IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
XANA dr|z3d, you are up?
XANA dr|z3d, why my node is kinda slow?
XANA getting like Average298.3 / 96.6 KBps
XANA 1023 pert tunnels
XANA 17 days
XANA 2.0.0-0+
XANA how to do so?
XANA most of the time of updating I undup in vanilla version
XANA end up
XANA there is no update availible
XANA though now my router is using full 512 MB ram
XANA dr|z3d, so what now?
XANA so ye
dr|z3d XANA: updated yet?
XANA it's showing it's updated
dr|z3d what is? you're running -15+ now?
XANA no?
dr|z3d so what's showing it's updated? you've pulled down the update but haven't restarted the router?
XANA it did not pulled anything?
dr|z3d did you read the instructions on /configupdate ?
dr|z3d > try updating to the latest dev version
dr|z3d the critical word is "dev"
dr|z3d I couldn't make switching for the release url to the dev url easier if I tried. but you have to read and follow the instructions at the bottom of /configupdate
dr|z3d *from
dr|z3d XANA: you should be aware that there's been a bunch of issues on the network this cycle.. SSU2 bugs, i2pd bugs and an increase in what appears to be non-legit traffic. so the latest dev build attempts to fix some of that.
dr|z3d low bandwidth routers that make too many part tunnel requests in a short period will now get rejected and then temp banned for 1/2 hour. we're also being more aggressive in removing slow/unreachable routers from the netdb and scaling the expire time for all routers so the netdb doesn't get too large.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - been running 15+ here - any thoughts from zzz he may push back on the next version release until he sorts it ^all out? I'm in no hurry, and things seem to running as expected :D
dr|z3d should mostly be sorted on the java side, T3s|4, hence the release tomorrow.
dr|z3d when the network updates, things should improve.
T3s|4 thanks and noted on the 'when the network updates'
dr|z3d I2P+ now has fairly robust defences against shitty routers saturating your connection.
XANA I have 1GBps connection
T3s|4 super!
dr|z3d T3s|4: add the line net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ParticipatingThrottler=WARN to /configlogging if you want to see that in play.
XANA And I have set my speed at 48.2 Mbps
dr|z3d XANA: let me know when you're on -15+ then we can figure out what to do next to improve things.
XANA is it mayby cause aparently my node is ipv6?
XANA it wont let me update
dr|z3d if ipv6 isn't being correctly forwarded, possible. hover over the traffic light icon in the sidebar, see what it says.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: ^done
XANA set url to skank.i2p/dev/ and pressed check update nothing
XANA my node is green
dr|z3d XANA: try i2p/eephead skank.i2p
dr|z3d when that responds with headers, then try checking for updates. make sure you've saved the /dev url on /configupdate so it persists.
XANA Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 11:32:42 GMT
dr|z3d T3s|4: anything with a limit of 5 in 220s is either slow tier or unreachable. much higher limits are afforded to fast routers.
T3s|4 nice to penalize the slow ;p
dr|z3d if that's the response from eephead, XANA, try checking for updates again, making sure you're on the unsigned /dev url and it's ticked.
XANA Etag: "63ac295a-5a53"
XANA shall I download it manually
dr|z3d up to you, but better if you can get it downloaded via the console, that way you won't see spurious update available notifications in the sidebar.
XANA I do that
XANA no update availible
dr|z3d [x] update with unsigned development builds.
XANA restarting
dr|z3d ok, just get yourself on -15+ for now.
dr|z3d T3s|4: slow routers making a huge number of requests is possible a symptom of either a network attack or misconfigured software. either way, shouldn't be happening.
dr|z3d so if we see it happening in i2p+, we allow for some latitude, send a few rejects, and then ban the offending router for 1/2 hour if it doesn't get the message.
dr|z3d it's the difference between 6K and 12K tunnels on some routers, with the additional 6K tunnels doing nothing much.
dr|z3d otoh, if you really want to host a ridiculous amount of shitty tunnels, i2pd has you covered. reports of some routers hosting ~18K tunnels.
dr|z3d you get updated, XANA_?
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I'm on -16 now. Anything I can or should be looking for?
dr|z3d y2kboy23: nothing much to see, just some upstream fixes
dr|z3d > y2kboy23: nothing much to see, just some upstream fixes
dr|z3d > y2kboy23: btw, if you're building your images from my gitlab repo, the dev branch isn't persistent, gets deleted when commits are merged to master, so master is probably better.
dr|z3d > you get updated, XANA_?