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RN trying to update mine, but it had an older update already downloaded and doesn't seem to get the new one
RN so I manually deleted that one and am retrying the dl of the new version but it is taking a long time now
RN then I get transfer failed, AND download updated (stamped with one from a few days ago even though I deleted that file)
RN s/download updated/update downloaded/
RN And, now also a button to download one released today. very confusing dr|z3d
dr|z3d yeah, sorry about that, RN, there's some weirdness happening with skank I'm trying to address.
dr|z3d in the meantime, updates are available from gitlab or .onion address.
RN ok. lemme know when it is back up and running
dr|z3d the date on the sidebar will indicate the last available update that hasn't been downloaded assuming it hasn't and it can't connect to skank.
dr|z3d it'll also show an update available notification if you manually install an update outside of the console updater.
RN well, the console had one downloaded, but I deleted it when I started getting the mixed messages in the console
RN I want to skip to the current one
dr|z3d one sec, I'll link you the latest CI build when it's finished building.
dr|z3d and after you update, skank should load fine again.
dr|z3d in theory. :)
dr|z3d that's the new new.
dr|z3d everyone running I2P+ should grab that version and installing manually by ensuring it's named and copied to ~/i2p/ or ~/.i2p/ .. be sure anything flavored in ~/.i2p/ is deleted first.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d testing it out now.
dr|z3d ok, y2kboy23, thanks. you'll likely see a higher known peer count, slow and unreachable routers are getting expired a bit later.
dr|z3d while I'm troubleshooting why skank's playing hard to get, I'm tweaking/reverting stuff to see if it fixes the connectivity issue.
dr|z3d something strange happening, anyways. I can put a new tunnel up with the same server as skank.i2p is using, new b32, no problem. smells slightly dodgy.
y2kboy23 Hmm. Interesting.
dr|z3d yeah, it's bizarre.
RN what's the version number for the new one dr? not sure if I got it.
T3s|4 aloha RN: I'm running 6e0b65f5 (Build date: 2023-01-24 05:51:28 UTC) - from: - I haven't been able to open skank.i2p for several days
RN yeah, I was hoping it downloded it already... not sure where to find that kind of vers number in the console
T3s|4 RN, click on router info from the left console panel
RN ok, dooh, used to know that
RN so, 0.9.57?
RN still not giving me a version string like what you pasted T3s|4
RN well, no... 'router info' takes me to the netdb on 'own router'
RN which is the api version I was looking at on the logs page
RN wasn't sure if the api version is build specific for plus or canon
RN on canon I get the version string with a -xxx for dev versions
RN but in + dr doesn't change that version number till something major usually, so I have to dig a little more, and don't recall if it is the api version number I am after
RN I'm getting the message that an update is available to dl again, so I presume I am not up to date
RN really didn't want to grab it from gitlab, but think that is my only option unless someone tells me 0.9.57 is the one just released with the important updates
dr|z3d RN: there's a commit version for the router on /info next to the little orange gitlab fox. that's what T3s|4's referring to.
dr|z3d you can get the commit value for all components (sometimes they may differ) on /jars
dr|z3d you can also grab updates from skank.i2p's alternate .onion home.
dr|z3d those builds are hand built by me, versus gitlab's CI.
dr|z3d still trying to work out why skank's not publishing its leaseset.
dr|z3d something to do with the fact it thinks a newer version's already published, though obviously it isn't.
RN mind pasting the onion dr? Still waiting for connection lag to see the info page again... /jars is good idea for where to look next time
dr|z3d just pasted above. guess you or I is lagged.
RN and that link won't work in the console right? the checking for Tor running thing is just for bootstrapping a new router right?
dr|z3d one sec, just building a new build...
RN seem to be having lag on that box's connection right now anyway, so … I can wait a few
dr|z3d touch wood snark should now be fully functional again with the torrent filter bar filtering from the entire torrent collection.
dr|z3d there's no update there until I upload a new one. wanted to avoid your or anyone else downloading a stale build.
RN well, I don't see any fox or any other graphic on /netdb?r=. except the warning about disclosing router id
dr|z3d not there.
dr|z3d on /info
dr|z3d as in /info
dr|z3d top table, Revision: ....
RN oh my! that one has a red triangle
RN Sorry! You appear to be requesting a nonexistent Router Console page or resource.
dr|z3d ok, you're not on I2P+ then.
RN I was clicking 'router info' on the leftern pannel
RN as someone suggested
RN hmmm... musta auto grabbed an update that reverted it then
RN that's weird
dr|z3d and hopefully the skank connectivity issues will be too, soon.
dr|z3d ok, new build finally up on .onion
dr|z3d nothere not_bob: ihttp://eekmit7xiyu3vjgovu756xj3rzbhycwzgx4gmnyqxau64yzckiluoxad.onion/dev/
dr|z3d please test the torrent filter bar if you're on the latest build. taken far longer than I'd like to get it working on all loaded torrents :|
RN so, did my router auto-update itself to a canon one now? or is it in some weird hybrid state where I should just reinstall?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I can reach skank now, however, snark is only showing less than 25% of my torrents despite being up for over an hour
dr|z3d try a hard refresh, T3s|4.
dr|z3d dunno if it's a javascript issue. might be.
dr|z3d latest patch appears to have fixed skank access.
