IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme lol no parabo
parabo grow a beard or you'll be dead
itsjustme I'll die anyway
parabo men with beards can't be killed
itsjustme eventually
parabo I'm terminally ill
itsjustme I'm not
itsjustme maybe you're terminally ill from your beard :P
parabo I probably have 30 or 40 years but I will not die of age related issues
itsjustme you're how old now?
parabo I am fine with dying in 30 years, but there's a good chance by then treatment options will be more reasonable and realistic to hope for
itsjustme I mean 77 is not horrible
itsjustme oh thats true too
parabo I mean living past 70 isn't really something I care to strive for
parabo I've always wanted to die before I become weak and unable to care for myself
parabo itsjustme: What kind of smart watch do you have?
parabo I know you have one
itsjustme I have an old one
itsjustme I never saw the reason to replace it lol
itsjustme I mean its nice but eh
parabo Yeah, I think I'm going to get a Apple Watch series 3... 5 generations old
itsjustme I'll probably not buy another when this one dies honestly
parabo I want to become an apple app dev so I am getting apple stuff
AmyMalik parabo, tbh I hope you make it to 100 with all your faculties intact
parabo Well thanks for the kind words AmyMalik
parabo I read an editorial about how people who are alive right now and under 40 will probably live past 100 due to already existing medical technology
parabo but it was an editorial not a research paper
AmyMalik most wealthy people will make it to eighty
parabo itsjustme!!!
itsjustme hey parabo
parabo What are you doing?
itsjustme how are you?
itsjustme watching some youtube. you?
parabo oh you know... Straight up gangster shit
itsjustme nice :)
parabo I am trying to decide what to do
parabo I am currently just thinking about random things
parabo I keep obsessing about Apple Watch purchase
parabo itsjustme: any new projects since your smart clock?
itsjustme ehh, I mean yes but noting to exciting
parabo what is your current project?
parabo AmyMalik what is RMS?
parabo dr|z3d
parabo what up gangster?
AmyMalik parabo, toejam stallman
dr|z3d oh, you know, parabo, shizzle dizzle.
parabo oh fo sho
dr|z3d working on the new /peers summary parabol
parabol dr|z3d peer profiling
dr|z3d no, parabo, /peers .. summary page.
parabol Yeah I was asking if you were adding your peer profiling data to the summary page
dr|z3d ntcp/ssu connections.
dr|z3d no, why would I? that's an entirely different dataset.
parabol dr|z3d I'm not sure. but I was wondering
dr|z3d > /peers for connections, /profiles for.. well, you get the picture.
dr|z3d if you've got the latest dev build you've got the the peers summary page.
dr|z3d *the new
dr|z3d I'm just happy you don't have to look at the transport pages by default, which can get quite laggy with lots of connections.
dr|z3d you can now get an approximate idea of SSU2 deployment on the network there, vs SSU1.
parabol ahh yeah, I remember reading that SSU2 was going to be the new standard in this major version release
dr|z3d it is. i2pd have already dropped SSU1, i2p still supports it but will use SSU2 where it can.
parabol I finally got into a new video game
parabol Humankind
parabol dr|z3d do you want a free Humankind global steam key? I accidentally bought a gobal key assuming global meant it worked everywhere, when global is for countries not in a speific regional network
parabol so I have a unused key for the game
dr|z3d HumanKind, parabol? what's that?
parabol dr|z3d it's a 4x game, like Civilization VI
dr|z3d and maybe save it for anomaly when he's about. he likes those sort of games, no?
parabol anomaly has a north america account
parabol Like me, so he can't use it
dr|z3d yeah, but he's based in South Korea right now.
parabo I know but his account is not
parabo I have him on Steam
parabo I'm going to enter "oh eoe Oheo" as a prompt for Midjourney
dr|z3d that's pretty farcical, anyways. keys for stream should work in all locales.
parabo Cool I just learned how to get a dictionary popup window when I need a definition for a word in MacOS
parabo Oh this image is beautiful
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - did zzz jump straight to -2?
rambler Morning all
NarratorZ moring!
NarratorZ fix:morning!
T3s|4 yo rambler - all OK?
rambler T3s|4 hey hey. Yeah, all good here. You?
T3s|4 yep = all good, multiple potential fatal accidents avoided last night, despite the extra 'million or so' revelers who attended with their whiskey, et al ;p