkaid I also have message like this :
Afkaid[I2PSnark] InBps&showEvents=false&period=60000&periodCount=1440&end=0&width=2000&height=160&hideLegend=true&hideTitle=true&hideGrid=true
Afkaid Status
Afkaid The stat [I2PSnark] InBps is not available - it must be enabled for graphing on the stats configuration page.
Afkaid And now the filters doesn't work anymore in the 2nd i2psnark session
Afkaid dr|z3d, I feel like I pushed you to do some messy stuffs :s
Afkaid and now the colapsing block and the graph in the left panel doesn't work anymore
Afkaid I have restarted the i2prouter, but things doesn't seem to be better :s
Afkaid The left panel refuse to collapse the blocks and the graph isn't displayer
Afkaid *displayed
Afkaid And I cannot see the list of running services as before
Afkaid dr|z3d, I'll try to get back to the normal dev version of I2P+, before the fix you just gave me
Irc2PGuest332 Well, a bit of the mess is my fault :$, I had deleted the prefs of the in my browser, so no cookies, so no graph and collapsing information blocks
Irc2PGuest332 I am back to the normal 2.1.0-8+ dev build
Afkaid Despite these little problems, that are due to my exotic configuration, I2P+ seems quite good
dr|z3d haven't given much thought to multiple instances of snark in the same session.
dr|z3d it's pretty niche. I'll think about it.
Afkaid thanks
Afkaid if you need testing, don't hesitate to ask me
Afkaid even if I am not really competent :/
dr|z3d thanks, Afkaid, I'll let you know.
dr|z3d regarding the viewstat error, that's expected if you don't have inbound snark stats graph enabled in the console.
dr|z3d when you do, that graph will be overlaid (24h period) on the screenlog.
NULL dr|z3d: I2P+ is fully firewalled after the 2.1.0-8+ install happened, not experiencing any slow downs or issues just happened to notice that and wanted to make you aware
dr|z3d does happen occasionally, NULL, should fix itself.
NULL Sounds good, haven't noticed a single issue from it