T3s|4 did that multiple times already - with zero impact
dr|z3d so it's loading the torrents, but super slow?
dr|z3d and is it doing integrity checks on all of them?
dr|z3d also, how many, roughly?
T3s|4 there has not been even one added in past 15 minutes, when I first looked
T3s|4 *the past
dr|z3d > and is it doing integrity checks on all of them?
dr|z3d > also, how many, roughly?
T3s|4 more than a 100
dr|z3d ok. what about integrity checks? are they running?
dr|z3d aside from the javascript stuff, nothing's changed in the latest builds re snark.
T3s|4 nope, afaict - when I scroll through the list of: Torrent added and started: - it looks like all of them are there, but only a small % are displayed in the Show All window
dr|z3d have you got paging configured?
dr|z3d pagesize..
dr|z3d Show All == show all torrents and revert to the pagesize configured, assuming you have the torrent filter bar active.
T3s|4 my page size has been set to 500 for many years
dr|z3d torrent filter bar?
T3s|4 no, under snark config
dr|z3d enable it, see what happens. you're meant to be testing it :)
dr|z3d you're exactly the candidate for testing, given the amount of torrents you've got going on. help me help you.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: if you meant do I have Torrent filter bar enabled? Yes, it's been enabled for a very long time
dr|z3d yes, that's what I was asking..
dr|z3d so try hitting the various filter buttons..
dr|z3d for anything other than show all, you should see all torrents in that category.
dr|z3d hey shiver
T3s|4 Good news - after my last hard refresh, all my torrents are now showing - if it was ever a problem, it's now solved (for now). Will let you know after my next restart
dr|z3d good timing.
dr|z3d ok, great. keep an eye on things, and give the filters a good hard throb.
dr|z3d filtering between categories should be more or less instant, with a badge on the active filter indicating count.
dr|z3d (and let me know if they're performing as expected)
y2kboy23 Looking good so far dr|z3d. Only thing I'm seeing now is the small bandwidth graph in the side bar is missing the actual data. It shows up on the /graph page
dr|z3d y2kboy23: try a hard refresh (CTRL+SHIFT+R) ?
dr|z3d let me get the latest changes in master for you, y2kboy23
T3s|4 yeah - changing between Show All and say Incomplete has always been almost instant, however, if I now click on Incomplete, nothing happens - and I continue to see my Show All list. No other category filter is working either
T3s|4 and hard refreshes do nothing when trying to switch filters
dr|z3d sometimes the javascript can be a bit sticky. have you got a clear cache button extension installed?
y2kboy23 No go with the hard refresh dr|z3d
dr|z3d check your logs, y2kboy23, see if there's anything obvious there re graph.
T3s|4 I don't recall ever installing a clear cache extension
dr|z3d occasionally I've seen the graph fail only for it to work again after a restart. and I've just pushed to master, so probably a good time :)
y2kboy23 dr|z3d nvm. Just takes a sec for it to pop in
y2kboy23 I should really just stop messing with things haha
dr|z3d let me double check here T3s|4 that it's not expecting the scripts to be loaded from somewhere other than the jar. shouldn't be.. 1 sec.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: nah, carry on messing. it's how we fix bugs :)
dr|z3d ok, T3s|4, try this..
dr|z3d on the file icon to the left of firefox's addressbar..
dr|z3d just next to the url. inline.
dr|z3d click that and -> clear cookies and site data..
dr|z3d see if that fixes.
RN so, did my router auto-update itself to a canon one now? or is it in some weird hybrid state where I should just reinstall?
dr|z3d should be fine, RN. but I can't see from here :)
dr|z3d are you on canon or cannon?
RN well I don't have the 'git fox' so canon
dr|z3d try a check for updates, RN, assuming you've got the /dev/ path configured.
RN but why would it revert?
dr|z3d because you have auto-update configured.
dr|z3d and until recently, I wasn't preventing an auto-update to vanilla.
dr|z3d sees a new release, updates to it. and then with skank being fail lately, it probably didn't see a newer release after that.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: done, but no impact post another hard refresh
dr|z3d first thing, set updates to NOTIFY ONLY.
RN I still have the "download … Jan20 … 12:01AM" button
dr|z3d try a new check for updates, should report a newer version now.
dr|z3d are you running snark embedded in the console, T3s|4, or on a separate page?
T3s|4 embedded
dr|z3d T3s|4: also, try a hard refresh on this: view-source:
dr|z3d T3s|4: also, try a check for updates..
dr|z3d maybe you pulled a version just before the latest stuff landed. because it's all functioning as expected here.
T3s|4 the .js page loads, and a hard refresh just shows the page/code
dr|z3d you got 6b84a08d rev on /info or something else?
dr|z3d yeah, hard refresh on the source code ensures the new javascript gets loaded is all. sometimes it needs that.
dr|z3d oh, and re speed, it's different now.
dr|z3d or maybe not, if you have a 500 pagesize configured. nevermind.
