IRCaBot 2.1.0
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rambler Ah, was hoping Stormy was around.
XANA hello there
snowflakes Orignal did patch for i2pd. but this patch is private patch
snowflakes for now
snowflakes hi anyone
snowflakes this patch like to works
snowflakes I will try to add the logo on i2pd.i2p
dr|z3d what up snowflakes
snowflakes I think to change testnet on mainnet for antebeot project
snowflakes and maybe reset SOLR
snowflakes for book searching. but SOLR is weird
snowflakes for indexing books
snowflakes almost all ok
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, working on i2p+ as usual. you running it?
snowflakes I2P+ not runs on windows 10
dr|z3d sure it does.
dr|z3d did you install as administrator?
snowflakes I don't encrypt my HDD (I fully decrypt and veracrypt) now. and not use Linux as main system
snowflakes yes, I did it as administrator
snowflakes Batch files don't works
snowflakes I don't encrypt because I lost files everytime when change passwords
snowflakes I think that better way don't paranoid about HDD now
dr|z3d tattoo your password on your forehead. you'll never lose it then :)
snowflakes and Windows more stable OS than Linux. even Firewall
snowflakes So. let me check I2P+ installer. I2P vanilla installer even don't works
snowflakes it's ask 1.6 java. but I have 1.9 java
snowflakes So my Java is outdated for I2P vanilla installer
dr|z3d 1.6 minimum.. thought that's wrong, should be 1.8 min.
dr|z3d try the latest MS OpenJDK.
dr|z3d uninstall oracle first.
snowflakes I have 3 versions of Java
snowflakes Java HotSpot
snowflakes java 17.0.5 too hotspot
snowflakes and in Idea IDE some another java
snowflakes StartI2P+Service.bat dont runs web interface
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager: ERROR - The version of the Wrapper which launched this JVM is "3.5.25"
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager: while the version of the Wrapper jar file currently in use
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager: is "3.5.44".
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager:
snowflakes wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped
dr|z3d it doesn't, and that's intentional.
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager Error: Unable to precheck status of port 31 000 due to: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'int org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager.nativeGetPortStatus(int, java.lang.String, int)'
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager Error: Unable to precheck status of port 31 001 due to: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'int org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager.nativeGetPortStatus(int, java.lang.String, int)'
snowflakes jvm 1 | WrapperManager: ERROR - The version of the Wrapper which launched this JVM is "3.5.25"
dr|z3d did you install i2p+ after normal i2p?
snowflakes I did drop i2p vanilla before install i2p+
snowflakes so. on i2p.exe or i2pvsc.exe iexplorer runs web interface of i2p+
dr|z3d ok, so it's a wrapper version mismatch. I'll look into it. thought that was all good.
snowflakes but for now need to fix firewall
dr|z3d allow java, should work fine with i2p+
snowflakes I mean incoming connection
snowflakes so. for only output connection. with closed ports for incoming connection is works now
snowflakes but batch files don't works
dr|z3d batch file not meant to open console, because with i2p+ running as a service it'll open the console (invisibly) in the wrong user acct.
snowflakes UpNP don't works in i2p+?
dr|z3d no reason why it shouldn't, if the windows service is enabled.
snowflakes i2np.udp.port=17215
snowflakes this port not will change?
snowflakes after restart i2p router
dr|z3d shouldn't do, but revealing that port will identify your router.
snowflakes I don't hide my IP address
snowflakes this ok
snowflakes Ok. then I open port now for incoming connection
snowflakes "Accepting tunnel requests"
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d what version you on there? -0+ ?
snowflakes 2.1.0-0+
snowflakes 3 с.6,9 / 9,7 KBps
snowflakes 5 мин.9,1 / 15,5 KBps
snowflakes Всего5,5 / 9,3 KBps
snowflakes Объем4,38 M / 7,18 M
snowflakes but I think I will restart after open port?
dr|z3d ok, visit /configupdate and enable unsigned dev updates, then change the update url to skank.i2p/dev/
dr|z3d better to update before you restart. grab the latest dev build, has some attack mitigations and stuff.
dr|z3d will have even more soon once zzz's pushed all his latest stuff.
snowflakes Orignal said that you just block all floodfills that allows only NTCP2?
snowflakes I see private patch of Orignal. but I not sure that I can say how better
dr|z3d that's one of the strategies.