T3s|4 pulling an update now; been on 6e0b65f5 for the past several hours
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d that'll be the issue then :)
dr|z3d skank should be working again.
dr|z3d le me know if it is.
T3s|4 skank started working a few hours back
dr|z3d yeah, I fixed up leaseset republication which was behaving funny, but only for skank. one of those heisenbug scenarios.
T3s|4 lols
dr|z3d been a hectic few days.
dr|z3d RN: any progress on the updates?
T3s|4 yep, you've been quite busy of late, now restarting...
RN about to find out
dr|z3d so you got a new notification and pulled a new one?
RN it pulled one from skank's dev link
RN restarting in 10-18 min
dr|z3d all fixed now, T3s|4?
RN so ...8d rev is the one I want?
RN I can see it visually is back on plus
dr|z3d yeah, 8d is good. latest.
dr|z3d you'll have new stuff there if that's your first update post release.
dr|z3d cpu load bar, Build Success under tunnels after 10m uptime. and more.
RN not sure if I have them in default positions, but my RAM graph is right under In/Out and the popup text is behind the graph making it hard to read
RN otherwise looks very nice
RN the RAM text shows like it is behind the inbound/outbound graph (to clarify)
dr|z3d try a hard refresh. and what theme?
RN already did a hard refresh, checking theme
dr|z3d which theme are you using?
dr|z3d midnight?
dr|z3d if you want default positions, reset to default on /configsidebar
dr|z3d and then tweak to taste.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: all torrents loaded but only Show All works on the filter bar
dr|z3d rev 6b84a08d T3s|4?
T3s|4 nope - the console update pulled in 6e0b65f5 (Build date: 2023-01-24 05:51:28 UTC)
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d or it didn't and you had an older update already downloaded.
dr|z3d 1 in 2 chance now of getting a pack200 update.
dr|z3d under 50% of the size of a standard update.
T3s|4 that smells like goodness :D
dr|z3d until you're on the rev cited above, reports about the filter bar not working are redundant :)
T3s|4 noted
T3s|4 dr|z3d: grabbed 6e0b65f5 from gitlab; again snark loaded all my torrents, hard refreshed, and only Show All works
dr|z3d rev 6b84a08d T3s|4?
dr|z3d >> until you're on the rev cited above, reports about the filter bar not working are redundant
dr|z3d we could carry this on for days.
dr|z3d or you could just get the correct, latest update. :)
dr|z3d use skank update from your console.
dr|z3d either version being served is the correct version.
dr|z3d (pack200 or otherwise)
T3s|4 sorry dr|z3d - I used this link iirc you posted yesterday: Does that link not always contain the latest? Now I'll try pulling it from skank
dr|z3d that link will serve the latest build, yes.
dr|z3d or put a different way, that link will, once the CI has built the update, serve whatever the latest commit in the master branch is.
dr|z3d takes around 6m for a CI cycle to complete.
RN sorry, got distracted... theme is dark
dr|z3d hard refresh browser, should fix.
RN done a few hard refreshes
T3s|4 pulled it from skank (5.2 MiB) which gave me 6e0b65f5 (Build date: 2023-01-24 05:51:28 UTC), which is ^identical (07:47:14) to my prior restart
T3s|4 Blinded message
dr|z3d ok, that's annoying. let me check it's serving the latest. sorry.
dr|z3d pulled the latest from gitlab onto skank.
dr|z3d or skank. should serve the same.
dr|z3d just odd, everything's odd right now.
dr|z3d make sure you delete the previous download if you're pulling to the same place. and check wrapper logs, make sure your update was successful.
dr|z3d * pulling from same place via wget.
dr|z3d just pulled the latest pack200 update, let's see what I get.
dr|z3d pulling from skank pack200 gives me 8d.
dr|z3d might have had a crufty version there before, T3s|4. anyways, all points to 8d now.
dr|z3d (or more likely your update somehow failed, but whatever)
dr|z3d persistent update failure can also be caused by the wrong ownership on an update file. if .i2p/ has wrong perms, update gets downloaded to /tmp and then fails to copy. unlikely to have happened here, as the router should report fail, but worth noting.
dr|z3d if you hit the commit link on the left hand side on gitlab, you'll see what's new. that commit link will only show you the latest commit, when there may be several commits that comprise a new build.
dr|z3d anyways, in brief, when local leasesets are republished, there's now a bit more latitude when determining if a newer LS is available. fixed skank's issues.
RN gotcha
RN thanks
not_bob dr|z3d: I'm still getting the flashing when I have the filter bar enabled.
not_bob Except when I have "All torrents" selected from the filter bar.
dr|z3d not_bob_: you'll probably want to grab the gitlab copy.
dr|z3d if that's still causing flashes, then the issue isn't overlapping ajax refreshes at all (fixed), and I may have to bring forward the next round of optimizations :)
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I kept getting firewalled messages but it looks like the ports don't match what I have setup in my config file. The network page has everything correct but the router info screen shows different ports.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: I've seen that before when a peer determines you're on a different port.
dr|z3d there's a config you can try that bypasses using other peers to confirm your ip address / port, if you're on a fixed ip.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: i2np.udp.disablePeerTest=true and then restart router. see if that helps.