snowflakes If you want to know I can to ask orignal about him private patch for i2pd
snowflakes for you
dr|z3d yeah, he's shared that with me, too. it amounts to more or less the same thing in practice.
snowflakes ok then
dr|z3d orignal's already told me about it.
snowflakes I2P+ for now download i2pupdate from skank with 38kb/s
snowflakes i2pd does it with ~23kb/s
snowflakes for now I2P+ do this with ~60kb/s
dr|z3d it'll go as fast as you let it :)
dr|z3d set your http client proxy tunnel to 1 hop in/out for better speed, if you're not worried so much about anonymity. or 2 hops.
dr|z3d or you can set set the default proxy to 0 hop, use that just for updates, and configure a separate http proxy tunnel for browsing if you want max speed.
dr|z3d options :)
snowflakes I did download
snowflakes just put this in i2p+ directory?
dr|z3d sure, you can do that. but in future, update from within the console.
dr|z3d > /configupdate -> set unsigned dev builds on, configure url with the /dev update path you just downloaded from.
snowflakes Declining requests: Shutting down…
snowflakes p> java -jar .\i2p.exe
snowflakes Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
snowflakes Starting I2P+ 2.1.0-0+...
snowflakes INFO: Update file exists: C:\Program Files\i2p\ - installing...
snowflakes ERROR: Unable to create the directory [locale/]
snowflakes ERROR: Update failed!
snowflakes Deleting file C:\Program Files\i2p\
snowflakes ERROR: Unable to delete the update file!
snowflakes I need to run this as admin
snowflakes I think
dr|z3d probably. windows is shit.
snowflakes but locale folder exists already
snowflakes Версия2.1.0-6+
dr|z3d yup, you're getting updates, shouldn't be a problem. the problem is non-admin user.
snowflakes Like updated. thanks
dr|z3d 6+ is good.
dr|z3d make sure you ctrl+shift+r now in your browser.
dr|z3d you now have a jvm cpu load bar in the sidebar.
dr|z3d also build success % under tunnels section in sidebar after 10m uptime.
snowflakes 101 K / 183 K
snowflakes for 288 seconds
snowflakes for 8 minutes 1,21 M / 2,17 M
snowflakes Состояние: IPv4: ОК; IPv6: проверяем (Status: IPv4: OK; IPv6: checks)
snowflakes all works
dr|z3d great
snowflakes 10 minutes
snowflakes this from my i2pd router web interface:
snowflakes Uptime: 5 hours, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
snowflakes Network status: OK
snowflakes Tunnel creation success rate: 19%
snowflakes Received: 9.50 GiB (429.43 KiB/s)
snowflakes Sent: 9.90 GiB (487.44 KiB/s)
snowflakes Transit: 6.85 GiB (273.73 KiB/s)
snowflakes upwork 10 min
snowflakes Build Success13%
snowflakes maybe is because first launch
dr|z3d could be, takes time for you to profile floodfills and work out which ones to trust.
dr|z3d while you're waiting, check the new collapsible sidebar sections...
dr|z3d hover over sidebar heading and you'll see what I mean...
dr|z3d nice, eh? :)
snowflakes I think that is very good technology. but in ~18 century people will said (maybe) that is devil technology
snowflakes this with web interface, graph drawer
snowflakes not bad
snowflakes but in 18 century yes
snowflakes I would don't show the technology in 18 century to people
snowflakes So. what you can said about my idea add my new website on i2pd.i2p?
snowflakes and I would to add multihooming for antebeot
dr|z3d it's all in russian!
dr|z3d I'm sure it's great, but I have no idea what it's about.
snowflakes where directory with keys in i2p?
snowflakes logo is just bad joke. but website no joke. but for now in testnet
snowflakes but for now is use testnet yet
snowflakes and I want to disable eepsete in i2p+
snowflakes jetty server
snowflakes because jetty server will to eats RAM
snowflakes Uptime: 5 days, 3 hours, 1 minute, 43 seconds Network status: Firewalled Tunnel creation success rate: 9% Received: 3042.93 GiB (8.17 KiB/s) Sent: 8042.54 GiB (8.46 KiB/s) Transit: 1423.59 GiB (2.54 KiB/s)
snowflakes this uptime (maybe not fake) from #ru on irc.ilita.i2p of some fISDLGuLGIAUGfoarwwqfwadas_
dr|z3d what's your build success on i2p+ now?
dr|z3d firewalled routers are doing a lot worse with build success as far as I've noticed.